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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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fffffffffffffff**k, i'm sorry, that sucks! i'm so scared of this happening, or ulnar nerve injury when you hit your elbow. the extent of the damage from sometimes one single move, terrifying.


do you expect to have reasonable mobility post-rehab?


Yes. I expect reasonable mobility. I have made apt with my orthopedic so I can see the x-ray results. Hopefully the damage isn't too bad.

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Can't speak for PP but where I am, it is illegal for food business' to donate their food to homeless people or to say "hey, raid our garbage". This is due to food safety reasons/liability. Of course, some businesses get around this by going through word of mouth like "You didn't hear from me, but xyz place will toss food out in a separate bag on xyz day at zyx time."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I swear people I work with when they get sick are the worst; won't stay home, get into close when talking, and don't do enough to cover coughs and sneezes (AKA anything half the time). No matter what I say or do gets the message through, they are clueless. Granted I'm paranoid I'm going to get sick and ruin my last free weekend for the month (yes my only free weekend for the month that is starting).

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Dear software programmers and designers:


Software updates...... no you didn't improve the product, but you made my life hell, so a very sarcastic thank you for that.

Also thank you for being utterly clueless about how the customer's business runs and how the product is actually used and what it actually needs to do, but hey, you pushed out a half azzed, brainless, clueless, bugged to all hell update that you are soooooo excited about. I mean seriously, we the customers didn't ask for it, so if you are going to make stupid changes, at least have the decency to fix the bugs before you release the update. No, your customers are not your free bug testers. We have this option to go use something else, remember?


/end rant

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  • 3 weeks later...

Complaints about a celebration being "a made up holiday" (or a "Hallmark holiday"). People, EVERYTHING is made up! We've invented almost everything we pay attention to. IMO, holidays are about focus and attention, taking a different view from the everyday. For one day, let's focus on LOVE more than usual; for another day, let's focus on FORGIVENESS and GENEROSITY more than usual; for one day let's focus on who CREATED us into this life (Mom / Dad) more than usual; for one day THANKFULNESS. GAH, when anyone makes it about materialism and expectations and something to complain about, then what they are actually "celebrating" is DISAPPOINTMENT and LACK, or something similar. Their choice. Our choice. We each have a choice. Lucky us. On that note, here's a moment to celebrate our FREE WILL do view things as we do, and for ranting into the void.

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Try to be nice, genuine, and honest about a friend who is pretty (and no interest on my part) and get treated like some weirdo. No matter what I do, I feel like I am behind the 8 ball when it comes to being nice to females. I must have the charm of a toad.

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This guy at work who, no matter what, MUST have the last word. Even when it's to his own detriment.


Example: He thinks a policy should be changed. He has repeatedly and loudly expressed his opinion on this policy, using the word "ridiculous" to describe this policy. It's my job to enforce this policy, which has resulted in several conflicts. He finally was told in no uncertain terms by the #1 person at work (the BIG boss) that the policy WILL remain in force and that he MUST adhere to it. Period. He came back with a seven paragraph response, explaining YET AGAIN why he thinks this policy should be changed. Because NO WAY is he letting someone else, not even the big boss, have the last word.


Funny thing is, he keeps applying for promotions and keeps getting passed over. And he doesn't understand why.



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I am so so tired of chronic illness and pain and all that comes with it I am just beside myself.


I'm so so sorry. I can totally relate (I don't tend to talk about here - back related). When the pain goes off the scale, I call it "want to throw myself in front of a train pain", or "throw myself off a bridge". It's exhausting and very draining.


~big fat cyber hugs~ Hope you feel a little better soon!

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I'm so so sorry. I can totally relate (I don't tend to talk about here - back related). When the pain goes off the scale, I call it "want to throw myself in front of a train pain", or "throw myself off a bridge". It's exhausting and very draining.


~big fat cyber hugs~ Hope you feel a little better soon!


And for you. ❤

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I've done it again - hit "thank you" when I meant to hit on IP. Makes me soooo mad! Wish there was an "undo" button....


Happens to me a lot too, especially when I'm on the phone trying to move the page.

Sometimes i don't care but there are also times when i thank a troll or someone with whom i absolutely don't agree.

It's really infuriating and i have also once started a thread about this and asked for an undo button or for when you hit thanks that there is a pop up that asks are you sure?

For me this is the biggest reason why the thanks button doesn't work and i like the old system better, plus there you could send a little message with your thanks....those were always cute to read!

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