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Again, no new cases today.




Honestly, I'd prefer to have 2 or 3 weeks of no new cases before thinking of easing restrictions (nothing major though). Realistically, easing restrictions in proportion to the current situation is important I think and the state and federal government are reviewing where we are at at the end of each month.


People will grow impatient if they perceive little risk but are being forced to abide by measures that seriously impact their lives. A concern of mine is that people will become fatigued, complacent and disobey the measures. This easing up of restrictions is being framed as a "reward" and we've been reminded that the easing will be rescinded if and when necessary. It's a balance, I think.


Makes complete sense to me. I'm feeling the same way.


Unfortunately there have been new cases in my area, so loosening of course will be delayed until later.

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What next? 🙄


"The term "Zoombombing" is derived from the teleconferencing application Zoom. The increased use of Zoom during the coronavirus pandemic as a virtual alternative to face-to-face meetings resulted in widespread exposure to hackers and Internet trolls, who exploit and work around the application's security features. In various forums such as Discord and Reddit, efforts have been coordinated to disrupt Zoom sessions, while certain Twitter accounts advertised passwords sessions that were vulnerable to being joined without authorization"

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Good CDC infectious disease tracking or personal privacy intrusion? 🤔


"States are scrambling to hire disease detectives while dozens of app makers worldwide rush to develop digital tools to contain the coronavirus. Bloomberg reports states are moving forward with little federal funding, hiring trainees to ask strangers where they’ve been, with whom, and for how long.


The digital equivalent — a variety of contact-tracing apps — are newly used or being developed, but they raise compliance and privacy concerns. According to Axios, the pandemic will push privacy limits, since people are more concerned about their health these days.


Apple and Google have released a beta version of their contact-tracing software to public health groups in order to help officials build apps by their mid-May deadline.

A majority of Americans — about 3 in 5 — say they are not willing or able to use Google and Apple's infection-alert system".

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Peoples' behavior is not going to change if they don't want it to.


There were lots of protests over the so-called "Patriot Act". Heck, I remember the screaming fallout when it started being mandatory to carry auto insurance!


Some people will adhere to social distancing guidelines. And some will not.


I wonder what the plan is for the people who are found to not be following guidelines. They sure can't arrest them because where will they put them? They can fine them but many people don't have money to pay fines or will just not pay them, so then what?


Anyway...I'm at the point where I realize all I can do is protect myself to the best of my ability. Beyond that I have zero control.


I am happy that I don't have to report to the workplace in person for a full week!

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Good CDC infectious disease tracking or personal privacy intrusion? 🤔


"States are scrambling to hire disease detectives while dozens of app makers worldwide rush to develop digital tools to contain the coronavirus. Bloomberg reports states are moving forward with little federal funding, [


A good friend works in the optical department for Costco. She arrives to work early to stand in a line with her coworkers, six feet apart so they can be individually asked these questions. 'Where have you been? Do you have a fever and do you or have been near anyone with the virus?" 'Next'

I don't have faith in this process. It's seems remedial and almost silly.


What do you think their answers would be? I mean, they went through the trouble to get dressed, pack their lunch and drive there, right?

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At least at my workplace they actually take our temperatures, tell us what our temps are (mine was 98.2 last time) and then direct us to grab a mask if we don't already have one. And on the mask cart there are wipes, disinfecting spray and paper towels. Someone got written up the other day because she took her mask off. Her excuse was "well, I'm hot!!!" These are the same people who complain loudly that the business should be shut down and workers be paid anyway because we're not being protected enough. Well, they're trying, but people keep crowding together and taking their masks off!

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I'm not sure about other areas but in my neck of the woods the majority of residents do practice social distancing. I don't think it's that difficult for people to keep a safe distance from each other when out in public. When I am out for walks if I see someone approaching my vicinity, I simply cross the street.

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I'm not sure about other areas but in my neck of the woods the majority of residents do practice social distancing. I don't think it's that difficult for people to keep a safe distance from each other when out in public. When I am out for walks if I see someone approaching my vicinity, I simply cross the street.


I can't completely cross but I move away and it works fine. In the crowded city I grew up in it's very hard to socially distance - my mother still lives there and takes walks at "off times" on less crowded streets.

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A good friend works in the optical department for Costco. She arrives to work early to stand in a line with her coworkers, six feet apart so they can be individually asked these questions. 'Where have you been? Do you have a fever and do you or have been near anyone with the virus?" 'Next'

I don't have faith in this process. It's seems remedial and almost silly.


What do you think their answers would be? I mean, they went through the trouble to get dressed, pack their lunch and drive there, right?


It kind of reminds me of when my son was 7 or so and we were traveling and had to go through security (domestic -no ID needed for him) -the TSA officer said to him pointing to me "and who is this?" -wanting "my mom" as a typical response He got flustered and said Um [my first name]. I'm sure some kids are coached but i guess maybe the training at costco includes just keeping an eye out for people who hesitate in the response or cough while responding (LOL -just kidding -I know many have allergies now!!)

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Had a productive day but it’s no armour for the unrelenting weirdness that is this. Along with getting the jobs done I had a phone conversation with a boy that took a turn for the enjoyable (I know how pointless this is when we can’t meet), dropped some gifts for my aunts off to my parents place (everyone is old I haven’t seen anyone but my dad on my porch since shelter in place kicked in). No answer on the door so I let myself in and was mid stash when they came down the hall (argh insufficient distance). I loitered and chatted through the door for a while which was nice. They think I’m being paranoid. Then I was sorting through letters and cards. Far out they can be just as deadly emotional bombs as photos. Like the Xmas and birthday cards my aunts sent. Will I even see them again? (Both old), cards from people who don’t talk to me anymore, cards I intended to send to other people but have taken way too long. I wonder how they are but don’t know because the communication lapsed. So here I am putting off going to sleep which is something I do when my mood is low


On the plus side this Sasquatch playing chill electro popped up in my newsfeed and seeing it made me feel good for a moment

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