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1 hour ago, Seraphim said:

And we are in the fourth wave now. Ontario had the highest case count in 2 months today at 513 cases. 

Digital vaccine passports coming out in the Fall. 

I got my digital vaccine record a couple of weeks ago.

I envy you. Here in the US people are screaming about "FREEDOM!" and are fighting against "vaccine 'passports'". Also fighting against the vaccine AND against mask mandates.

It's a mess here, sadly.

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58 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I got my digital vaccine record a couple of weeks ago.

I envy you. Here in the US people are screaming about "FREEDOM!" and are fighting against "vaccine 'passports'". Also fighting against the vaccine AND against mask mandates.

It's a mess here, sadly.

The ability to gain an official digital passport becomes available doesn’t mean everyone will avail of it though. My son certainly won’t. I have digital copies and hard copies of our vaccines, this would just be an official “ federal copy”. 

We will see how it goes as a snap federal election was just called for Sept . 

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  • 1 month later...

I am fully vaccinated. So are my kids, my brother and his kids and my son's spouse.

I don't know for sure how many of my (many, many) cousins are vaccinated.  I would guess probably 80%. My one cousin's husband refuses despite possibly putting his own young children at risk. He just plain says he won't do it, period.

My best friends are also vaccinated but that's a small group these days lol.

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I downloaded my vaccine passport today. 
My best friend her son-in-law might have COVID so her daughter and grandson can’t go home . Apparently one of his co workers has it and so does the co worker’s pregnant wife who is due in 3 weeks. Apparently the wife was very careless. So now they are waiting for the son-in-law’s results . Her daughter and grand baby had been visiting her so they weren’t exposed so they are waiting for results to know if / when they can go home . 

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I feel scared sometimes with everything going on. I know this isn't different or new to say, but today I just need to hear from a wider audience that others understand. 

I'm worried about if someone needs the hospital, will they get help. I'm worried about climate change, I'm worried about what's going to happen this winter as people struggle to keep up with costs around me. 

And I'm feeling this tension, people talking more carefully with each other, people getting more volatile and turning on each other. 

Thanks for listening. 

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54 minutes ago, itsallgrand said:

I feel scared sometimes with everything going on. I know this isn't different or new to say, but today I just need to hear from a wider audience that others understand. 

I'm worried about if someone needs the hospital, will they get help. I'm worried about climate change, I'm worried about what's going to happen this winter as people struggle to keep up with costs around me. 

And I'm feeling this tension, people talking more carefully with each other, people getting more volatile and turning on each other. 

Thanks for listening. 

I hear you. My son has been turned on by many people during Covid. People have become very intolerant of anyone and anything. No kindness out there anymore but they want it for themselves. 

Here in Ontario healthcare is slow moving but I had a personal friend die of cancer because she didn’t even know she was dying until she was under the knife and she never woke up . 

Optometrists in Ontario are on strike too because they haven’t had a raise  in over 30 years. So we can’t get eye care either right now. This is the year my insurance pays for eye exams and glasses but guess I ain’t getting those even if I have had headaches every day for 30 days. Plus as a diabetic I have a right to an eye exam every year provincially paid but they are trying to drop that from the roster too because you know people with chronic disease have all kinds of money. 🙄

I have been reduced to almost a virtual wreck and I am sure Covid plays a huge part . 

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I understand.

There seems to be so much negative stuff going on and I have a tendency to focus on the bad. So I decided to get out of myself and do something to help others. Last week my city had a one day big donation drive for various local nonprofit groups. So I donated to 6 of them. Not big amounts but something. Total donations for the event were just over $1.8 million!! And there's a man who runs a free book giveaway station in my city so I bought 4 children's books to donate. I'm also getting a flu vaccine and my second shingles vaccine this weekend. AND participating in a march for a cause I believe in on Saturday. 

I still feel anxious but I'm trying really hard to get myself out of the anxious, depressed rut I got into last summer. 

But I get it, trust me. I do.

