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I feel like I’m touting a moral high ground here which is not what I want to do. I want to socialize as much as the next person. I want to pet all the dogs going for walks. But I don’t want to risk more exposure. I get that there’s some things that are unavoidable like grocery shopping but I mean...that’s why I practically hose my girlfriend off. Why ADD to the risk when you don’t have to!

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My biggest concern is not wanting to potentially infect others.


I die, so what. But I am not willing to take innocent people with me. So I am practicing social distancing.


At least until I have to go back to work next week. In a building with a couple hundred other people.:icon_sad:

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My neighbor asked if he could use our basketball hoop. I was like yeah sure. Told him to take it on his driveway(don’t want anyone in my bubble!). His wife invited like half the block over there. A little bit of sunshine and they’re all hugging and high fiving.


The worst part about this is she spends the night 3x a week at her parents’ house, they are elderly and sick(chronically). What the hell is wrong with her? What possesses a person to think their hour of socializing and sunshine is more important than keeping her parents safe as their caregiver?


Anytime someone visits it’s not a “real” visit - they drop something off and then sit in their car while I sit on the porch and talk to them. I have not let anyone closer than my driveway which is like way more than 6 feet away.


Yes it sucks! But it’s necessary. I just don’t get this mentality.

I don’t get it either !! Just see my best friend once in 17 days she was on her balcony and I sat in my car we must been 50 feet apart at the very least I talked to her for five minutes and I went home. When I talk to my neighbour they are in their yard and I am at my back door which is at least 20 feet apart.

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My biggest concern is not wanting to potentially infect others.


I die, so what. But I am not willing to take innocent people with me. So I am practicing social distancing.


At least until I have to go back to work next week. In a building with a couple hundred other people.:icon_sad:

Well, we would care girl!! Don’t ya dare die!

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I don’t get it either !! Just see my best friend once in 17 days she was on her balcony and I sat in my car we must been 50 feet apart at the very least I talked to her for five minutes and I went home. When I talk to my neighbour they are in their yard and I am at my back door which is at least 20 feet apart.


She’s extremely anxious like us so I don’t even know what she was thinking. I haven’t seen her in 2 weeks then all of a sudden there she is people all breathing on each other. This is what worries me about the summer. People are going to get too comfortable. It was a nice day today, will be tomorrow as well.


Bolt, that’s exactly it. I don’t want to expose my mother. She has respiratory issues and is 70.


Is your workplace enforcing any kind of measures? My girlfriend is working from home, but the people in service sometimes have to come in - they have some strict guidelines on space, use of cafeteria etc. like the microwave and stuff have been removed, and fridge.

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My workplace has "guidelines". I put that in quotes because they did publish guidelines but the last time I was in the building they were only kinda sorta being followed. They are low on disinfecting wipes, low on hand sanitizer and had no masks available, despite workers sharing equipment and having a couple hundred people in the building at one time.


They did remove microwaves and chairs in the breakroom. Workers reacted by pushing the chairs back together. They removed timeclocks but workers still gather around them waiting to clock in or out. People still walk around together despite posters telling them not to. I observed a group of about 15 people standing close together RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE HR DESK and the HR reps at the desk said nothing. So, yes there are published guidelines but they are not being fully implemented or followed or enforced. Oh, and the minimum-wage janitorial staff is still just wiping down with a spray bottle and changing trash bags. I don't even know if anyone told them they are supposed to be DISINFECTING, not wiping down with water.


I am not happy about having to report back on Monday. I heard they will start supplying masks. We do have gloves too, plus I just received a box of gloves so I will bring my own just in case they tell me sorry, we're out. I don't have masks (delivery coming at the end of the month) so I am SOL if they don't give me one. And I'm going to refuse to do the ride along. I can't possibly stay 6 feet away from someone when we're riding in the same vehicle!


I really was looking forward to starting this new position but I am frightened, TBH. The only good thing is if I do get infected I can stay home and not risk infecting anyone else. I'll try to stock up on more food over the weekend so I have at least a 14 day supply. With my current complete lack of appetite food will last me a long time.


And that was a very negative post but I am scared. Sorry for not being more upbeat.

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A bit of humor to lighten the mood:


"I was in a long line 6:45 am today at the grocery store that opened at 7am for seniors only. A young man came in from the parking lot and tried to cut in at the front of the line, but an old lady beat him back with her cane. He returned and tried to cut in again, but an old man punched him in the gut, then kicked him down to the ground and rolled him away.


As he approached the 3rd time, the young man shouted, "if you all don't let me unlock the door, nobody is going to be shopping today."

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UK deaths are going up two weeks into lock down. Over 600 yesterday, there's a lot of people dying with no underlying health conditions, in my age range and younger. It's so sad, and scary.

I have to take food to my mum and grandma tomorrow, I'm so scared I'll make them ill as I've had to go into shops. But my grandma insists I go in as it's a 2hr journey up. I'm the closest to do shopping and none of us can get online delivery, which is sickening really.


I hope you're all keeping safe x

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UK deaths are going up two weeks into lock down. Over 600 yesterday, there's a lot of people dying with no underlying health conditions, in my age range and younger. It's so sad, and scary.

