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Emotional support group Covid19


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Thanks, guys.


I think the one thing I learnt from it, (if anything)....is that any symptoms of body aches, sore throat, etc is not a reason to be alarmed. There still are lots of flus and cold viruses floating around.


And secondly, that even if it were Covid, there is a high recovery rate. ( I think I told myself this a few hundred times while we were waiting for the results and didn't know if it was positive or not).


I'm glad everyone is keeping safe and is doing okay.

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I have a fragile family member (no one I live with, thankfully) who has COPD and probably some undiagnosed cardiac issues. One night, she had a temp of 100.8 degrees or so and some body aches. By morning time, no symptoms and she felt fine and she didn't even take meds. She cancelled her appointment to go in and get checked. People with COPD are always getting small respiratory infections here and there. She was isolated and never exposed so it was unlikely to be COVID and given that she is fine right now, I'm pretty sure it wasn't.


It's true, the symptoms are so borad and not specific, it isn't always COVID!

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Yes, just because Covid is here doesn't mean every single cold, flu and allergy symptom always indicates Covid. Back in late March I had a run of the mill upper respiratory infection. I've been tested for Covid twice and both tests were negative.


I hope everyone can commit to doing everything they can to protect themselves and be courteous enough to protect others by taking recommended measures.

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Yep, I keep up basic precautions. I also still get tested weekly at work and I hope that continues. However, I will not go to a sit-down restaurant (takeout a-okay) or a bar until there is a vaccine or a damn effective treatment. I will travel by car to Canada once I am able but I won't be using public transport or airplanes for the forseeable future.

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I had a terrible experience this morning. I went to my local supermarket, early morning. Typically not crowded and it wasn't. I go down an aisle- a senior citizen -male is pushing his cart verrryyy slowly and browsing. I couldn't pass him so I decided to wait for him to be done. He looked at me and I said I would wait till he was done. He had some kind of rude response then he stopped again - and then turned and started walking toward me - too close to me. I said "excuse me -why are you walking toward me" and he replied "I don't know" -so I raised my voice and told him firmly (we were both wearing masks) to get away from me. Right now. He didn't so I left the aisle, went to the next one. He appeared there. Now it could have been a coincidence but even if it was he started harassing me again in that aisle. I started yelling and screaming at him to get away from me, to stop harassing me. (all clean language just loud)


A few customers overheard and did nothing. He continued to seek me out and taunt me and try to approach. So I went to the bakery department -where I found some employees -and yelled that I was being harassed and to please help. One came with me and I pointed him out They did let him remain in the store but he found me later and said "here I am again!!!!" I again told him to step away and he said he was allowed to shop there. I told him yes and he needed to get out of my face. Luckily I didn't see him again.


Nothing to do with masks -everything to do with increased anxiety over getting infected. I was so furious. Good part was because of my delay I visited the cleaning products aisle on my way out and miraculously they'd stocked a few canisters of wipes!!!


Thanks for listening. It was scary.

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That sounds awful, Batya.


I think we should all be respectful of others' boundaries. In BC, it's relatively neutral and people are back to their lives. When I get together with friends or meet people, we always check in first and ask each other how we're doing or what the comfort level is like. Some friends like to hug and be affectionate and I'm fine with that but I make sure to wear a mask any time I think someone might be sensitive or if I'm in enclosed areas like supermarkets. Everyone is very kind and respectful.


I hope you hope you don't have to see this person again ever.

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I had a man keep trying to approach me at the laundromat. He kept grinning at me (which is allowed, of course) but also kept coming over to where I was. I had wiped down a table and set my basket on just one side of the table. Then I left to go for a drive while my clothes dried. When I came back I saw he had moved my basket over to the edge of the table and had set his clothes down where my basket had been sitting. And there he was, standing there grinning at me. I don't know if he uses the laundromat to try to pick up women or what, but I was furious because not only did he touch something that belonged to me, but there were at least 4-5 empty tables he could have used, one of which was right next to the one I had been using! I guess he was hoping I would want to share the table with him or something.


Luckily I will only have to go to the laundromat maybe twice a month to wash sheets, towels and blankets because my son is allowing me to wash my clothes at his home.


I'm sorry that happened to you, Batya. I don't understand why that man thought it would be fun to harass you.

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Thanks ! I had an extra layer of anxiety because of covid. But I cannot stand any strange male touching me or getting too close anyway. I’m petite so sometimes some people think just like with small kids that it’s ok to treat me like a puppy and pat me on the shoulder or head. It’s not ok. And I’m not polite in my reaction - I’m direct as in “do not touch me”. Pre covid. Boltnrun I would have been livid if someone touched my laundry like that. Especially now. Thanks to all for your support!

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I'm sorry this happened.

I know what you mean too about being petite and people not always taking you seriously. I'm 5'2, and I've gotten head pats too from strangers. Or if I am being assertive, I've sometimes gotten " oh you are so cute!".




same. Also 5"2!! And thanks for all your support. It means a lot to me.

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Ha! I am 5' 2-3/4"! I am a tall one compared to you!


My son sometimes teases me. He's almost 6'5". My daughter is 5'5".



I'm 5"2 AND A HALF!! lol.


I dated a guy who was 6"3 when I was in my 20s. It was easy to kiss cuz he had one of those sunken living rooms lol.

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Looks like I'd be reaching down for that head pat then :friendly_wink:


All the women in my family are pretty tall. I think it's cause everyone is German.


Even at 5’2 1/2 “ I’m still the tallest female in my family both sides. So I was practically at giant at 5 foot four. Lots of teeny tiny tiny women in my family. Many don’t even weigh 100 pounds soaking wet with a parka on.

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Even at 5’2 1/2 “ I’m still the tallest female in my family both sides. So I was practically at giant at 5 foot four. Lots of teeny tiny tiny women in my family. Many don’t even weigh 100 pounds soaking wet with a parka on.


Same in my family!

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I'm 5ft 3 and fiance is 6ft5 , he constantly gets asked to get stuff off the top shelves.. he's started asking the shorties to get stuff from the bottom 🤣 I wonder how tall baby will be..

Covid issues are beginning to get to me more now. Mums back in hospital, I wish I could visit. I wish I could go to baby groups and make mum friends, all my friends live hours away and obviously nowhere I can stay. Well one friend, but she lost her son late November at 5 weeks old, her daughter is torn up over it and I don't want to upset her..


It's getting really difficult being a new mum and isolated, obviously I have my fiance, but he's working 60+hrs a week and he's just as new to this as I am.

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