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How many first dates before you met your SO?


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Hi! I just wanted to see everyone's experiences with first dates and how many it took before you entered a relationship with someone.


With my ex, it was like 3 before I met him - BUT I was also super picky with OLD then, so it could've been more.


Now, I'm on to about 10-15 first dates without much luck. (Yes, all online. I'll be starting school soon and may have more luck in real life).


I am not asking how many dates before you declare you're official. I'm asking how many people did you have to meet before one stuck. Just curious!

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My OLD experience has been hit or miss. A date a month, maybe, then dry spells. I had 3 in one week a month ago, nothing for a month, and 3 this week (3 days in a row... Side note, I don't know how people cheat, it is hard talking to so many guys, lol)


Ok, 4th and 13th, Blue Ridge? That isn't bad. I'm excited about the guy I'm meeting today. The one yesterday was nice but no spark. But grad school starts in 3 weeks... 10:1 male to female ratio haha. I'm hoping something pans out soon...

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First dates? LOL... I had a few interesting ones when I was young. I'd have to say somewhere between 40 to 50. The woman I've been married to for the past 35 years I worked with. Our first date was in a roach infested restaurant in the Philippines. She went to shake some parmesan cheese on her spaghetti and a couple of cockroaches fell out of the can. What's really bad was I had already taken a few bites from my place (I sprinkled a bit a cheese on my dinner too). She laughed and I laughed.


Yep... We were meant for each other.

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My current boyfriend, I've known since I was 14. We may have even known each other when we were 5 (same summer camp), but it's not 100% certain. Ironically, I reconnected with him right after I swore off dating indefinitely. He legitimately courted me. I think we "dated" for two months before we became official. So maybe 10 - 15 dates, starting off slow and then becoming more frequent.


With online dating, I basically knew on the first date if there was potential. It's either there or it's not. I met some cool people on OLD, but the longest of those relationships lasted 7 months. I just do better with people I know in real life. I think it's because I like knowing the same people, and also the shared history.

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Thats kinda a hard question to answer. Some people date 1 person and some date 500. Anyone alone that line might stick around more than a few days or last a few years so its hard to define at any one point who you would consider your Sig Other. Know what I mean?

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Thats kinda a hard question to answer. Some people date 1 person and some date 500. Anyone alone that line might stick around more than a few days or last a few years so its hard to define at any one point who you would consider your Sig Other. Know what I mean?




I agree. I was just curious what's normal. I felt lucky meeting my now-ex when I did. I had done OLD a year before meeting him (match, paid) and only went on two dates. I said "screw this!" and signed up for OKC just to practice dating. A week later, I met him - and we lasted two years.


I was hoping that would happen again, lol. Oops!


I had a good date today. I'm hoping the guy thought so, too, and he gets back in contact!

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I didn't count people, I counted time in between relationships. Five years in my 20s. 1 year, before the man I am currently dating.


Using current dating rl because he is the only one over this time who has satisfied my interest. I wouldn't call him an SO, but he qualifies for purposes of your question.


I like the idea of time, not numbers. I might meet 4 men in a week, but I will be a better person 6 months from now as a result of many inputs in addition to meeting men. So time has been my measure.


Before my prior SO, it was 3 to 6 months, not a remarkable stretch.

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