I have to take food to my mum and grandma tomorrow, I'm so scared I'll make them ill as I've had to go into shops. But my grandma insists I go in as it's a 2hr journey up. I'm the closest to do shopping and none of us can get online delivery, which is sickening really.


I hope you're all keeping safe x

Keep safe love!

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One of my friends just posted a video on Facebook. She is at Walmart shopping for cute socks.




I'll admit yesterday I bought baby socks and a cardigan, but kinda essential as I don't have any for my baby due in 3 weeks.. plus I was doing essential food shopping lol..



Keep safe love!


Thanks hun am doing my best. Have to deliver food tomorrow to my grandma and mum x

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I'll admit yesterday I bought baby socks and a cardigan, but kinda essential as I don't have any for my baby due in 3 weeks.. plus I was doing essential food shopping lol..





Thanks hun am doing my best. Have to deliver food tomorrow to my grandma and mum x


That's different, you have a baby on the way. This woman just saw the cute socks and delightedly posted a video about them.


I don't know, maybe I'm crazy to think people should get their essentials and then go the heck back home. Now is not the time to be browsing or wandering around the store.

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Honestly, I do think some of the governments in some countries need to be more heavy handed. I think fines and taking people into custody for not remaining home or just arsing around, should have one or the other.


20 days is all it takes for the majority of Covid illnesses to clear up. Do you realize that if people listened and all stayed home besides only getting groceries and only one family member, that in 20 days time we could nearly have this thing cleared up?

But people have to be spoilt, hard headed, and just plain selfish and stupid not realizing that they are the ones making this go on and on and on and on.

All we need is 20 days for everyone to behave and the worst could be behind us.


Philippines is taking it to the next level, they are shooting people if they are out and aren't meant to be. The government said they're not having it...they want the numbers down and that's the end of it, even if it means threatening their own citizens.

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Honestly, I do think some of the governments in some countries need to be more heavy handed. I think fines and taking people into custody for not remaining home or just arsing around, should have one or the other.


20 days is all it takes for the majority of Covid illnesses to clear up. Do you realize that if people listened and all stayed home besides only getting groceries and only one family member, that in 20 days time we could nearly have this thing cleared up?

But people have to be spoilt, hard headed, and just plain selfish and stupid not realizing that they are the ones making this go on and on and on and on.

All we need is 20 days for everyone to behave and the worst could be behind us.


Philippines is taking it to the next level, they are shooting people if they are out and aren't meant to be. The government said they're not having it...they want the numbers down and that's the end of it, even if it means threatening their own citizens.

We had a woman in town here arrested this week for getting in someone’s face .

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We had a woman in town here arrested this week for getting in someone’s face .


Some moron was arrested a couple of days ago for going to Walmart and deliberately coughing and sneezing on people. He filmed it too, because he said he thought it would be funny to post a video of peoples' reactions to him coughing and sneezing on them. He said he didn't think it was all that serious and that people were getting all worked up over what he thinks is a common cold.


He changed his tune after he got arrested, charged with assault and confined to home with an ankle bracelet (not the stylish kind). He could serve several years in prison for his "funny" prank.

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The laws need to be harder.


You know what amazes me?? The people who are saying "It's not that big a deal". The reason why they are saying that is, because they are either younger or middle aged, in good health and are thinking of themselves.

They are not intelligent enough to consider other people and to realize that there are loads of vulnerable people out there who ARE actually dying. THESE are the people we are trying to save, trying to isolate for.

But these morons can't see past their own nose to realize such a simple concept. They don't realize how easy it is to infect someone, even if you're not showing symptoms.


It is really disheartening to see just how selfish and cold people really are.


I read a quote on FB that said, "This virus is bringing out people's true colors. Those who are compassionate, responsible and caring, will become even more so. Those who are selfish, careless and mean, will become even more so.

Be careful which one you are.


How true is that!

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Some moron was arrested a couple of days ago for going to Walmart and deliberately coughing and sneezing on people. He filmed it too, because he said he thought it would be funny to post a video of peoples' reactions to him coughing and sneezing on them. He said he didn't think it was all that serious and that people were getting all worked up over what he thinks is a common cold.


He changed his tune after he got arrested, charged with assault and confined to home with an ankle bracelet (not the stylish kind). He could serve several years in prison for his "funny" prank.


Love it!!!!

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I'm trying to understand why liquor stores remaining open are considered an essential business.


On a lighter note, I just started to read Stephen King's novel--The Stand. Interesting, but not for everyone to read during this time,


My cousins are frequently posting pics of their liquor stockpile, which they apparently are making use of liberally during this time.


I guess they need to restock once all the tequila and vodka are gone.


I wonder what their grade school children think of them while they are sloshed.


Other cousins are posting about the horrors of having their kids home with them during the day. Apparently liquor helps with the stress of all-day parenting.

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I'm trying to understand why liquor stores are remaining open and considered an essential business.


On a lighter note, I just started to read Stephen King's novel--The Stand. Interesting, but not for everyone to read during this time,


They are keeping them open for the alcoholics. Alcoholics need to dry out medically all of a sudden just drying out could actually lead to death and having them fill the hospitals where they don’t need to be.

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