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First time meeting/date...would u let him pick u up???


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Would anyone let a person they met online come to your house or place of residence to pick you up for a date? I met this guy online and we've only talked on the phone twice and he wanted us to go on a date but asked if he could come a pick me up. I wasn't cool with that and since I wasn't the date was off he's ignoring me now. I tried to tell him that for the first date we should just meet at the destination but he doesn't seem very understanding and says I'm "bugging" out because I won't let him come and get me. Sorry but just not comfortable giving out my address... I feel this was right but why do I feel like I'm the one who was wrong? Geez!

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Not on a first date, I wouldn't let me sister do it. Use common sense and basic safety...you don't know this guy.. If he can't respect that, then don't even date him


Thanks for your response and I like how you said you wouldn't let your sister do it. I just did not feel right but like I said I felt wrong I guess because he started ignoring me.

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You are not wrong. If anything, his wild reaction should just confirm for you that you are right. No man in his right mind is going to call off a first meet under a threat that you give him your address so he can pick you up. Sorry, but you just dodged a crazy and should be thanking your lucky stars that you had the sense not to tell him where you live.


Meeting at a safe public place with each driving there individually is the norm and expected early on. Period.

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Never ever. I did get in cars a few times after the date and once it was a mistake -was very lucky that he didn't do more than act creepy. It's not a date. It's the first time meeting a stranger to see if a date should happen in the future.


wow you were lucky and those are the very things I think about!! I could see if we've met up several times but I've never even seen him this would be the first time. we've face timed on the phone and talked one other time and that's it. I barely even know him!!

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Would anyone let a person they met online come to your house or place of residence to pick you up for a date? I met this guy online and we've only talked on the phone twice and he wanted us to go on a date but asked if he could come a pick me up. I wasn't cool with that and since I wasn't the date was off he's ignoring me now. I tried to tell him that for the first date we should just meet at the destination but he doesn't seem very understanding and says I'm "bugging" out because I won't let him come and get me. Sorry but just not comfortable giving out my address... I feel this was right but why do I feel like I'm the one who was wrong? Geez!


No. I'd meet them at the venue.


You're not wrong. He's a creep.

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You are not wrong. If anything, his wild reaction should just confirm for you that you are right. No man in his right mind is going to call off a first meet under a threat that you give him your address so he can pick you up. Sorry, but you just dodged a crazy and should be thanking your lucky stars that you had the sense not to tell him where you live.


Meeting at a safe public place with each driving there individually is the norm and expected early on. Period.


exactly I feel that's the norm to but he obviously does not. I told him if he couldn't respect that then his loss and he said "ok my loss" was very non chalant about it and hasn't said anything else...just weird

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No way! It even says that in the small print. Him being mad and ignoring you now totally confirms for me that he is either a criminal with bad intentions or just not normal. No man should ever pressure a woman into a situation that she is uncomfortable with. Frankly, I wouldn't let a man I met on line know exactly where I live until I felt comfy. And the fact that he doesn't understand that there are people like the Craig list killer out there, shows he is pretty out of touch with reality.

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exactly I feel that's the norm to but he obviously does not. I told him if he couldn't respect that then his loss and he said "ok my loss" was very non chalant about it and hasn't said anything else...just weird


I'm sure he is a killer. Thank god you didn't meet him.

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exactly I feel that's the norm to but he obviously does not. I told him if he couldn't respect that then his loss and he said "ok my loss" was very non chalant about it and hasn't said anything else...just weird


Creeps, by definition are not normal, their reactions will not be normal and their intentions are not good. When someone has an abnormal reaction to something that you KNOW is normal, you run like your life depends on it....because it does!

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No way! It even says that in the small print. Him being mad and ignoring you now totally confirms for me that he is either a criminal with bad intentions or just not normal. No man should ever pressure a woman into a situation that she is uncomfortable with. Frankly, I wouldn't let a man I met on line know exactly where I live until I felt comfy. And the fact that he doesn't understand that there are people like the Craig list killer out there, shows he is pretty out of touch with reality.


Right and most guys will say well lets meet for coffee or drinks and take it from there but this one....not! He mentioned the date yesterday and we were to do the details of where today...I text him this morning and said " Good morning" and his reply was "what's your address" I'm like really no good morning back just my address??... since then I just felt bothered...

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no way... and the way he has reacted would make me even more sure about that!


Agreed. Never get in the car with a stranger. A real man would be fine with your choice and say "No problem, let's meet at the restaurant instead


I've met lots of guys online, some of whom have offered to pick me up. I always say no and they are always okay with it. I specifically remember one guy offering to drive and I jokingly said "What's the nicest way to say no, without implying that you're a murderer? haha" and we both laughed it off. Normal people should completely understand this.


It's super creepy that this guy reacted that way. Please stop talking to him.

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Wow you've never met and he is asking for your address? My advice is to never let a guy come pick you up on a first meeting or until you've had a few dates and gotten to know him a bit. You did the right thing! I've encountered this too online a few times and honestly it's never boded well. Basically, those guys were looking for sex and every time I was stupid and went against my gut and let a guy pick me up I ended up in a compromising situation that I regretted and I didn't feel safe.


The first meeting should be in a neutral public place like a coffee shop or restaurant and any guy that pushes for your address or acts like you are being weird for suggesting it, steer clear from!

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No I wouldn't let him pick you up. I would meet him there. But he already sounds sketchy by making you feel bad about it because it's not even a big deal.


Yeah i agree even today i'm still kinda scratching my head on it but am glad i didn't give him my address.

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Wow you've never met and he is asking for your address? My advice is to never let a guy come pick you up on a first meeting or until you've had a few dates and gotten to know him a bit. You did the right thing! I've encountered this too online a few times and honestly it's never boded well. Basically, those guys were looking for sex and every time I was stupid and went against my gut and let a guy pick me up I ended

up in a compromising situation that I regretted and I didn't feel safe.


The first meeting should be in a neutral public place like a coffee shop or restaurant and any guy that pushes for your address or acts like you are being weird for suggesting it, steer clear from!


Nope this was the very first meeting. I was shocked that he reacted that way. The two phone conversations we had were very short so basically i know nothing about him. Probably a jerk or rapist anyway. I really felt the jerk when i text him good morning and his response was "whats your address".

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Would anyone let a person they met online come to your house or place of residence to pick you up for a date? I met this guy online and we've only talked on the phone twice and he wanted us to go on a date but asked if he could come a pick me up. I wasn't cool with that and since I wasn't the date was off he's ignoring me now. I tried to tell him that for the first date we should just meet at the destination but he doesn't seem very understanding and says I'm "bugging" out because I won't let him come and get me. Sorry but just not comfortable giving out my address... I feel this was right but why do I feel like I'm the one who was wrong? Geez!


Epic fail. The guy should be bending over backwards to make you feel comfortable. Next!!

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