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Emotional support group Covid19


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I planned to grocery shop today but emotionally I just can't handle it. Not today. I'll go tomorrow. I am not up to the whole regimen today. And I used to love grocery shopping!


Same exact here. I especially love Trader Joes and dread going there now -haven't been since early March or before.


I agree about wiping down containers or discarding them.


An acquaintance of mine is freaking out because she is in NYC, accidentally touched a building door handle with her bare hand, and, surprised, jerked her hand back and got her finger in her mouth. She's already a germophobe. I mean, I hate how deliberate I have to be now about navigating around my building when needed but I totally feel her and it's why I take it slow now. I'm sure she will be fine.


This idiotic young guy was in the package room same time as me and this other woman (who was across the room and coughed, sigh) - He kept getting too close to me and I said twice at least "can you please give me some space?" - I was the first one there and he should have waited outside. Why hover??

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I'm lucky that I am living in a townhouse that shares only one wall. My mail is delivered to mailboxes located a block away (outside), so whenever I get the mail I can just go through my garage and if someone's there I just wait for them to finish. I have a garage to park in and my own laundry inside my house. I feel super fortunate to have all that.


Once I move some of that goes away...on street parking, no washer and dryer inside my apartment. I will have my own mailbox and my apartment building only has 4 total units, 2 downstairs and 2 upstairs. I will have to go to a laundromat which is stressing me out! I guess I'll have to run in, load up my wash, start the machines, run out to my car, come back to load my wash into the dryer, run back out to my car, then run back in to load up my clothes. I will NOT be folding at the laundromat! And of course, have my mask and gloves on. Sigh...but that is still a month away.


My current state has only tested 35,000 people. My county alone has 2.4 million people! That is why the numbers for my state are low; we don't have fewer cases, we just aren't testing. My new state has tested a half million people so far.


11 pounds lost so far. Normally I'd be happy about it but I know it's because a combination of the tooth extraction and anxiety. Hoping to gain half of that back.


Watching the NFL draft tonight! Love American football. And I haven't showered today. I'm not going anywhere so I am having trouble getting motivated to shower just to return to my couch lol.

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Did your blood sugars go back to normal?


Yeah they did, although I have a fasting blood test at 6 weeks post partum, then at 13 weeks I have a blood test that checks levels over past 3 months. My fasting levels during pregnancy weren't a problem, and there's a higher correlation between high fasting bloods in pregnancy and developing t2 than anything else, so I'm sure I'll ne ok. Still going to watch my carb intake overall, but for now it's good to be able to eat what fiance cooks n not worry too much.


Not 100% sure how I feel about taking my newborn out to maternity unit today, she has to socially isolate 12 weeks, but midwives aren't shopping home visits anymore, we have to go to them.. but surely that's more exposure? I'm ok when we're in our own little bubble, I don't want to leave it and be worrying about who I'm going to come into contact with while we're out :(

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Yeah they did, although I have a fasting blood test at 6 weeks post partum, then at 13 weeks I have a blood test that checks levels over past 3 months. My fasting levels during pregnancy weren't a problem, and there's a higher correlation between high fasting bloods in pregnancy and developing t2 than anything else, so I'm sure I'll ne ok. Still going to watch my carb intake overall, but for now it's good to be able to eat what fiance cooks n not worry too much.


Not 100% sure how I feel about taking my newborn out to maternity unit today, she has to socially isolate 12 weeks, but midwives aren't shopping home visits anymore, we have to go to them.. but surely that's more exposure? I'm ok when we're in our own little bubble, I don't want to leave it and be worrying about who I'm going to come into contact with while we're out :(


Why would you have to go to a midwife with your baby?

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Oh ok -didn't think a midwife did that (I went to my OB for my well checks and pediatrician for well baby checks. I would not skip the well baby check for sure. I'm sure they're extremely careful about cleanliness.


People who opt for a midwife, the midwife can also do well baby checks. My best friend her granddaughter had opted for a midwife and wanted a home birth but due to the pandemic they won’t allow a home birth.

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Why would you have to go to a midwife with your baby?

In the UK a midwife tends to do well baby checks ans weigh ins. It was ok, ppe at all times and no waiting with others thankfully. She is a little jaundice, but nothing plenty of my milk and sunshine can't cure.. only lost 6.5% birth weight which is amazing


I was hoping, praying that the "inject disinfectant" medical "advice" was fake news...

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In the UK a midwife tends to do well baby checks ans weigh ins. It was ok, ppe at all times and no waiting with others thankfully. She is a little jaundice, but nothing plenty of my milk and sunshine can't cure.. only lost 6.5% birth weight which is amazing


I was hoping, praying that the "inject disinfectant" medical "advice" was fake news...

My son went from 6’ 10 at birth to 6’4 when we left the hospital. In 2 weeks he was 8’ 4. But he slowed a lot after that.

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In the UK a midwife tends to do well baby checks ans weigh ins. It was ok, ppe at all times and no waiting with others thankfully. She is a little jaundice, but nothing plenty of my milk and sunshine can't cure.. only lost 6.5% birth weight which is amazing


I was hoping, praying that the "inject disinfectant" medical "advice" was fake news...


There was no medical advice on that -it was an offhand comment by a non-medical person

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I planned to make peanut butter pie this weekend for my brother but was surprised to see the store was out of peanut butter. I can see toilet paper being sold out but not peanut butter.


It's a staple that lasts a long time. The hoarders will fill their garages with any type of canned or frozen foods.

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My mind is doing a number on me. I feel fine until it's time to go to work or grocery shopping, then suddenly my throat hurts or feels scratchy or my chest hurts or I feel feverish (but no fever).


I know it's psychosomatic and I tell myself that. Sometimes I find myself to be so aggravating what with my OCD tendencies and now this!

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My mind is doing a number on me. I feel fine until it's time to go to work or grocery shopping, then suddenly my throat hurts or feels scratchy or my chest hurts or I feel feverish (but no fever).


I know it's psychosomatic and I tell myself that. Sometimes I find myself to be so aggravating what with my OCD tendencies and now this!


I get that too and it is allergy season.

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Does anyone else forget what day of the week it is, or am I going bat crazy?


Same -you are not - my son's school schedule helps some.


Sort of covid related -there is a really ugly, bashing thread on Facebook on one of my mom's groups -it has to do with so many hot button issues which I will not reveal here- irrelevant what they. It has NOTHING to do with me, I have not and will not comment, I have not "liked" anyone's posts -I'm just reading. After 171 comments the mods turned off commenting -I know they were concerned to turn off commenting because that could be taken as silencing the person/people who felt like victims or offended. I say it's covid related because honestly I think part of the fuel was people who are at home, pent up emotions, time on their hands. I say that about both "sides". It's upsetting and I actually am concerned about real life safety too -no "threats" I could see but you know. The mods work so very hard for this thousands of members group - so many good things come out of it including philanthropy. A lot of charitable giving of $ and time and effort and so much support not just for parents. It's a shame.

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