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I really do hate going to the store now. I love going outside when it is nice out but the store? Blah. I'm thinking of just ordering groceries online now but I hate the waiting and the price increase. Bah.


My mom made me a thick cloth mask to wear when I go to the store. It's not N95 but it's a good droplet mask. So maybe that will help.


One of my patients had symptoms, got the test done. Not a good day, lots of workers were upset. Luckily the patient was negative. What a whirlwind.


I used to say for years "Damn, we need a plague!" to myself...when stuck in traffic, when in a line that was taking way too long, when my favorite yogurt was all bought up, just silly things like that. I feel kind of bad now. I got what I (jokingly) asked for and I HATE IT.

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I went grocery shopping this morning. No line to get in when I got there. They adjusted the social distancing template they'd had set up last week. They even had wipes this time to wipe down the carts. They didn't have any last week.


I only got what I needed to last one week. I won't hoard. The only things I bought ahead were toilet paper (ordered from Amazon, I have a 2 month supply) and razors (have a two week supply). I was happy to be able to buy meat for a pot roast and some ground beef. Along with the chicken I bought last weekend I have a week's worth of fresh meat.


The groceries I just purchased are on what I am calling my "quarantine shelf". I read an article published by a medical organization (I linked it here previously) that said if the virus is on a surface it's only effectively infectious for 2 hours, then it gradually gets less powerful to where it can't infect anyone. So my groceries stay on that shelf in my pantry for 24 hours. Anything I have to use today will sit for a minimum of 4 hours and I will clean them before using them. Pot roast with carrots and potatoes and brown gravy is on the menu for tonight!


Hope you are all hanging in there.

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I do the same with quarrantining my groceries lol. I am only buying a bit extra of each item I use a lot of -and I mean a bit -because I was told a two week supply is fine and I typically buy less than a one week supply. And since we're only 3 people it's not much to begin with.


I'm doing ok. Yesterday was a struggle - 11 year old having meltdowns -combo of acclimating to online learning, too much HW thrown at him, being inside and knowing why - both will be better this coming week. One of our cousins was exposed by her husband -unwittingly -last week so now they're under quarrantine :-( My power walk at dawn helping a lot and noticed they now cordoned off the exercise equipment on the jogging path -which I do not use anyway.


My mother lives in a hot spot. She is not wearing a mask but everyone else is, she's limiting going outside/shopping and her building staff is constantly scrubbing the building. Same in our building. We are not in a hot spot but we have a number of cases. :-(

I had my first zoom staff meeting. My camera showed: me, head only and our ceiling with a stuck Wacky Hands on it from years ago.

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Because I'm an old bag *grinz* I get to go into the grocery store one hour before it opens to the general public and they only let a few go in and then we wait until they come out before they let the next in line go in so it's feeling much safer now. I wear a mask and I wipe down my cart with a Lysol wipe. There is tape in place where we can keep social distancing and the cashier is constantly spraying down the conveyor belt... I have a quarantined pantry as well and I make sure to wipe down any cans before opening... I've always done that though.

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Doing okay over here.


Past few days have been rough, no point calling them anything else. Am finding an unexpectedly tough consequence of all this to be a rift in my closest friendship, where this situation is just exposing some differences—in life stations, in value systems—that are amounting to some added psychic stress from a source that is normally a cushion. In that, I'm sure, I am far from alone—and in that there is always comfort.


Still, stings are also stings, and it does suck to feel so detached from someone who is generally a pillar.

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🦇Bats carry types of coronavirus, but it's not sure if having it confers immunity in humans.😷


I heard (not so sure how true it is) that the Chinese eating bats is what started this all in the first place. Apparently the doctors there discovered undigested bat meat in the stomachs of one of their dead that had the virus in it.



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Am finding an unexpectedly tough consequence of all this to be a rift in my closest friendship


You're not alone. I am seeing another side of my brother and it's not nice. Really getting annoyed with how he's behaving. But what can you do? Sometimes you have to just let it go to keep your own peace.


heard (not so sure how true it is) that the Chinese eating bats is what started this all in the first place. Apparently the doctors there discovered undigested bat meat in the stomachs of one of their dead that had the virus in it.


I heard the same. If it's true, they seriously need to start having far far stricter laws on what they eat. It's unhygienic, disgusting and look at what's it's caused.


My family is doing okay. Hanging in there. I think that's all we can do. It's a weird time, but if there is any good news...the ozone layer is healing.

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"Wet" markets are a thing in several countries. Things that Western countries might label as "gross" or not fit for consumption are gourmet food items elsewhere.


