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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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I am becoming my mother.




We went to get some coffee and muffins at McD's. We had to pull around into the pick up thingie. This lady comes out and hands us our food. So she's got that receipt(my mother was driving) that they're supposed to keep. Well, she left it in the bag. Under where they label it so they know which car it goes to, it said "Old Lady" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm like, I'm going in there! They cannot give people receipts that say old lady! My mom is like nah, forget it(in the past, this would have been the reverse. Only I would have been shrinking in my seat). I was like no, this is so inappropriate.


So I go in this ridiculously crowded McD's and I'm like I need the manager. She comes to me and asks if she can help me. So I hold up the receipt and I'm gesturing at it like Vanna White, and I say, "Do you see this?" And she's looking into my eyes. I said no...Look at the receipt(it's not like you can miss it in the big letters). Yes, that. Do you see it? "Yes" "It's so inappropriate! You don't do that. You label the customers by car color or model, not 'old lady' or something else. " And all these employees are either staring or slinking off...


And she was so flustered. I realized she is the one who brought out our food(but likely not the one who labeled it). She says may I show it to the team that they're not supposed to write that? I'm like yes...And she snatches my receipt. So I totally wrote the corporate office and said she took my old lady receipt but aside from that, she couldn't stammer out more than a half-hearted and stunned apology, and I was not pleased.


I'm laughing at myself. My mom didn't care that she was referred to as an old lady. She said, "I am one!" I said mom...Not the point. The point is this is not Ed Debevic's. You don't give customers receipts with old lady on them. She's like well when you put it that way, no it's not professional...But I am old. Lol. My mom.

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I am becoming my mother.




We went to get some coffee and muffins at McD's. We had to pull around into the pick up thingie. This lady comes out and hands us our food. So she's got that receipt(my mother was driving) that they're supposed to keep. Well, she left it in the bag. Under where they label it so they know which car it goes to, it said "Old Lady" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm like, I'm going in there! They cannot give people receipts that say old lady! My mom is like nah, forget it(in the past, this would have been the reverse. Only I would have been shrinking in my seat). I was like no, this is so inappropriate.


So I go in this ridiculously crowded McD's and I'm like I need the manager. She comes to me and asks if she can help me. So I hold up the receipt and I'm gesturing at it like Vanna White, and I say, "Do you see this?" And she's looking into my eyes. I said no...Look at the receipt(it's not like you can miss it in the big letters). Yes, that. Do you see it? "Yes" "It's so inappropriate! You don't do that. You label the customers by car color or model, not 'old lady' or something else. " And all these employees are either staring or slinking off...


And she was so flustered. I realized she is the one who brought out our food(but likely not the one who labeled it). She says may I show it to the team that they're not supposed to write that? I'm like yes...And she snatches my receipt. So I totally wrote the corporate office and said she took my old lady receipt but aside from that, she couldn't stammer out more than a half-hearted and stunned apology, and I was not pleased.


I'm laughing at myself. My mom didn't care that she was referred to as an old lady. She said, "I am one!" I said mom...Not the point. The point is this is not Ed Debevic's. You don't give customers receipts with old lady on them. She's like well when you put it that way, no it's not professional...But I am old. Lol. My mom.


I am glad you stood up for your mom!

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I am glad you stood up for your mom!


What bugs me about it is that the manager read it TO bring the food to us, and then didn't take it back and think, "Oh, this is not appropriate." So clearly they make a habit out of it. It's just damn rude, and if you're going to do that you better be CERTAIN it doesn't wind up in a customer's hand like it did mine. And don't stare at me all mouse-like and acting timid. You're a manager, you can't do that. Apologize and try to make it right, don't just stand there with deer in headlights face like the rest of them.

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What bugs me about it is that the manager read it TO bring the food to us, and then didn't take it back and think, "Oh, this is not appropriate." So clearly they make a habit out of it. It's just damn rude, and if you're going to do that you better be CERTAIN it doesn't wind up in a customer's hand like it did mine. And don't stare at me all mouse-like and acting timid. You're a manager, you can't do that. Apologize and try to make it right, don't just stand there with deer in headlights face like the rest of them.

Absolutely !! She should have taken that receipt lined everybody up and told them that's not appropriate and not given you the receipt. I remember when I was a teenager I worked at MCD's in the drive-through we were trained to put the colour or make of the vehicle on the receipt.

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Life is funny


For the last few days my car has had a knocking noise, I thought I would take it to the mechanics.. but never got around to it... my bad.

Today my car stopped on the way to work, she decided life was too hard, thankfully 4 big fella's came to my aid in the pouring rain and pushed my car to my mechanic (a couple of meters down the road), I rang my Dad who was just on his way to town, he and mum met me at the mechanics, they gave me mums car for the day - we had a giggle and here I am soaking wet at work... getting a ribbing from my fellow workers for owning a European car ... (3 time since I bought it in October that I've had issues)


It's weird that it all worked out beautifully - orchestrated to say the least.. (ok yes I will most probably be in debt financially to fix whatever is wrong, but this is just life - ebs and flows)


I'm sitting here thinking how thankful I am that it worked out so well, if she had broken down anywhere else I would have been in trouble. Have I grown up, my reaction was to laugh, I laughed with the receptionist @ the mechanics and with the service manager, I laughed with my parents and now I'm laughing with my boss and coworkers... imagine if I cried


Food for thought... every action has a reaction...


Gawd, not looking forward to the bill... haha!

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It's finally, FINALLY, warming back up here. And I and my poor dry eyes thank everyone that I can open the doors and windows and not have to feel like poor Spongebob under the heat lamp in Shell City due to being stuck inside with the heating any longer. Or at least not as badly, this is New Mexico after all, we have no humidity and I grouse if it gets above 50 as it is during rain..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really wanted to answer a post asking about 30 something men's ability to attract a mate this way:


Money or look like some stinking heart-throb. If you're anything but rich and clooney like you are screwed. Unless you like the crazy dog lady type.


Yeah I'm pretty negative today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best scene in a TV show so far? Watching Daredevil and The Punisher duke it out. My very own version of mudwrestling babes, only for me it's two of my all-time favorite superheroes pitted against each other.


I was almost like a teenage girl at a rock concert. And I'm nearly 60. Ridiculous Paris, absolutely ridiculous. But yum!

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