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last chance that I'll give myself... or us... your comments needed


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If they are a company, they should have training to deal with employees dealing with stress and depression. At the very least they should be up to date on the law with reagrd to sickness in the workplace where abouts in Poland are you from mes ?


markie... this is China... there's absolutely no such thing here...


as for where exactly I'm from... that'd be the south of Poland, Upper Silesia, close to Katowice, why?

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Ok, I have been to Pl , that's all . Loads of Polish people in the UK, I know loads of them from where I used to work. It won't do any harm to ask your supervisor about stress related stuff as far as I can see. I can understand you are hesitant but, your health is important, and should also be important to your employer

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yeah, I know... I just hope they don't leave mess...


actually I wanted to go to the UK and find a job there but I figured that with my major it might be hard... after all who needs an English teacher with a degree in English and American Literature & Culture in the UK


anyways... I'm pissed off a bit. why? because it's just not the way it should be. I may not be the most handsome guy on the planet and I'm pretty sure there are lots of folks smarter then me but I'm noble, generous, gentle and I do have a sense of humor and a lot of sensibility and sensitivity... Maybe I haven't accomplished everything I wanted but I have done my share of things... so why the hell am I going through such a rough patch? why do I have so many issues with women and my relationships never work out?


today I was barely walking, I was like a zombie at work but still I did my job because I didn't want Anna to have an additional class instead of me, I wanted her to have a break... so I just went there and did what I had to do even though I was about to vomit... when the hell are people gonna appreciate me the way I am?

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oh mes I wouldn't come to work in the uk ...really


your having a bad run mes ..and personally I think you reached the end ...its just dealing with the content now.


you have to remember that everything has a ripple affect , one situation can lead to another , a persons mental state stops

been able to cope so well with anything and before you know it , EVERYTHING is a trauma and has a huge impact on you.



I'm noble, generous, gentle and I do have a sense of humor and a lot of sensibility and sensitivity...


adding to this your a very handsome man and your company even on cyber space is very enjoyable and your interesting

and I see that wit come out here and there when you feeling ok'ish .


well those aspects of you will remain while you get "fixed up" and you have a whole lot going on for you mes.


( I know you don't feel like it )


your a good man mes and that last paragraph said it all ..no matter how much pain you are in ..you worked through it

so anna didn't have to take your class ...


I hope your ok by the time your reading this mes .. Its sunday morning here and I will be off to the car boot soon ..you kow what

that is ? American people call it garage sale I believe.


This is like a huge field and people pay , say £6 to park their car up and sell what ever stuff they don't want ...omg I have had some

right bargains ..you should see my walking back with emily ...I look like a cart horse all laden with stuff , breaking my back carrying it ha ha


have you managed to get around china doing the touristy bit yet ?


I know you haven't seen the wall , but ( now I show my ignorance) have you been to the place with all the big concrete fella's ..

the name of it will come to me in about 5 hours !!!!


I was only in hong kong two weeks ..didnt get to see all I wanted ..but it was exhausting ...infact one day we called it quits with

the walking about and we got the ferry accross to stonecutters island for a day of r and r ...its a military island and your only allowed

accross as a soldier , once there you can't take pics or anything like that ..but you get a bit of peace and a sun lounger haha


hong kong was hot , was fast and alive 24 hours ...what a great experience . I bought that much jade I thought I would never get

my luggage through customs haha

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oh mes I wouldn't come to work in the uk ...really


that'd help me develop my supermarket-english skills and everyday vocab, hah.


I hope your ok by the time your reading this mes .. Its sunday morning here and I will be off to the car boot soon ..you kow what

that is ? American people call it garage sale I believe.


oh, I love sales like that, I've never been to one but I know how it works more or less


have you managed to get around china doing the touristy bit yet ?

I know you haven't seen the wall , but ( now I show my ignorance) have you been to the place with all the big concrete fella's ..

the name of it will come to me in about 5 hours !!!!


hah, I like the way you put it! "concrete fellas" from today on I'm gonna call them like that! yes, I visited Xi'an and the Terracota Army at the end of January but since then I haven't really had much chance to see other places... I guess that before I leave I'll just drop by Beijing... I had a long list of places I wanted to see but I'm afraid it's not going to become reality


Hong-Kong was supposed to be my last place to visit as I have a one-entry visa and if I went there I wouldn't be able to go back to the mainland China... oh well, maybe some other time, some other day.


