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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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  • 1 month later...

Dias, I'm not but my city has gone into panic mode.

I always have emerg supplies though and a full pantry. You never know when a storm or something can happen, and it's just part of how I live. I freeze and preserve in the summer, have my fancy water filter and spare water for making wine and beer lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That made me laugh. " A propensity to lick subway poles ".

I wonder, how high or drunk must someone be to lick a subway pole?!


Some times, I want to put all these guys on an idiot island.

Oh yeah! I can already picture it as a highly popular reality TV show about life of covidiots on Idiots Island.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just saw this posted by a nurse on a local message board and it made me smile. People like her deserve to be entrusted to care for others, because they actually do care for others.


I am an RN at XYZ Medical Center. If you have a family member or a loved one who is a patient at XYZ Medical Center, that you are not able to see, I would love to stop by to visit them...I cannot offer medical updates or communicate with the medical team involved in their care, but I can offer a hand to hold and a friendly face. I can also FaceTime family members to say hello or to see their loved ones during this difficult time. Visitation is suspended right now and nobody should ever feel alone when they are sick or hospitalized. I can play music for them, hold their hand, bring them cards with well wishes or FaceTime their loved one.

Feel free to message me!! I can only imagine how difficult it is to not be able to see or talk to them - this is why I became a nurse ; to help and send love ❤️. Wishing you all health and happiness!


Sometimes it seems like the medical field is populated with misanthropes. Let those people stay home during this time (and hopefully change careers).

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Just saw this posted by a nurse on a local message board and it made me smile. People like her deserve to be entrusted to care for others, because they actually do care for others.




Sometimes it seems like the medical field is populated with misanthropes. Let those people stay home during this time (and hopefully change careers).

Thanks for sharing J. That made my day ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Why people criticize Adele is beyond my comprehension. You are being bullied when you are fat, you are being bullied when you are slim. You can't escape from criticism it seems. Stupid jealous people.


I had no idea she'd lost so much weight.


I have to say, I think she had the kind of face that looked beautiful with the extra weight. But far be it from me to criticize her.


I feel really bad when people do that to other people. It's such a difficult struggle, especially for a public figure.


Our last governor was an obese man, and he lost a lot of weight while he was in office. Man, the media ate that up. People made fun of him like crazy, and the whole thing was fueled even more by politics.



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I had no idea she'd lost so much weight.


I have to say, I think she had the kind of face that looked beautiful with the extra weight. But far be it from me to criticize her.


I feel really bad when people do that to other people. It's such a difficult struggle, especially for a public figure.


Our last governor was an obese man, and he lost a lot of weight while he was in office. Man, the media ate that up. People made fun of him like crazy, and the whole thing was fueled even more by politics.




Indeed her face looked better when she was a bit overweight. I am talking about the more recent years when she was a bit overweight, not in the beginning when she was a lot bigger. We store fat in our faces, my face looks way better when I am 14% body fat than when I am 9%, it has more "color" and looks healthier. When you are in low body fat your body might seem amazing but your face doesn’t. That varies from individual to individual of course. Adele lost in the face but she has a great body now, she went from the cute side to the sexy side, so to speak. A happy medium is the best imo. Different strokes for different folks.

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There is no pleasing everyone. If you're fat or chunky, you're criticized. If you are thin or if you slim down, you're criticized. People just tear each other down due to their own crappy self insecurities. At the end of the day, you have to do what is right for you and your own happiness. Maybe being a size 4 is conducive to that, to others it's not and that's okay.

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Yep, celebrity weight has been a favorite for sensationalist tabloids for a long time. Next thing you know, they are selling some sort of diet program.


Don't forget the incessant "baby bump" watches. A woman can't even enjoy a large lunch without 2 magazines snapping pics of her post-meal and squawking.

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I lost lot of weight due to serious health issues and a "friend" sharply criticized me, saying "You're too skinny! Look at you, you lost your boobs!"


Yeah, thanks for trying to make me feel worse right after I recovered from a serious infection that was one day from developing into sepsis!


Some friend!

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