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33 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

We have such a surplus of shots here in the US so there are plenty even with the government donating millions of doses. Something like 65 million eligible people are refusing to get vaccinated so that frees up a lot of doses.

My friend is trying to get a medical exemption from her employer. She actually contacted me asking for advice on how to get out of getting vaccinated. Her only conditions that she's told me about are chronic fatigue syndrome and an incurable STD so I'm not sure if she qualifies for an exemption. I couldn't be of help because I don't know how that all works. Plus, I chose to get vaccinated, so...

I wonder if I'll have any side effects. I scheduled it for Friday just in case so I'll have the weekend to recover if needed.

The only side effect the person I know has was a headache, but she wasn’t sure if that was from the chemo or the shot. Oh and a sore arm like always. 

Yeah, I am not sure an incurable STD qualifies you for a medical exemption. 🤦‍♀️

On a sad note they think my brother could have long Covid, they are not sure. 

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Sorry to hear about your brother. I hope he feels better very soon.

Yeah, my friend has been seeing a "homeopath" for over 30 years. This woman promised to "cure" the incurable STD but it's been 30 years and she still has it. But she still trusts this quack for some reason. I presume that's why she won't get vaccinated, because the vaccine is not "natural". Good thing she lives several hundred miles away. I would have to refuse to see her if she lived nearby.

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I got my booster shot Friday. Only effects were a sore arm, a bit of a headache and some tiredness. But mentally I feel great. I'm making plans to do some fun shopping and dine out more now that I feel safer due to the booster.

I just read online that those with anxiety disorders are more likely to contract Covid-19. Interesting. I hadn't heard that before. However, it was on Wikipedia so that's not exactly the most reliable source.

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21 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I got my booster shot Friday. Only effects were a sore arm, a bit of a headache and some tiredness. But mentally I feel great. I'm making plans to do some fun shopping and dine out more now that I feel safer due to the booster.

I just read online that those with anxiety disorders are more likely to contract Covid-19. Interesting. I hadn't heard that before. However, it was on Wikipedia so that's not exactly the most reliable source.

You have also had it as well you have immunity from hell now. I wouldn’t worry . 

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18 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

You have also had it as well you have immunity from hell now. I wouldn’t worry . 

I'm not worried. I just found it interesting. Every co-morbidity I've heard about is immunocompromised, obesity, diabetes, HBP and liver and kidney disease. This is the first time I heard about a mental/emotional co-morbidity. Although with Wiki as the source it's questionable.

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CA is probably the state in the best shape (should double check before I write this)  Never the less, I keep getting news about people close to me contracting Covid now more than ever.

A good friend of mine, dbl vaxed got it from her daughter.  She's fine and on her last day of quarantine.  She's been super conservative the entire time.

My brother who's entire family are anti vaxers and conspiracy theorists have several family members just come down with it.  The 4 yr old granddaughter brought it home from preschool.   My brother, his wife, daughter, son in law and granddaughter all came down with it this week.

A friends 45 year old son and his wife both came down with it. Once again, anti vax, holder of conspiracies.   Both went into the hospital.  The wife was released 3 days later.  7 weeks and counting the son had been on a respirator for 6 out of the 7.  Now having had a tracheotomy, feeding tube put into to place and trying to get him stable enough to move to rehab center to relearn how to walk, talk and feed himself.   Just to find out he has a tear in one of his lungs and is waiting to be moved to a hospital 40 miles away for lung transplant.  I fear for this family because they came close to losing him a few times.   This latest news is very concerning. 

So here we are.  Approaching the holidays and most of our vax's 6 mo efficacy has passed.

Just retired and still rambling around the damn house.  I want my life back.  Not to be dramatic. I do do things but I really want to look into a part time job or volunteering.  The timing just isn't right.  Trying to not lose faith the time will come back.

