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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Part of a recurring pattern but, specifically, the millenial who blocked my exit from the supermarket -the sliding doors exit -when I had my cart filled to the brim (walking home in the cold) because she just had to stop and text -she thought her body was moving but she wasn't in any normal way - I was tempted to accidentally push my cart into her but once she deigned to move enough for me to get by I told her harshly that it was a bad idea to block the exit to text. Not sure if she heard (earbuds). Obnoxious.


Hang on... let's be careful with the labels. I'm 59 and I try not to judge "Millennials". I work with dozens of folks right out of college, and they are hard working, polite, and friendly. I've had more "older" people block my aisle or door in the supermarket. And to your point, yes... totally obnoxious!!!!

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Hang on... let's be careful with the labels. I'm 59 and I try not to judge "Millennials". I work with dozens of folks right out of college, and they are hard working, polite, and friendly. I've had more "older" people block my aisle or door in the supermarket. And to your point, yes... totally obnoxious!!!!


Yes you're right and I didn't mean to label just to describe the age range. You're 100% correct!!!

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🛸👽Yes, give them a full description of your planet, how you got here, light-years, etc. they will stop asking. Continue by telling them that on your planet humans date sloths.😍🐵

great advice, it's true one guy in my uni class thought I was an alien (because of my grades lol :D)
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🛸👽Yes, give them a full description of your planet, how you got here, light-years, etc. they will stop asking. Continue by telling them that on your planet humans date sloths.😍🐵


That would be so cool, sloths are too lazy to send creepy messages on Tinder.

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