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1 hour ago, Seraphim said:

I hear you. My son has been turned on by many people during Covid. People have become very intolerant of anyone and anything. No kindness out there anymore but they want it for themselves. 

Here in Ontario healthcare is slow moving but I had a personal friend die of cancer because she didn’t even know she was dying until she was under the knife and she never woke up . 

Optometrists in Ontario are on strike too because they haven’t had a raise  in over 30 years. So we can’t get eye care either right now. This is the year my insurance pays for eye exams and glasses but guess I ain’t getting those even if I have had headaches every day for 30 days. Plus as a diabetic I have a right to an eye exam every year provincially paid but they are trying to drop that from the roster too because you know people with chronic disease have all kinds of money. 🙄

I have been reduced to almost a virtual wreck and I am sure Covid plays a huge part . 

Oh I'm so so sorry about your friend. 

Thanks for sharing. I keep all this mostly to myself almost all the time. Sometimes I just have to let it out and talk and hear others talk about it too. Helps me to feel less crazy. 

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1 hour ago, boltnrun said:

I understand.

There seems to be so much negative stuff going on and I have a tendency to focus on the bad. So I decided to get out of myself and do something to help others. Last week my city had a one day big donation drive for various local nonprofit groups. So I donated to 6 of them. Not big amounts but something. Total donations for the event were just over $1.8 million!! And there's a man who runs a free book giveaway station in my city so I bought 4 children's books to donate. I'm also getting a flu vaccine and my second shingles vaccine this weekend. AND participating in a march for a cause I believe in on Saturday. 

I still feel anxious but I'm trying really hard to get myself out of the anxious, depressed rut I got into last summer. 

But I get it, trust me. I do.

Oh that's wonderful how you are helping others. I appreciate this. I try to do this too but at the moment just feeling overwhelmed. Thanks for replying. Means a lot that you get it. 

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Long time since I've checked out this thread. It's good to see everyone active on here still. 

I got my booster (3rd!) shot of Pfizer and it's honestly knocked me on my rump. I think I'm having side effects PLUS I highly suspect I caught a known illness from a patient at work. I've been feverish for days now. Work has been so short but I knew I didn't have covid (tested Saturday) that I went in for a partial day to help out. Doing a half day messed me up. I came back and have had a consistent fever of 101 despite taking meds. My head is killing me and I have chills and my whole body hurts. 

My sinuses are full of mucus and I lost my sense of taste and smell today. I know I'm being paranoid but I booked another test this afternoon in the drive-thru. 

I highly, highly doubt it will be positive considering I started getting sick Friday and tested the next day but still, I can't help but worry. 

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I now know of 5 who have/had Covid recently.  3 hospitalized.  2 since released and one still on a ventilator 10 days and counting.  All of these people were vehement anti-vaxers.  Guess which families have now changed their mind and are getting vaccinated?

One incident.  A family nieces birthday.  Maybe 20 people in attendance.  6 ended up with Covid.  The only six in the family unvaccinated.  3 were kids and 3 adults.  The others perfectly fine.

At this point it's hard to feel compassion.  But you do. . .You just feel so frustrated and conflicted.

The family with the 45 year old son is on a ventilator. . As vocal as they were with conspiracy theories, it is heart wrenching to see the fear in the family eyes because no matter what you don't want to see anyone in the situation.  They can't visit him and they get daily updates.  It's just so frustrating because this was easily prevented.  The hard part is, the family lost their adult daughter 10 years ago to long illness.  I can't imagine outliving both of your children.

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That is such a sad story, @reinventmyself.

I myself will not attend gatherings or go anywhere with anyone who is not vaccinated. I did attend a rally this weekend but it was outdoors, I stood toward the back and almost everyone was wearing a mask. I saw maybe 10 unmasked people out of the 300 plus attendees and I avoided those people. I won't get on an airplane or ride a bus. I dined indoors twice before Delta hit us hard and I haven't done so since.

I already had Covid and am not interested in getting sick from the Delta variant.

