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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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It was actually Christmas eve dinner. I wanted to mix it up a little seeing my mom had just passed away and we weren't quite sure how we would get through the traditional night. I told everyone they had to come in their pj's. My brother protested. Once he arrived he was banished to the bathroom with a one-sie in a bag. This is his expression when he finally came out.

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My brother last year. His step daughters bought it for him. Can you tell how excited he was by it??7e3d12d390d4f29ca241763466535731.jpg


Lol I love this.


I used to joke about the adult onesies. Who'd want one?!

Then I got one as a gift, because I'm always turning up the heat in the winter. Soo warm!! But makes everyone look like a little kid!


First Christmas my brother's girlfriend came to our family Christmas, she had brought a onesie just for sleeping in. So it's late Christmas Eve, and she's going to bed and has her onesie on. She wasn't prepared, I guess, for all the random pop in visits all through Christmas when it was at my mom's house. An old friend of my brother's from out of province pops in, then some more people, and she's being introduced in her onesie. I felt badly for her, she was embarrassed. Now she knows everyone so well she laughs about it, but I always think of that when I see onesies now.

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