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In stark contrast to spending NYE with one couple who drove into town from another state. They're staying with one of their sons & DIL who were out of town themselves. They are all dbl vaxed and boosted.  But they were still were thoughtful enough to test before they came, putting others safety first just in case.

Just to have my bfs son and gf sick all weekend and thinking it's a great time to stop by his Dad's announced and stay for 90 mins.   Are they really that clueless??

Now I'm mad all over again


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35 minutes ago, reinventmyself said:


I have no history of diabetes. But my blood sugar, for some unknown reason has been as high as 425.  It was 369 xmas eve.  I've had to monitor it all week, while they put me on medication and make me wait.  I've pretty much lived on scrambled eggs and chicken soup with veg's all week.

My levels were fine 6 mo's ago, along with my entire life.

We read it entirely differently in Canada so I don’t understand those numbers, but sounds incredibly high. Diabetes can hit at anytime . I have a family history almost my entire paternal family had it and all subsequently died of it except my grandpa. Look up the glycemic index for food and go from there. I am entirely food and exercise controlled the past 2 years but I have my 4 month reading in 2 weeks and we will see:🥴

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26 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

 no vaccine AND no safety protocols.  It's upsetting.

It's not either/or. It's safety protocols prevent/slow down the spread of covid and the vaccine prevents people from dying. Different things. You can still get covid even if all your guests are vaccinated. Safety protocols make more sense if you are afraid of getting covid.

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50 minutes ago, reinventmyself said:


I have no history of diabetes. But my blood sugar, for some unknown reason has been as high as 425.  It was 369 xmas eve.  I've had to monitor it all week, while they put me on medication and make me wait.  I've pretty much lived on scrambled eggs and chicken soup with veg's all week.

My levels were fine 6 mo's ago, along with my entire life.

Just remember it’s not a life sentence . While ,yes ,it is a serious chronic illness and it can shorten life span and health ,however if you do eat properly 99.9% of the time and exercise you can live a normal life. 

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8 minutes ago, dias said:

Safety protocols make more sense if you are afraid of getting covid.

Or if you want to avoid potentially spreading it to others who might be more vulnerable than you are and to try to avoid overwhelming the healthcare system.

I would imagine immuno-compromised people, those who have underlying health conditions and those who work in healthcare would very much appreciate it if people followed protocols and/or got vaccinated.

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22 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

We read it entirely differently in Canada so I don’t understand those numbers, but sounds incredibly high. Diabetes can hit at anytime . I have a family history almost my entire paternal family had it and all subsequently died of it except my grandpa. Look up the glycemic index for food and go from there. I am entirely food and exercise controlled the past 2 years but I have my 4 month reading in 2 weeks and we will see:🥴

Normal is under 100 😞

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5 minutes ago, reinventmyself said:

Normal is under 100 😞

Holy God I found a converter and my god that is EXTREMELY HIGH. For instances mine in your reading is 115 as a 4 month average or 100 for a 4 month average so I read 5.9-6.4 . In my reading you are almost at 24. I have been in the pre diabetic readings for 2 years. Please please listen to your doctor and read about the glycemic index for food. And remember stress and illness will affect your blood sugar as well. 

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49 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Holy God I found a converter and my god that is EXTREMELY HIGH. For instances mine in your reading is 115 as a 4 month average or 100 for a 4 month average so I read 5.9-6.4 . In my reading you are almost at 24. I have been in the pre diabetic readings for 2 years. Please please listen to your doctor and read about the glycemic index for food. And remember stress and illness will affect your blood sugar as well. 

Love to listen to him IF I could see him.  He called me a week ago Thursday to tell me the results of my blood test.  From there he's been out of town all last week. It was my son who's a paramedic that urged me to go to ER and buy a home test kit.

 ER could barely get it to come down and then they just sent me home (at 320) to sit and wait.

Anxiety provoking, to say the least.  I'm sure that doesn't help.   But telling myself not to worry is pointless. Explains why I broke down and cried after my boyfriend's son and his girlfriend left.  That was definitely a tipping point for me.

Medication has got it down into the 100s.   But it took 5 days to take effect.

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11 minutes ago, reinventmyself said:

Love to listen to him IF I could see him.  He called me a week ago Thursday to tell me the results of my blood test.  From there he's been out of town all last week. It was my son who's a paramedic that urged me to go to ER and buy a home test kit.

 ER could barely get it to come down and then they just sent me home (at 320) to sit and wait.

Anxiety provoking, to say the least.  I'm sure that doesn't help.   But telling myself not to worry is pointless. Explains why I broke down and cried after my boyfriend's son and his girlfriend left.  That was definitely a tipping point for me.

Medication has got it down into the 100s.   But it took 5 days to take effect.

