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Sexual desires are different


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So my boyfriend and I have had a lot of arguments recently based around sexual activity. I'm not a very sexual person at all! But he being a male is very opposite! I know I'm not particularly normal in this aspect as I could easily live without sex! I don't see a need for it. I always avoid any type of bedroom intimacy besides kisses and cuddles. So he's recently told me that we need to be doing something at least once a week, and apparently if that doesn't happen then he will have to seriously consider what's right for him.

I really don't want to do those things and idk if it's cause I'm less attracted to him than I used to be or that there is something in my brain saying no? (He would never break up with me tho he's obsessed with me) but if he doesn't stop blowing up and making a huge deal fighting and crying about this should I break up with him? Who's in the wrong here? Am I for not trying to want him enough? It him for trying to push me?

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You don't need to be having sex at any frequency. Neither of you are wrong in your sex drives or lack thereof, but he is wrong in not just moaning or pressuring you but full on blowing up about it. Sexual compatibility is a very real thing and if he's not getting what he needs, then he needs to find a woman who fits the bill. Plenty of women out there ready, willing, and able to oblige at the very least once a week.

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How long have the two of you been together?

Do you always lose interest or is he the only one this has happened with?

How old are the two of you?


Would you be willing to open up your relationship so that he comes home to kiss and cuddle you but has his sexual needs met by someone else? You say he would never leave you so I'm thinking that would be his only other option.

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We've been together for a year and a half. I'm 18 and he's 19. I've only had one boyfriend before him and it was sort of same deal but I wasn't super attracted to him anyway

And that is definitely not something either of us would do or want

Then he will likely break up with you. I think he wants more then a platonic friend as a potential "Life mate?' Sexual compatibility is very important in keeping a relationship together. He's in his sexual prime at 19. I'm not sure how he'd ever just settle for someone who is basically A-sexual.


If you don't like him complaining for wanting what every red blooded male wants with the woman (or man) he loves then break up with him. Don't do the selfish thing though and blame the break up on him complaining or blowing up, do it because you feel you're sexually incompatible.... which you are.

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His desires are normal.at your age you guys should be having sex everyday, or at least however frequently u guys see each other. You should break up.


There is no 'should' when it comes to sex drives. Different people have different desires and there is nothing wrong with not being terribly interested in sex ,just as there is nothing wrong with having a really strong desire for sex. There is a wide range of sexual expression.

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Neither of you is in the wrong - you are just very sexually incompatible.


A relationship without intimacy is essentially a friendship. This isn't going to work in the long-term, as you are both going to become very frustrated and fed up. Given how young you both are, I would let each other go. You're not a match, in a very significant way.

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I hear ya girl. My bf and I haven't had sex in literal months... I don't know why my sex drive has dropped significantly because I find him attractive I just could live without it which is not like me in past relationships... he's also similar to your guy in that he'd never leave me... ahhh I feel like I have deeper issues I'm not ready to address lol

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Sex and physical intimacy is a very important aspect of any relationship. Unless both sides are happy with no sex, then changes need to happen.


If this keeps going you'll both end up separate. Either you'll break up with him because of the pressure or he'll break up with you because his (very reasonable needs) aren't being met.


No one is in the right or in the wrong...just different needs.

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There are two sides to this.


1 - once a week is already an extremely small amount - I have sex with my gf pretty much every day unless one of us is sick, extremely tired, or something out of the ordinary. So I do empathize with the guy. It is not your "job" to do it with him, but if you don't, he is perfectly within his right to leave you and find someone who does.


2 - If he truly is clingy, needy, insecure, etc etc - that will dry up a vagina like the Sahara desert - I do get why you wouldn't want it with him...

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You have no respect for him or his needs. You know the type of man he is. You say he is obsessed with you yet you're not allowing him to fully embrace you. You are keeping him around for your selfish needs, whatever they are.


You need to end the relationship and let him heal.


If you give in and give him what he wants for the wrong reasons then this will come back to bite you in the future. Your sex life is going to very boring and blend and the chimestery won't be there. It will change your attitude towards each other outside the bedroom in a negative way.


Let him find someone he can have sex with and enjoy that part of a relationship

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There are two sides to this.


1 - once a week is already an extremely small amount - I have sex with my gf pretty much every day unless one of us is sick, extremely tired, or something out of the ordinary. So I do empathize with the guy. It is not your "job" to do it with him, but if you don't, he is perfectly within his right to leave you and find someone who does.


2 - If he truly is clingy, needy, insecure, etc etc - that will dry up a vagina like the Sahara desert - I do get why you wouldn't want it with him...


She sounds like the one who is clingy, needy, and insecure in my opinion.


She wants to cuddle and kiss in the bed room but isn't confident enough to give her man what he wants. She won't even try and look at the situation with an open mind. She might find out some things that she likes during sex / try new things.

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You said that you're not attracted to him and you weren't attracted to your previous boyfriend either.


Why do you get involved as a girlfriend then? When you meet the next guy who likes you, be honest. If you don't "like" him then do not be his girlfriend. Be friends. Try flirting if it's not too confusing for the guy. But don't call yourself a girlfriend if you're not even attracted.


Maybe you aren't matured or fully know your own desires yet. Nothing wrong or strange about it. But this boyfriend knows what he wants.....


Hopefully you are learning that if you haven't felt that jolt! of attraction-it isn't gonna happen.

You will both end up resenting each other. Part friends.


When you are ready, find a person who triggers your mind to give you butterflies and zing!


If you're frozen--let it go! Lol.

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