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@reinventmyselfCan you get the booster? I got mine a week ago. Side effects were essentially non-existent. And I understand it takes the protection level to the high 90%, like 97%. I feel much safer. I plan to do some in person shopping mostly at small local shops (which I prefer anyway, Walmart doesn't need my money) because they tend to follow protocols more closely which is reassuring. And I like supporting the local economy.

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1 minute ago, reinventmyself said:

I glean from what you write we may be in the same state and similar age?  I've read the CDC guidelines and I don't qualify.  Isn't it still limited to over 65, kids and immune compromised?  Because, if not I am running to CVS today . .stat!

In my state (CA) basically anyone is eligible. As you know, there are a lot of unused doses due to the millions of people who are refusing to get vaccinated. If you go on the MyTurn website, all they ask is if you have any medical conditions or if you work in a high risk industry. I have high BP and thyroid disease. I was easily able to book an appointment. And no one asked me anything when I got there. They were even taking walk-ups.

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Just now, boltnrun said:

In my state (CA) basically anyone is eligible. As you know, there are a lot of unused doses due to the millions of people who are refusing to get vaccinated. If you go on the MyTurn website, all they ask is if you have any medical conditions or if you work in a high risk industry. I have high BP and thyroid disease. I was easily able to book an appointment. And no one asked me anything when I got there. They were even taking walk-ups.

I just check the CVS site and the list of CDC requirements are still there.  I guess I am not surprised you were able to get it anyway.  Much like the initial rollout, where rules don't always apply.   Thanks for the heads up.  Looking into it now 🙂

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Received my booster yesterday.  Same symptoms as before.  Arm is sore, I feel like marbles are in my head and it hurts slightly depending on which way I turn.   Just a little puny.  Puny but grateful.

My bf just returned from Indiana visiting family.  One day 40 people attending a football game party at his cousins home where he was staying.  One wife didn't attend because she was in bed sick.   ?  Apparently Indiana goes about things as if Covid doesn't exist.  Guess who I picked up last night with a sore throat and a headache?  We kept our masks on in the car and I dropped him off.

Just finished speaking with him, sharing had I done same, been around that amount of people in that environment and came home feeling that way, I would test myself before I agreed to be around him.  I would want that peace of mind that I wouldn't put anyone at risk.   Besides, they make it so convenient to do so for this very reason.  No excuses. Not to mention his 80+ parents arrive at his home next week for the holidays.

He agreed. So his homework this morning, enroll for a booster (done) and get a covid test.

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They won't give him the booster if he's got any symptoms. He'll need the test results first.

Also, if it's been less than 4 days since he returned from the trip the test may not be accurate. And to add to that, I had no symptoms at all when I tested positive. My nephew tested positive and we lived in the same house so I got tested and I had it too. I felt really guilty because I had gone to the store that morning and been inside for about 45 minutes exposing who knows how many people. Had a mask on but still...

I do sincerely hope your boyfriend is well. I don't wish Covid on anyone.

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His test came back negative.  I get there are a lot of variables.  Other friends having tested negative only to test positive a day or two later.  He said he started feeling sick earlier in the week and his booster isn't until next week.  He said he feels fine this morning.

Shortly after I wrote my update, I got up to put my coffee cup in the sink.  The chills snuck up on me quickly.  Temp of 99.7 most of the day and neither tylenol or advil seem to break it.  I spent the entire day in bed.  Weird that I hadn't had that type of reaction from the initial two vaccines.  But did with the booster.  

Oh well.  It's done and I feel better this morning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So apparently this new variant spread is coming from people who traveled to certain regions and brought it back to their home countries.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why people are travelling internationally during a pandemic!  Not business travel (which I still think is ill-advised) but for pleasure.  Yeah, I know, people are bored being at home and hate that they can't take vacations.  But I don't see how a vacation is something worth dying for.

I have cabin fever just like everyone else.  But I walk around downtown or down by the beach or I take a drive or I visit my (vaccinated) family and am seeing vaccinated friends and we do things like go for walks or dine outdoors.  But traveling on vacation to a foreign country?  No way, no how.

And now we all have to worry about this new, vaccine-resistant variant.  Great.