In the two years since I got my doctor I have seen him I have seen him twice. The rest has been telephone appointment since Covid. I get my blood work and I see it online and he calls me for my appointment. But really take what meds they tell you and try not to worry. Worry makes it worse . Read the glycemic index for goods and stick to the middle and low glycemic foods. If you need help or encouragement I am here. Hugs 

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1 minute ago, Seraphim said:

In the two years since I got my doctor I have seen him I have seen him twice. The rest has been telephone appointment since Covid. I get my blood work and I see it online and he calls me for my appointment. But really take what meds they tell you and try not to worry. Worry makes it worse . Read the glycemic index for goods and stick to the middle and low glycemic foods. If you need help or encouragement I am here. Hugs 

Thx S.  You're kind words help.

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Ok, this is really getting dangerous . In the little town next to me, like right outside the base gates some of the pharmacies don’t have enough staff to stay open full time and can only do so to fill prescriptions 2 days a week. If you need life saving prescriptions your are bleeped. The LifeLabs on base often doesn’t have enough staff to do testing for anything . Jeebus we are all going to die . 

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54 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Ok, this is really getting dangerous . In the little town next to me, like right outside the base gates some of the pharmacies don’t have enough staff to stay open full time and can only do so to fill prescriptions 2 days a week. If you need life saving prescriptions your are bleeped. The LifeLabs on base often doesn’t have enough staff to do testing for anything . Jeebus we are all going to die . 

Scary.  I am just hoping what they say it true. That this is a short lived peak.  

All in all, after 2 years of this will we ever fully recover?

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I'm not 100% convinced there are actually more cases than before. My theory is that people who wouldn't normally have gotten tested decided to do so because they wanted to travel during the holidays and therefore had to get tested, which resulted in an increase in reported cases. I saw long lines for tests that I never saw before Thanksgiving. One clinic I walk past frequently in my neighborhood had a line down the street. The week prior they had no line.

I think people had symptoms before but just decided it was a cold or chose to just isolate or call their doctor instead of getting tested. 

Anyway, I could be completely wrong. But I do know for sure my city went from about 700 tests per day to over 5,000. This was reported by our mayor. More tests, more reported cases.

Hopefully things will settle down in the next few weeks.

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Oh it is definitely more cases and testing . For us testing has slowed down significantly because unless you have symptoms and are basically keeling  over they won’t test you. Not enough tests around. But last year this time we were around 3300 cases a day. We are now at 13,000 a day with less tests being done. 

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One in four people in my city has tested positive for Covid.

I'm rethinking the plans I had for tomorrow to go for a hike and then take myself out for breakfast. Maybe keep the hike but forego the breakfast. Probably not such a good idea to be around people right now.

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I feel like this is just how are lives are going to be.  I don't see these changes ending anytime soon.

As for the children, the very young ones won't know any better.  It's like when I was little and we had air raid drills.  We just calmly got under our desks at school when the siren went off and we didn't feel sad or upset or even frightened.  We just thought it was the way things were.  We adults find it sad but honestly, I see little children sporting their superhero and cartoon character masks proudly.  It makes ME feel sad but they don't seem to be.  I saw a young girl proudly getting vaccinated while announcing to the nurse it was her 12th birthday and her vaccine was a birthday gift. Children are amazingly adaptable.

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1 hour ago, boltnrun said:

I feel like this is just how are lives are going to be.  I don't see these changes ending anytime soon.

As for the children, the very young ones won't know any better.  It's like when I was little and we had air raid drills.  We just calmly got under our desks at school when the siren went off and we didn't feel sad or upset or even frightened.  We just thought it was the way things were.  We adults find it sad but honestly, I see little children sporting their superhero and cartoon character masks proudly.  It makes ME feel sad but they don't seem to be.  I saw a young girl proudly getting vaccinated while announcing to the nurse it was her 12th birthday and her vaccine was a birthday gift. Children are amazingly adaptable.

I think eventually it will end. Hopefully before we are all crazy depressed and anxious. 

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I find it interesting that my anxiety is almost non-existent.  It's like I've come to the "acceptance" stage.  I'm still sad about the sick and those who have died, that will not change.  But I find myself more exasperated over the resistance to vaccination (which I can accept though I disagree) combined with the refusal to follow basic safety protocols than fearful or anxious.  This won't end as long as people prioritize their "freedom" over civic duty to public health.

I'm also sad about the divisions that have resulted.  I muted some more cousins on Facebook today because of their anti-vaccine rants.  I get it, they don't want to get vaccinated, but why do they have to loudly announce it to the world?  And why do they have to ridicule those of us who have chosen to get vaccinated, calling us "mindless sheep" and/or posting offensive memes?  I'm very much a family oriented person, it's why I moved back to this state, and it's sad that family gatherings have to be ruined because someone decides to go on a rant (no matter which "side" they're on).

All I can do is try to keep myself as safe as possible and hope this current spike will run its course without taking many more lives.

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