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Diabetes: Journey of Self control


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You're doing great on your new lifestyle journey :) so happy for you. It's so difficult to make lifestyle changes, even though it's "one day at a time" it's still hard! Especially during this holiday season when temptations seem to be on every corner. Happy to hear about your progress!!! You rock!!!

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You're doing great on your new lifestyle journey :) so happy for you. It's so difficult to make lifestyle changes, even though it's "one day at a time" it's still hard! Especially during this holiday season when temptations seem to be on every corner. Happy to hear about your progress!!! You rock!!!


Thank you very much !!

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Then have something that you really enjoy. You are allowed to live after all. :D


Just don't do it everyday but do give yourself permission to have something other than green, leafy for a change.


I did today. I had a bagel and sushi. But I walked 7 KM and did 80 sit ups. Hopefully that helped the carb intake.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am tired of green leafy things.



Seraphim, Keep going!!!


just sharing my experience, lost like 20 kgs post diagnosis, took me a year, less of carbs (introduce millets, quinoa in diet), introduce more of fibre and completely stopped liquor and i don't smoke, used to walk 8-10Km daily and run same distance on weekends, now am in regression, reduced medicine intake cause of low sugar counts on daily basis.

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Seraphim, Keep going!!!


just sharing my experience, lost like 20 kgs post diagnosis, took me a year, less of carbs (introduce millets, quinoa in diet), introduce more of fibre and completely stopped liquor and i don't smoke, used to walk 8-10Km daily and run same distance on weekends, now am in regression, reduced medicine intake cause of low sugar counts on daily basis.


Thanks! Glad to see people take control naturally if they can. I am hoping to!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, I'm no doctor but your BP is at fainting level now. (at least for me anyway. At that low, I would be rather light headed) However, if you feel okay then who am I to question it.


Happy New Year, Seraphim. :D


He reduced the systolic med in half at my last visit and in 3 weeks it has come up to 120/78.

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Well, I'm no doctor but your BP is at fainting level now. (at least for me anyway. At that low, I would be rather light headed) However, if you feel okay then who am I to question it.


Happy New Year, Seraphim. :D


He reduced the systolic med in half at my last visit and in 3 weeks it has come up to 120/78.

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