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12 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

So apparently this new variant spread is coming from people who traveled to certain regions and brought it back to their home countries.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why people are travelling internationally during a pandemic!  Not business travel (which I still think is ill-advised) but for pleasure.  Yeah, I know, people are bored being at home and hate that they can't take vacations.  But I don't see how a vacation is something worth dying for.

I have cabin fever just like everyone else.  But I walk around downtown or down by the beach or I take a drive or I visit my (vaccinated) family and am seeing vaccinated friends and we do things like go for walks or dine outdoors.  But traveling on vacation to a foreign country?  No way, no how.

And now we all have to worry about this new, vaccine-resistant variant.  Great.

Two cases have been found in my province too and cases are climbing to almost 1000 cases a day again when we were down to 350 in Oct . 😣🙄

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3 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Two cases have been found in my province too and cases are climbing to almost 1000 cases a day again when we were down to 350 in Oct . 😣🙄

That's kind of scary!

My city is up to almost 80% fully vaccinated.  I'll stay in my little bubble here, thanks very much!

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18 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

That's kind of scary!

My city is up to almost 80% fully vaccinated.  I'll stay in my little bubble here, thanks very much!

Our vaccination rate is actually very good 76 % of the province is fully vaccinated and they started vaccinating young children as of Friday. Canada’s rate of fully vaccinated is about 77% So we aren’t doing too badly but they relaxed a lot of measures about a month ago . Our premier though just extended emergency powers another 3 months . 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the country is currently up the creek, the two biggest provinces are currently flooding in cases. We were down dramatically and had almost beaten the fourth wave and then we relaxed some measures and we are drowning again. We went from 350 cases a day province wide to 1453 cases today. 😡😡😡


On a good note I can book my third shot on Monday. 

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The vaccine doesn’t work. If it worked, why do vaccinated people still wear masks and insist everyone else does the same?


Hyper inoculation for normally mild viruses, and especially in healthy people who would fight it off naturally, is causing cold bacteria and flu virus to evolve and mutate and will create an even bigger problem long term. 

Over here in the UK we have had our first “super cold” which more like resembles the worst flu you have experienced. I’ve just come out of 2 weeks of it. When you don’t allow normal, healthy individuals to catch pathogens like the flu virus and get over it no one gets natural immunity. We are weakening ourselves long term because of this.


I have natural immunity to covid 19. You are far better sitting next to me than someone who has had 4 jabs. My natural immunity learnt and can evolve with the different mutations - the vaccines can’t as fast.

I worry how the world would react to something actually serious, with a fatality rate of even over 20%, or something that was especially deadly to babies and children, because all the western nations have blown whatever funds they ever had left on the flu. 

And I am not being disrespectful to people who have died from this - my own Grandmother was one. She was nearly 95 though, and ironically, double vaccinated. She also never came into contact with it until she was in hospital, and again, the irony, put in an isolated ward to protect her against covid with no visitors. She had managed for 2 years not catching it at home seeing plenty of family and me with toddlers who went to play groups every week and had colds here there and everywhere, and then in a medical, sterile setting - she got sick. Serious food for thought. 

Lo x

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The vaccine does work.

The vaccine doesn't nor was it designed to prevent people from getting Covid. It helps to prevent serious illness and death from Covid. Will it prevent serious illness and death 100% of the time? Of course not. But the VAST majority of hospitalizations and deaths in the past several months have been among the unvaccinated, at least in the US.

As for masks, it's because of the unvaccinated AND vaccinated who are still getting exposed. I feel better knowing my mask just might prevent someone I don't even know from getting seriously sick or dying. To me it's a very, very small price to pay. And I don't "insist" anyone else wear one. I just choose to do so.

Seatbelts don't prevent all injuries and deaths from car crashes. Neither do speed limits. But they surely do help. No way would I have ever put my kids into a car without strapping them in, even though we PROBABLY were not going to be in a crash.

I'm very sorry about your grandmother. I hope she had a wonderful, fulfilling life. 

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