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Diabetes: Journey of Self control


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Going to the movies tonight and can have exactly nothing. 😕


When I'm going to the movies, I don't have a carb at lunch or dinner and then I can have a medium popcorn and a diet drink and it won't affect my A1C or my random glucose test.


Once you get an appointment with the diabetic clinic at your local hospital, they will show you where the bad eating habits have been by showing you how to eat healthy. I was shocked that 1/4 cup of rice was all I was suppose to be eating in one sitting. That white bread was the devils food and that one half of my plate should always be vegetables (two different colours). You'll naturally lose weight when you get a plate for yourself that is divided into three compartments with half the plate for veggies, and the other half split in two. One for your carb and one for your protein.


Good luck, you can do it. When is your diabetic clinic appointment?

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I have t2 diabetes and have had it for over 10 yrs. I take pills and insulin at night. My doc said if everyone ate the way people with diabetes should eat, we'd all be a lot healthier. He's right. Both my parents had it, so I would likely have ended up with it eventually.


It's not a death sentence! Once you learn how to eat properly and make the adjustment to better/healthier foods you will be pleased with your results. I dont care at all that cake, pie, donuts etc are not on my list of things to eat. Doing it right sure beats the alternative.


Yes I fall off the wagon every now and again, but I get back on the wagon right away. Make any kind of exercise a part of your life, I walk a lot. I have a step counter on my phone to help me.


People always say - oh your poor thing! I dont let it get me down, I know I eat better than a lot of people do, and t2 makes me conscious of what I put in my mouth. I'm glad I dont feel like I miss all the sweet crap nobody really should be eating.

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Ahh vic , sorry you have the worry of this , but you have dealt with everything else and I know you will deal with it . We can get diabetic sweets here and chocolate , cake etc ..so maybe you can look around for when you need a little treat like the cinema xx

I snuck some almonds in my pocket .😉

Nice to see you Pippy! How are you love ?

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Many many many diabetics in my dad’s family unfortunately. My dad is a very severe diabetic insulin-dependent in renal failure and on dialysis . I’m lucky I won’t be anywhere near him he never listened to one doctor about anything .

You can do this and sorry to hear this news!
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When I'm going to the movies, I don't have a carb at lunch or dinner and then I can have a medium popcorn and a diet drink and it won't affect my A1C or my random glucose test.


Once you get an appointment with the diabetic clinic at your local hospital, they will show you where the bad eating habits have been by showing you how to eat healthy. I was shocked that 1/4 cup of rice was all I was suppose to be eating in one sitting. That white bread was the devils food and that one half of my plate should always be vegetables (two different colours). You'll naturally lose weight when you get a plate for yourself that is divided into three compartments with half the plate for veggies, and the other half split in two. One for your carb and one for your protein.


Good luck, you can do it. When is your diabetic clinic appointment?

I have to make an appointment. It is lucky I do like vegetables but I prefer salads .

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I have t2 diabetes and have had it for over 10 yrs. I take pills and insulin at night. My doc said if everyone ate the way people with diabetes should eat, we'd all be a lot healthier. He's right. Both my parents had it, so I would likely have ended up with it eventually.


It's not a death sentence! Once you learn how to eat properly and make the adjustment to better/healthier foods you will be pleased with your results. I dont care at all that cake, pie, donuts etc are not on my list of things to eat. Doing it right sure beats the alternative.


Yes I fall off the wagon every now and again, but I get back on the wagon right away. Make any kind of exercise a part of your life, I walk a lot. I have a step counter on my phone to help me.


People always say - oh your poor thing! I dont let it get me down, I know I eat better than a lot of people do, and t2 makes me conscious of what I put in my mouth. I'm glad I dont feel like I miss all the sweet crap nobody really should be eating.


I am not much of a sweets lover I do like potato chips and carbs. 😞

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I have to make an appointment. It is lucky I do like vegetables but I prefer salads .


Did your Doc not refer you? Mine referred me to the local hospital and they called me with a set appointment. You will get lots of advice and healthy eating/diet tips.


Get yourself one of those less expensive smart watches. Amazon or even Walmart online sell some good ones (mine was $35.00 at Walmart.ca) It records the number of steps a day (I walk a lot too), when you've been sitting too long, your blood pressure, your heart beats per min, the hours you've slept and records it all on your phone on the app. Its very motivating it getting you moving. Exercise is very important in order to keep your glucose levels on target.

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Did your Doc not refer you? Mine referred me to the local hospital and they called me with a set appointment. You will get lots of advice and healthy eating/diet tips.


Get yourself one of those less expensive smart watches. Amazon or even Walmart online sell some good ones (mine was $35.00 at Walmart.ca) It records the number of steps a day (I walk a lot too), when you've been sitting too long, your blood pressure, your heart beats per min, the hours you've slept and records it all on your phone on the app. Its very motivating it getting you moving. Exercise is very important in order to keep your glucose levels on target.


I already have the Apple Watch and my iPhone records my exercise.


My dr didn’t refer me because I am not local. But he knows I am pretty knowledgeable health wise by speaking with me. Because I am not horrendously bad he has given me 3 months of full trying myself.

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Apple Watch! Awesome.


Yes, mine gave me time to correct as well. (I was prediabetic for five years before he finally put me on metformin pills). I have to admit I feel a whole lot better now that I'm on them. I still felt "off" somehow with the ups and downs in blood sugar which is very rare now that I'm on the med. He also put me on a very low dose high blood pressure med and a cholesterol lowering med even though I don't have high BP or high Cholesterol as he said its part of the regimen to keep away the chance of a cardiovascular event happening.


I didn't think you could get into the diabetic clinic without a referral? Anyway, don't want to nag but make the appmnt. You will be enlightened. I know I wasn't doing a lot that I should have been while regulating my food prior to going.

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Apple Watch! Awesome.


Yes, mine gave me time to correct as well. (I was prediabetic for five years before he finally put me on metformin pills). I have to admit I feel a whole lot better now that I'm on them. I still felt "off" somehow with the ups and downs in blood sugar which is very rare now that I'm on the med. He also put me on a very low dose high blood pressure med and a cholesterol lowering med even though I don't have high BP or high Cholesterol as he said its part of the regimen to keep away the chance of a cardiovascular event happening.


I didn't think you could get into the diabetic clinic without a referral? Anyway, don't want to nag but make the appmnt. You will be enlightened. I know I wasn't doing a lot that I should have been while regulating my food prior to going.


My blood pressure was dangerously high and my cholesterol was not good. But he said with a lot of diligence I might not needs meds.( for diabetes) Metformin is out because of IBS I would never get off the toilet.

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I have IBS too and the first kind of Metformin he put me on caused dreadful consequences in that department but he's put me on the extended release kind instead and I'm no worse for wear. There are other diabetic meds besides Metformin though.


Did he put you on high blood pressure and cholesterol lowering meds?

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I have IBS too and the first kind of Metformin he put me on caused dreadful consequences in that department but he's put me on the extended release kind instead and I'm no worse for wear. There are other diabetic meds besides Metformin though.


Did he put you on high blood pressure and cholesterol lowering meds?

Good to know .


Yes, I am on two blood pressure meds. He said he thinks I can bring down the cholesterol too. I have a recheck in 3 months. If it’s coming down he will let me go another three months.

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