However, it's been documented that the "wet" markets are not regulated as well as they might be, and there is a lot of intermingling of species that would never intermingle in the wild. Who knows what the result of that would be, or what the result of eating those animals would be.


SARS resulted from consumption of an animal not normally consumed in Western countries so it's not inconceivable that it could have resulted in COVID-19.


Anyway...trying to stay as clean as possible. I'm fumbling around trying not to touch anything. I'm already clumsy anyway.

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You're not alone. I am seeing another side of my brother and it's not nice. Really getting annoyed with how he's behaving. But what can you do? Sometimes you have to just let it go to keep your own peace.


Sorry to hear about that with your brother.


And, yeah, not much you can do. I'm pretty good at going with the flow, protecting myself by not picking unneeded battles. Just a lurking sadness, with some spikes, to process in one compartment while the others take on what needs to be taken on right now.

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I've had a tough couple of days too. Still sick, and TMI but doubled down on feeling like poo due to my period arriving. Haven't been able to do much but zone in and out of resting.

I'm trying to keep my mind focused on lighter things, but even in my sleep there's this theme of all the terrible things going on right now. It's hard to have a disciplined mind while sick, and I'm really looking forward to feeling better.

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I'm in part time isolation (I work part time in a petrol station which is considered essential work). I had a dodgy chest & a sore throat last week.

I contacted my GP & he rang me back & told me to gargle warm salty water & take vitamin C. Anyway now my glands are swollen which is a symptom of

a throat infection. I thought I was dealing with things quite well until last night when my fiance ended our relationship. I have been helping her out with

groceries & stuff I can buy from my workplace. We lived in seperate houses about a 5 minute walk away from eaxch other. I live on my own & she has

two daughters at home. There was no explanation as to why she wanted to break up but some of her messages to me were very brief in the past few days.

She is the only person I have any immediate contact with & I'm worried if we have no contact (she blocked me) that there will be no chance of getting back together!

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Another homicide in short order in my city. Things are getting ugly here. I have coworkers who date/are married to cops and they confirmed to me that the cops are not responding as much to calls. Only true emergencies and even then, it takes them longer to get there. They are worried about getting the virus.


I sleep with a gun now.

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Another homicide in short order in my city. Things are getting ugly here. I have coworkers who date/are married to cops and they confirmed to me that the cops are not responding as much to calls. Only true emergencies and even then, it takes them longer to get there. They are worried about getting the virus.


I sleep with a gun now.

My brother said back home cops had to bust up fights in front of Walmart , we are lined up like Great Depression and my son got screamed at in a store when he did nothing. Wait a few weeks people are gonna be much more nuts. I don’t usually agree with on guns being Canadian but I told my husband after all this crap is over to get his gun license. He will pass the training quickly anyway as he’s been a firearms instructor before. And he has more experience than most people.

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Why would anyone yell at your son?? That's nuts. People are CRAZY. I am honestly scared.


I do not have a handgun as I have a history of depression/suicidal feelings (too tempting) but I hunt and I have experience with rifles and shotguns. I have a shotgun right now. I've used this shotgun A LOT for hunting small game...birds mostly and clay targets. I never thought I'd have it in my own apartment for personal defense. The ammo I have will kill a human at close range which is exactly why I have this gun - so I can just point/shoot if someone comes into my apartment aggressively. I have a little bit of ammo but plan to try and get more.

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Where are you Fudgie? A big city? Because none of the smaller city's have anything like that going on, or at least not in any of the news.


I know NewYork is not doing so well, but that's the most I have heard.


I don't want to be too specific but I am in NY. Not the city but NY. My county gets new cases all the time but we don't have the right testing so a lot of people are sick with symptoms and not being tested.


The blow back in NYC may come to affect my life, I don't know. I'm bombarded with emails from the state, begging me (health professional) to go help but we have our own problems here. The worry is that the governor will try to ship up sick patients. NO, KEEP THEM DOWN THERE.


We won't have enough vents for the locals here - we don't need newcomers.

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Why would anyone yell at your son?? That's nuts. People are CRAZY. I am honestly scared.


I do not have a handgun as I have a history of depression/suicidal feelings (too tempting) but I hunt and I have experience with rifles and shotguns. I have a shotgun right now. I've used this shotgun A LOT for hunting small game...birds mostly and clay targets. I never thought I'd have it in my own apartment for personal defense. The ammo I have will kill a human at close range which is exactly why I have this gun - so I can just point/shoot if someone comes into my apartment aggressively. I have a little bit of ammo but plan to try and get more.


Apparently someone in a store thought he was too close and had seen him walking with his dad a bit earlier. Anyway she scared the crap out of him.

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