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Online dating pet peeves


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You have to watch out for trannies. My coworker freaked me out when he showed me pics of trannies, and how you couldnt tell. I told you about an ex i had, fake boobs and did her nose - so then he put it in my head that she could have gotten other things done. I remember i was intimate with her and i would grab her neck pretending to be all sexy, but i was scanning hard for an adams apple that i almost snapped her neck in half, she kept asking me, "what are you doing baaaabe" i was like, "being seeexy i like necks!". I did my research though, i found pics of her as a little girl, so i was good.

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This whole thing is rigged from the start, though. You winkied at him first, which essentially means you were interested in him but didn't have the nerve to write something or to figure out what to write him. So you just winkied. ANY half reasonably thought out reply would have touched your red light to "on."


If you weren't interested, he might have elicited a " is this guy going on and on about??"


Well yes I let him know I was interested but lets not get crazy and think that works 100% of the time. It actually hardly ever works. he saw I was interested and his repsonse shows he checked me out and gave his response some thought. I haven't seen that in a while so it gets my attention. However I wouldn;t go so far ast to say any reasonably thought out response form him would have excited me. If it had been so-so I would have proceeded with caution.


Dr. Seuss quote? Narrative on your first date? Can I copy and paste your profile, please?


LOL! So the Seuss quote I use is the one about mutual weirdness I just found it the other day. I'm sure you can google it and easily find it. My date narrative is secret info. This is the first guy to really comment on it more in the "I like your writing style way" that's refreshing.


Yes, this benefits women a whole lote more. Thats why ... i think pof??? Has that option only for women. I prefer favorites, i met two girls who put me as their favorites.


Yes it is just for women. It says "Show Interest" on thie guys profiles and if you click on it it sends them an e-mail that says "Hey there or something really simple with a smiley. Hey if it gets guys I'd like to contact to look at my profile I say it's done it's job. I prefer that the guy contact me first but I don't mind giving him a nudge.


I just got a message from a girl on OKC...she said "Would you like to help me twerk from home? "


ROFL. SMFH...is this real life?


Really? HAHAHA! At least it was good for a giggle or two.

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I get a message from some girl that looked she like she just stepped out of a victoria secrets cover. I never messaged her even tho she looked at my profile because i get a lot of views from women - but they dont message me, and my cover pic is pretty bad as s with a back shot of me showing off my ripped triceps (looks like a cover from n action movie)- i figured they would be turned off with my height or the fact i am latino if shes white (yes, it does happen that is expected at this point)- or the fact i wear a baseball cap a certain way- according to some friends- it leaves an image of thug or player. I looked at hers, she looked at mines again.


So a couple of days pass, she sent me a "hiiiiii!" after she saw my pic again. I replied back with a "hey, how are you?" She looked at my profile again, and didnt reply. Ok.... so fly away, stop wasting bandwidth miss model.

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The guy before "the guy"

"I hope to restore a bit faith in men and dating while you continue to seek out the one who is less annoying than all the others and get married. How about I be...the guy before The Guy.I guarantee you that life is just plain more fun with me in it."


Also his username "daddylovesyouextra"'

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LOL! So the Seuss quote I use is the one about mutual weirdness I just found it the other day. I'm sure you can google it and easily find it. My date narrative is secret info. This is the first guy to really comment on it more in the "I like your writing style way" that's refreshing.


I love that Dr. Seuss quote! Never thought to use it for online dating!

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The guy before "the guy"

"I hope to restore a bit faith in men and dating while you continue to seek out the one who is less annoying than all the others and get married. How about I be...the guy before The Guy.I guarantee you that life is just plain more fun with me in it."


Also his username "daddylovesyouextra"'


So, in other words, he just wants sex? I really wish that guys would be more straight forwards about wanting only sex, instead of trying to find all of these creative ways around it.

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It is really, sadly, rare in my area for guys my age to ask women out, I think everyone's life has shifted so much to the online world- mostly through social media- that people have a hard time making friends in "real life."


And for all of these profiles, you still get the occasional gem or awesome date or whatever: I just laugh off these typical annoying messages and enjoy the good ones.


If you think about it, when are we together in a random mass in person, anyway, where we can just walk up and talk to each other? Such situations simply don't exist anymore, unless you go out clubbing, but even there people stay in their cliques and don't spread out.

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If you think about it, when are we together in a random mass in person, anyway, where we can just walk up and talk to each other? Such situations simply don't exist anymore, unless you go out clubbing, but even there people stay in their cliques and don't spread out.


True, I am trying to get out more, but there's simply not a lot of places to go! Fall semester is about to start... maybe there will be some hot guy in a psych class


Anyway, thought I'd Share this little gem I received earlier today:

I currently had a gf but were seeing other people anyways shes old im loking for a partner who enjoys excitment


Ya, I'm totally going to date this guy! What a gem!

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And let's be frank, with our culture, in most "public places," people are weirded out when people randomly walk up to them, introduce themselves, and start talking.


Unless, of course, you're a hot celebrity. Then they're crowded around you just hoping THEY'RE the one you zone in on.

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What about when you get messages from people who only show their body and not their face? I woke up to a POF email today from a woman wearing a dress with slit and showing her legs. She seems to be interested in fwb, and her body type is listed as "athletic." So far so good! lol I messaged her back something sarcastic asking that I would need to see her face first.

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I ignore those mcj, but shes probably married or with someone, or just doesnt want to be seen.


I hate the 2 or 3 pics that either dont make you look the same, or is like one face pic, one blurry far away pic, and one stupid pic about some cat or stupid meme. Why the frigg would someone put a meme or a pic of a cat on a dating profile? And one face pic doesnt capture someones looks, you need more face pics, and you know that one face pic is the best pic they took in 6 years.