On a different track I wanted to say that I guess I'm slowly beginning to accept reality... I'll always love her, Anna that is, but I can't force her to be with me and I wouldn't even try that even if I could. I know I failed her trust and I know she has many reasons to disbelief me but I'm not a bad guy, I just got lost a bit. She's not gonna accept me in the future most probably and this knowledge hurts a great deal but ... come what may, whatever.

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Hi everyone,


I've realized what my true troubles are.


First of all it's the fear of loss and fear of loneliness. They create a strong attachment. I'm just scared of being alone for the rest of my life and that's why it's so hard to let go. Any advice on how to deal with such fears?


Secondly, it's fear of my future career and personal development. It's going to be very hard for me to find a job in my motherland and I'm still having doubts about my self-worth. Unstable self-esteem can be a real killer.


I'm willing to risk and bet that these fears might be highly influencial as far as my mental state is concerned.

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Hi Mes* (and all) ~ Im back!


Although only just...Surf was BIG and I copped a board fin in the head. 8 stitches...Bleh

Coulda been worse though as another life was lost to a shark attack just up the coast.....


Just reading back the last few pages. Im very touched by the support and compassion found in this forum and Mes* you are definitely going forward mate so well done*

First of all it's the fear of loss and fear of loneliness. They create a strong attachment. I'm just scared of being alone for the rest of my life and that's why it's so hard to let go. Any advice on how to deal with such fears?

Yeh man, as humans we all get those fears, but you'll be fine. You cant see it right now but you really do have a lot to give to this world Mes*


As for how to deal with them, I just go back to what I've said before, let them come and go as you continue forward, it's all completely normal stuff. And try to start turning your thoughts around. Look for positives instead of negatives so that the positive receptors in your brain get some nourishment*

I'm willing to risk and bet that these fears might be highly influencial as far as my mental state is concerned.

Agreed...it's all a rich tapestry. one ties in to the other....


But I truly still do believe that you will finally beat this and throw off the shackles that are holding you back Mes*


In your next post I would like to see you say something positive about yourself...Even if it's one small thing....And we'll continue from there...


Your resilience is building Buddy*


Nice to be back

Ever Forward

Carus* 8-)

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Hi Mes* (and all) ~ Im back!


Glad to see you here again. I truly am.


Just reading back the last few pages. Im very touched by the support and compassion found in this forum and Mes* you are definitely going forward mate so well done*


How very right you are. I'm thankful to everybody who stopped in and offered me their comfort and kind words. It's more than I could've imagined.


In your next post I would like to see you say something positive about yourself...Even if it's one small thing....And we'll continue from there...


Well, it's hard to say something positive about myself (even though I actually did that in one of my previous posts) but I'm trying to make myself believe that I'm worth more than I tend to think of myself when I'm down. My thoughts circle around my looks, wits and mental health. I'm convincing myself that although I may not be the most handsome or the smartest chap around I do have a fair share of good looks and brains. Sometimes tallking myself into this kind of thinking works, sometimes it doesn't. I guess it's because I've always felt the need for a proof... some kind of evidence that I'm right... And of course, as always, I'm just worried about the future, that's all.


I'm slowly recovering from some kind of stomach sickness and now I'm having some days off as I requested them. I'm also trying to fight off all the usual thoughts (like "you're going to turn 28 soon and you're still in the mudhole!" or "loneliness surrounds you and it always will as it always has") and man up to muddle through another day. I guess that's good news. Oh, I've just watched a new episode of Game of Thrones and I'm listening to the book at the same time, sort of. I've also "dusted off" (I'm not sure if that's a good word here) some old blues recordings (blues is my faithful woman) and 've been listening to them extensively.

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hey carus good to see you my friend //hope your head ok ...are you saying someone had a shark attack while you where there...oh how

tragic .


mes ..terracota army ...that's them haha...all the way round the car boot sale I was wracking my brain trying to think what they

where called...


