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An Apple a Day - A Dating Journal


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Yeah it could be that I guess since it happened to you. I will write that one down for future reference somewhere so I know in the future.


But since they suddenly went all over after I ate a whole bunch of those chocolate covered nuts I am inclined to think it was likely them.


I still see new bumps occuring, but i just checked the mirror and compared to last night when I flared up my skin is much more smooth and calm - there is less of them - less severe, except for the new ones. Last night it was literally ankle to ankle. I am so lucky nothing happened with my throat or insides we has a snowstorm here and I would have certainly died with no access to medical care!


I was supposed to be at work today and even tomorrow but obviously i didnt go today.

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When I woke up the bumps were much less but thought the day they kept showing up. I'm yet again completely covered in red bumps. Was not able to get to a Dr.


I hope this doesn't continue much longer. Im not really responsive to benadryl it seems. I put some baking soda paste in a small area because I read that that might help.


Tomorrow, weather permitting, I may go to ER if I don't get better ....


M shovelled a bit behind my car he says enough that my truck could drive over it. Idk if he cleared snow off it at all, I hope I can do it myself tomorrow if he didn't.

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The hives get better Rin the morning and worse at night.


They are much better this morning but they are still there and I suspect will come back at night.


I called the ENT Dr and allergist that saw me and prescribed the antibiotics. They seemed to think it wasn't the antibiotics probably, and as long as I can breathe wait it out and keep taking benadryl (even though I said it doesn't seem to help).


I already have an appt on Wed so they said to keep that but that if I get worse call and come on Monday.


I hope it doesn't turn into a chronic condition. It's been almost 48 hrs now since it started. That scares me.


Batya how long did your reaction last when it happened, do you remember?

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The hives get better Rin the morning and worse at night.


They are much better this morning but they are still there and I suspect will come back at night.


I called the ENT Dr and allergist that saw me and prescribed the antibiotics. They seemed to think it wasn't the antibiotics probably, and as long as I can breathe wait it out and keep taking benadryl (even though I said it doesn't seem to help).


I already have an appt on Wed so they said to keep that but that if I get worse call and come on Monday.


I hope it doesn't turn into a chronic condition. It's been almost 48 hrs now since it started. That scares me.


Batya how long did your reaction last when it happened, do you remember?


I saw the doctor that day and was given a low dose of prednisone. I believe I also took benadryl. So, I think it went away within a day mostly but when I saw the dermatologist a day or so later they were still there. Sorry you have this- maybe it's a virus?

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I am happy to report that the bumps that covered my whole body for nearly 48 hours are now ALL magically gone! My whole body was inflamed and now there is no sign of them anywhere on my skin almost -you can't tell they were there.


I have a newfound appreciation for life lol


It makes me want to donate to people who suffer from this chronically.



On other news, I bought myself a "smart" scale that syncs with my phone. When I religiously tracked my weight a few years ago I Was doing SO good and was the healthiest I'd ever been in my life.


I am one of those people that eats out of boredom/stress. So I have to be very conscious and eat when I am hungry only.


Right now I am making some red lentil soup with my pressure cooker. Yum.

Ingredients: red lentils, a small red onion (normally I would use white/spanish but this is what I had), small piece of a carrot, and a smallish yam (normally I would use a regular potato but again that is what I had). I just realized I forgot to put any oil in, oh well...

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I really like lentil soup. It's very eye hearty and good. Perfect when it's cold out.


Have your considered logging your meals? Even if you're not tracking calories, it's helpful to log it on paper or an app because it reminds you of what you have had. It forces you to be accountable for what you eat.

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I really like lentil soup. It's very eye hearty and good. Perfect when it's cold out.


Have your considered logging your meals? Even if you're not tracking calories, it's helpful to log it on paper or an app because it reminds you of what you have had. It forces you to be accountable for what you eat.


That is so draining for me. I do it ok for first 2 days but I just can't log that much. Even when I was doing REALLY well I didn't log my food - I just couldn't. What has worked for me before is weighing in every morning after the bathroom - then you can see the progress even day to day if you ate well/portioned.

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Menemen is delicious. I haven't made it myself but there is a local place I eat at sometimes for bunch that has different dishes and they serve that sometimes. It's really good. Brunch is probably my favorite meal ever, haha.


I've had no issues with ethnic foods and Lose It (that's the app I use and have used for years) but I don't know for other apps.

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On other news, I bought myself a "smart" scale that syncs with my phone. When I religiously tracked my weight a few years ago I Was doing SO good and was the healthiest I'd ever been in my life.


I weigh my self every day, and write it on the calendar. I also write major feast-days on the calendar, so that when I go back and review my weight fluctuations over time, I can see the cause (oh, we went out for dinner five weekends in a row and I gained 5 pounds). I find that really helpful.


I'm also one of those people who tracks everything she eats. Usually. Some days, like today, it gets to a point where I'm like ahhhh, eff it.


I don't review the daily, detailed list so much, but it does help to keep me accountable in the moment.


Menemen is delicious. I haven't made it myself but there is a local place I eat at sometimes for bunch that has different dishes and they serve that sometimes. It's really good. Brunch is probably my favorite meal ever, haha.


That looks delicious. Looks a little like shakshuka.

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The strange thing is even when I point out how infrequently we are having sex he still insists he wants it 3-4 times a week. Makes no sense. It's like he can't come to grips with reality.


We had sex twice last week and 0 times this week. That averages to 1 a week, not the 3-4 he claims he wants.

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It sounds like you're really unhappy. Do you fear that he's not having sex with you as frequently as you'd like because he's not sexually attracted to you? Do you fear that his not having sex with you 3-4 times a week means he doesn't value you? If you do fear these things, the only suggestion I have is to flat out tell him. I know you already have talked about it, but maybe he didn't really understand just how much it upsets you. You might just have to say, "Hey, I know we talked about this recently, and when we did, you said you wanted sex 3-4 times a week, but it hasn't been happening, and I'm feeling [insert feeling here]. Why do you think it isn't happening?" The key here is to let him know how you're feeling but not blame him or accuse him of anything. There could be any number of reasons it's not happening -- his libido could be lower than yours, he could be having a medical issue, he could be tired a lot of the time he could be doubting the relationship's longevity -- these are just a few possibilities. OR, he could simply not need sex as often as you do.


If you feel you can't talk to him about this, or if you do talk to him and you don't get a response that indicates that he's willing to work on this (or if he indicates that he doesn't see it as an issue), then you may have to chalk it up to incompatibility and end the relationship. I know that's a sad prospect, but if you're not on the same page with this, and he's not willing to work on it, I don't see that you have any other choice.

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I did explain to him but I just don't know. I'm just too sad right now to even be able to think/express myself.


He claims he wants sex 3-4 times a week. The reality is there are some weeks we go without the whole week. Best seems to be 3, but that's so rare. He will gladly see me everyday but won't have sex with me. That's seems odd in a 6-7 month relationship.


Part of it is that I worry he isn't attracted to me but part is also that we may just be incompatible like everyone has stated.

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I feel so upset and I don't know if I can ever recover from feeling so rejected sexually.


I seriously do the even want to spend Valentine's day together at this point. Want to to but I don't want to, and everything is just so painful.


I don't think it's because he's not attracted, I think it's because he's slightly depressed with not working and getting stoned all the time. That would kill any sex drive.

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