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I usually won't respond if there's only one picture up, even if they look really good in that picture. Because there's always a chance they just "got lucky" and took one great photo like 10 years ago lol.


I'm also weary about girls who make it a point to only show their face...if they do that, and I see that "body type" is left blank, I also won't respond. That usually just means they're fat.

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Hey LovesSoDeep.....want an update on your 'new' guy! lol


So we have messaged back and forth a couple times. His writing style is pretty formal which is nice.... I like to read it....I just wonder how he talks so I gave him my number (Google voice number of course) and hopefully we'll chat sometime soon.


There's another guy from match who lives out of town that I have been chatting with lately. He only lives a couple hours away and used to live here so he'd kinda like a reason to visit more often I'll probably meet him this weekend. He insisted on me sending him a photo...which I just don't get. He said he met woman who looked nothing like her photos so now he always asks for a random selfie....I guess if he's driving a couple hours to meet me that's a fair request. Otherwise I think it's kinda rude to assume I lied about my pics...when I certainly don't.


And let's be frank, with our culture, in most "public places," people are weirded out when people randomly walk up to them, introduce themselves, and start talking.


Unless, of course, you're a hot celebrity. Then they're crowded around you just hoping THEY'RE the one you zone in on.


Honestly I never think it's odd when people just walk up and talk to me. I enjoy it....it may be just me but I love friendly people.


I usually won't respond if there's only one picture up, even if they look really good in that picture. Because there's always a chance they just "got lucky" and took one great photo like 10 years ago lol.


I'm also weary about girls who make it a point to only show their face...if they do that, and I see that "body type" is left blank, I also won't respond. That usually just means they're fat.


I usually don't respond if there's one pic either. What if they stole it from someone elses FB? I have started doing the google image serch thing (like they do on Catfish the TV show) sometimes you get lucky and find more pics and info. Usually what I find is a bunch of other dating profiles. If they have different ages or hobbies or anything I assume it's a scammer.


Also if they have no body pics or at least 3/4 shots and body type is blank then that's a big red flag for me too.

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Biggest pet peeve with online dating are the fake profiles and scam artists. Some profiles you have to read very closely. There are a lot of dating scams out there. If you come accross a profile with a model-like picture that looks like it came out of a magazine with the text full of broken English its probably a Nigerian and/or a Russian scam. Also if the picture shows a young looking individual with an age that obviously doesn't match it could be a scam.


I was almost scammed until I saw a lot of weird things that didn't make too much sense. I was talking with someone and almost instantly he started calling me "baby" and "honey" and wanted to chat via Yahoo IM. He started talking about how his wife passed and he was left with his daughter and didn't know how he would pay for the funeral. He said he was in Johannesburg, South Africa. His picture was of a Caucasian male with shoulder length brown hair in a business suit. It looked like a model shot. It instantly hit me that he was a scam artist and I blocked him.

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My predicament exactly. I'm not a drinker so you won't see me in bars or clubs. Then when I go other places there are always couples or people are buried in their cell phones. Argh!!!!


Yup, so annoying, especially with smart phones. My best place is the dog park to avoid this type of thing, people actually talk and show there (dog) crazy selves there, and there are a surprisingly large number of hot guys.


And let's be frank, with our culture, in most "public places," people are weirded out when people randomly walk up to them, introduce themselves, and start talking.


Unless, of course, you're a hot celebrity. Then they're crowded around you just hoping THEY'RE the one you zone in on.


Sad, because I love striking up conversations, but it seems like lately, all of my friends in real life are people I originally met on facebook as well... it's the new way to make relationships of every type, I guess.


I usually don't respond if there's one pic either. What if they stole it from someone elses FB? I have started doing the google image serch thing (like they do on Catfish the TV show) sometimes you get lucky and find more pics and info. Usually what I find is a bunch of other dating profiles. If they have different ages or hobbies or anything I assume it's a scammer.


I just discovered the google photo search a few weeks ago and I love it!

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My best place is the dog park to avoid this type of thing, people actually talk and show there (dog) crazy selves there, and there are a surprisingly large number of hot guys.

Enjoy it while it lasts, because at some point they will invent cell phones for dogs, and then even your dogs won't be able to meet each other.

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Enjoy it while it lasts, because at some point they will invent cell phones for dogs, and then even your dogs won't be able to meet each other.


Cosmos would be heart broken, his best asset is his ability to air hump other dogs while chasing them around the park. And he's much cuter in real life then in photos.


Did I say dog people at the park were crazy? Nah!

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Cosmos would be heart broken, his best asset is his ability to air hump other dogs while chasing them around the park. And he's much cuter in real life then in photos.


Did I say dog people at the park were crazy? Nah!


Oh yes, one of them married my brother. Literally, she was hanging out at the dog park with her dog, sniping for a boy to marry...

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Erm...not to continue derailing the thread but...


The dog park rocks! I agree with going to the dog park to find a date, I have been going for the past few weeks with my dog and there is a plethora of hot men! Nothing melts my heart like a cute guy playing with his doggy.


All you online dating people should seriously consider turning off the comp and getting a dog and hangin' at the dog park...borrow a friends dog if you must

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Erm...not to continue derailing the thread but...


The dog park rocks! I agree with going to the dog park to find a date, I have been going for the past few weeks with my dog and there is a plethora of hot men! Nothing melts my heart like a cute guy playing with his doggy.


All you online dating people should seriously consider turning off the comp and getting a dog and hangin' at the dog park...borrow a friends dog if you must


I wish my little doggy wasn't such a monster. Maybe I could try this. She just loves to start fights and that really puts a damper on me meeting anyone there. lol

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