Vaccines are why we don't have big polio or measles outbreaks anymore. Vaccines work.

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Here the 4th wave has flattened and our daily 7 day rate is dropping . Only due to the very aggressive vaccine campaign. They are even having mobile clinics and bringing the vaccine to the people in neighborhoods who have been reluctant and people who haven’t made it a priority. The majority now getting it are school age kids who can’t be vaccinated yet. Although in my old area there is a 23% breakthrough rate in the vaccinated. 

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5 hours ago, boltnrun said:

Loss of taste and smell are classic Covid symptoms. I do hope you are OK. I had Covid and while I was sick for a month I never had to be hospitalized. So if you do have it I hope you have a mild case.

Unfortunately, I got the results back, although much too late - I am indeed positive via PCR test. How did it take you to regain your sense of taste/smell? I don't have the fatigue. I have body aches, chills, low fever, and a cruddy headache. Oh, and congestion. nothing else. no cough, no short of breath, nothing.

I'm not upset about having COVID as I am upset that I worked with symptoms in a highly fragile patient population. I had just gotten my booster! My symptoms were in line with the booster shot. We are so short-staffed and we were all desparate. I wore my mask. My boss knew, everyone knew, I knew., but again, we all thought it was the booster..I tested ASAP and for some reason, it took days to come back. 

I'm being eaten alive with guilt now. 

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3 minutes ago, Fudgie said:

Unfortunately, I got the results back, although much too late - I am indeed positive via PCR test. How did it take you to regain your sense of taste/smell? I don't have the fatigue. I have body aches, chills, low fever, and a cruddy headache. Oh, and congestion. nothing else. no cough, no short of breath, nothing.

I'm not upset about having COVID as I am upset that I worked with symptoms in a highly fragile patient population. I had just gotten my booster! My symptoms were in line with the booster shot. We are so short-staffed and we were all desparate. I wore my mask. My boss knew, everyone knew, I knew., but again, we all thought it was the booster..I tested ASAP and for some reason, it took days to come back. 

I'm being eaten alive with guilt now. 

Please try to not feel guilt you didn’t know. You better than us know how desperate the medical community needs people right now . Just concentrate on getting better . 

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1 minute ago, Fudgie said:

Unfortunately, I got the results back, although much too late - I am indeed positive via PCR test. How did it take you to regain your sense of taste/smell? I don't have the fatigue. I have body aches, chills, low fever, and a cruddy headache. Oh, and congestion. nothing else. no cough, no short of breath, nothing.

I'm not upset about having COVID as I am upset that I worked with symptoms in a highly fragile patient population. I had just gotten my booster! My symptoms were in line with the booster shot. We are so short-staffed and we were all desparate. I wore my mask. My boss knew, everyone knew, I knew., but again, we all thought it was the booster..I tested ASAP and for some reason, it took days to come back. 

I'm being eaten alive with guilt now. 

Please do not beat yourself up with guilt. Everyone you came in contact with can be tested and provided with treatment. At least you know now not to go to work when sick.

I never lost my senses of taste and smell but my nephew did. It took about six months before he started being able to taste food again.

Please stay home and take care of yourself. And seek treatment if you need it. I hope you are feeling better soon.

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I always, always lose my sense of taste/smell when I have a cold. I'm also stuffy as all hell so that doesn't help. Who knows. I'm hoping it will come back. I'm going to have a mental breakdown if I can't smell ever again.

I feel so, so, so bad. I would never tell anyone to work while sick. It was just such a stupid thing. If I hadn't gotten the booster, there's no way in hell I would have gone in with headache/chills. But again, we were so short-staffed, I couldn't do that to them, we've had so many people call out, both sick and not. My boss was fine with it too because I tested recently and we had been getting the results back quickly and the lab had a backlog and just never did anything or told anyone - I was positive and worked nearly the whole weekend. 

I am terrified I gave it to a particular patient, who is too young to be vaccinated. She's really sweet. I wore my PPE. If she gets it I'm never going to forgive myself. 

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