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Diabetes: Journey of Self control


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Today not a good day😱


Carbs were 64 I try to keep it under 50.

Fiber 14

And sugars were out of the park because I try and keep that under 10 today was 29 😱


And I have my blood test on Saturday. But overall the past 70 days I’ve taken big strides in changing my diet.

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According to my friend it is not good enough . 🙄


Well, its still higher than someone who is not diabetic but it is within pre-diabetes range that is managed with diet and exercise. Are you exercising at least 20 minutes a day? If not, try that and it you can't do 20 in one set, do 10 and then 10 later when you have more time. Walking is very good for lowering your A1C average.


My A1C last test was 6.1 and the time before also 6.1 (I'm on Metformin) and my doctor was very happy with that.

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Well, its still higher than someone who is not diabetic but it is within pre-diabetes range that is managed with diet and exercise. Are you exercising at least 20 minutes a day? If not, try that and it you can't do 20 in one set, do 10 and then 10 later when you have more time. Walking is very good for lowering your A1C average.


My A1C last test was 6.1 and the time before also 6.1 (I'm on Metformin) and my doctor was very happy with that.


See I am not on any med at all for it . The exercise I get right now is just what I get with the kids but I plan tonight to watch YouTube videos and do some inside because it is too icy outside right now.


My friend is also diabetic and on metformin and cant get lower than 8, but she says I should be at 5 by now. 🙄

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See I am not on any med at all for it . The exercise I get right now is just what I get with the kids but I plan tonight to watch YouTube videos and do some inside because it is too icy outside right now.


My friend is also diabetic and on metformin and cant get lower than 8, but she says I should be at 5 by now. 🙄

When it's icy/too cold out and I don't want to go on our treadmill, I go to the local indoor mall and do a bunch of rounds around the place to get my steps in. :)


I wasn't on any meds for five years but, like you was prediabetic according to my A1C numbers. He kept me off the meds until I had a reading of 7 then he did a glucose fasting test and told me I'd been doing well but it was time to stop fooling around with it and put me on the meds. I've been consistently 6.1 since (we will see in Feb when I get my next reading after Christmas *yikes*)


Don't listen to your friend. Only the doctor can tell you what you "should be at" without meds. I think if your A1C is down again next test or the same, he will leave you off the meds. (who knows though). If he suggests you go on them you can always ask him to wait until your next test (should be in three more months) and see if you have managed it any better before he puts you on them.

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When it's icy/too cold out and I don't want to go on our treadmill, I go to the local indoor mall and do a bunch of rounds around the place to get my steps in. :)


I wasn't on any meds for five years but, like you was prediabetic according to my A1C numbers. He kept me off the meds until I had a reading of 7 then he did a glucose fasting test and told me I'd been doing well but it was time to stop fooling around with it and put me on the meds. I've been consistently 6.1 since (we will see in Feb when I get my next reading after Christmas *yikes*)


Don't listen to your friend. Only the doctor can tell you what you "should be at" without meds. I think if your A1C is down again next test or the same, he will leave you off the meds. (who knows though). If he suggests you go on them you can always ask him to wait until your next test (should be in three more months) and see if you have managed it any better before he puts you on them.


He really wants me to try myself to do it and get close to 5. And he said as long as I am below prediabetic he will let me carry on and test me every 6 months. And if I have 4 good in a row he will test me yearly.

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