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Diabetes: Journey of Self control


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That's just a bit above the goal, right? I bet you can get that right back down again really soon.


Yes , I am in the pre diabetic range. I have to be below 6. My dr wants me in the 5.5 to 5.8 range. I think my downfall was eating popcorn too often so back to once a week.

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I mean I know my diabetes is well controlled essentially. But I am upset my A1c creeped up a bit. A lot anxiety tonight.


Oh, I can tell you are so disappointed!

Your value is very close! This is simply feedback for you to make some adjustments- and it sounds like the popcorn is a possible culprit. So make some adjustments and see how it goes. You can do it! You have really done well through time, overall.

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Oh, I can tell you are so disappointed!

Your value is very close! This is simply feedback for you to make some adjustments- and it sounds like the popcorn is a possible culprit. So make some adjustments and see how it goes. You can do it! You have really done well through time, overall.

I have done well since last Oct. I just have to keep trying.

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You're doing a great job managing your health. I bet your doctor wishes she/he had more patients like you.


Thanks! He said I have worked super hard and it shows. He said if I keep working at it all the time my diabetes will never get really bad. But I have to be super diligent.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I had umpteen tests done at the beginning of the year. All tests came back negative. I even had a brain MRI!


I always lose weight when I'm stressed and anxious. I'm hoping the move to my brother's house will have a big impact.


Anyway, good job keeping yourself healthy!


I hope when you get to your brother’s place that you start feeling better! ❤️


I wish I could get out and walk but since I put my back out last week I can barely drag one leg. I think I put out the muscles in that hip and in my lower back. The only way I’m not in unbelievable pain is lying down. I can’t stand and I can’t sit. Which is lots of fun working 630 to 5. 😖😖 I have been doing exercises which stretch out the abductor and flexor muscles in the hip and in the lower back. That seems to help for a little bit but then of course is back to pain but I have to keep up with the exercises or they won’t help.

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I'm in the same boat, small but have a hard time keeping weight on. I've had people envy me over that and honestly, they don't know the struggle.


It's not always a great thing. I can literally look sick due to being thin. I lose weight at the drop of a hat.


In fact, I'm not sure which is worse, someone who doesn't like being overweight, or someone who can't keep weight on and looks sick.

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I'm in the same boat, small but have a hard time keeping weight on. I've had people envy me over that and honestly, they don't know the struggle.


It's not always a great thing. I can literally look sick due to being thin. I lose weight at the drop of a hat.


In fact, I'm not sure which is worse, someone who doesn't like being overweight, or someone who can't keep weight on and looks sick.


This is abnormal for me though. My normal weight is 23 pounds heavier than I am now. It's due to the anxiety.


Seraphim, do you see a chiropractor?

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