I got me some good bargains...fabulous




On a different track I wanted to say that I guess I'm slowly beginning to accept reality... I'll always love her, Anna that is, but I can't force her to be with me and I wouldn't even try that even if I could. I know I failed her trust and I know she has many reasons to disbelief me but I'm not a bad guy, I just got lost a bit. She's not gonna accept me in the future most probably and this knowledge hurts a great deal but ... come what may, whatever.


mes I am so proud of you for that paragraph alone and you should be too.


we stop in to try and help mes because you a good fella ... no one feels obliged to , its a credit to you that people want to

be here to talk to you and help in any way because we can see your having a bad time and deserve a whole good life coming your way.


your doing good mes ...you are my darling

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oh I was so hoping you would ask..


well the flower man had too many tulips ( my favourite flower) and was selling them for 50p a bunch


50p mes .....just 50 p


I kind of got to many hahaha so I took a couple of bunches to an elderly couple of live by me ..


I got a wicker plant stand for my garden for .....wait for it mes...one british pound ...a quid ..a round one ..a 100 p ..whatever way

you dress it up ...I was happy ha


emily got a brand new bag for 50 p ..its an emily strange bag ..don't know if emily strange is a british thing ..but its a range of clothing and accessories and when I got in I googled the bag...£22 it was worth ...fabulous


I got a hanging basket that holes in the side for the flowers to grow out ...for a pound


A couple of weeks ago I got this fab screen , like a room divider , its fabulous but he wanted ten pound so I said thanks but no thanks

and walked off ....he shouted "ok five pound" result


only problem it was at the first stall and I had to carry this dammed thing around for two hours with me .. needs must.


I got loads of bird seed and fat balls really cheap as well ...oh I was very happy as are the birds haha


I am just on my way out to the stream accross from us to get a few big stones as I am making a pond fairy garden under a tree in my

garden ...Emily thinks we shouldn't take the stones ..so now I am having a huge crisis of right and wrong haha



but I see it like this ... I am taking what nature has left lying around to encourage the nature in my garden ..thats my story and I am

sticking to it


omg how could I forget ..I got a beautiful wind charm for 2 pound ...its must be worth 15 pound mes..everyone who has come round

to mine and seen it ( I got it last week) has commented and when I said it was two pound ..well ..I am like the car boot hero


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I got me stones mes


I nearly broke my back ...

It has been so hot here the stream as all but dried up so we climbed down and walked along ..it was fab ..


I filled my ruck sack with huge stones then couldn't pick it up ..you would have learnt some choice English from my language

...I had to drag the ruck sack along the stream then up the bank haha ( I was thinking me and my bright idea's) I balanced them

on my bike , filled my basket with smaller stones and pushed the lot home ...emily is soaking where she "accidentally" stepped

in the deep bits hahaha


anyway plan pond is underway ..


hey I meant to ask you mes , what age do you teach ?

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Part 1


You'd love Chinese shops and markets I suppose. I like them because a) you can find lots of products that are unavailable in Europe and b) you can haggle! When I went to Xi'an I bought a statue of Guan Gong (a very important character in Chinese culture, half-god actually, a symbol of honor and loyalty) for 40 yuan while the original proce was 280 yuan (sic!) and I still probably could've gotten it for 30 yuan. But there aren't too many green areas in Chinese cities that's why it's not a good place for me...


Anyway... I teach teenagers and adults. On avarage the age range is between 17-45 but occasionally I get kids who are 12. I never get anyone below 10 or 11 because I'm no good at teaching babies. A whole different method of teaching...


Part 2


Sorry to say that but today I feel down again. In one of my previous posts I admitted that I was going to let go and let the world take its course... Now I guess I'm walking on the old path of remorse... Let me tell you why:


To cut a long story short, I've been in two major relationships in my life. The first one ended with my EX EX cheating on me (let's not go into details) I was devasteted but after two years I got back on my feet. Still, I didn't believe that anything good could happen to me again. I met some girls on the Net but none of them were interesting enough, there was no spark or they were much too young for my taste etc. etc. Millions of reasons. One day Anna wrote to me on one of the dating websites. She didn't have a picture so I had no idea what she looked like but we started chatting. After some time she showed me her picture and I was a bit surprised by her looks and by then I already knew she was smart and tender, at least judging by her words. Then I met her and my first impression was "wow, she's out of my league" And yet... things worked out really nicely...


The reason I'm telling you this is because I can't (or I don't know how to) cope with the feeling of guilt. I knew how much she detests small, even unimportant, lies and yet I didn't try hard enough to win her trust after my failure in Poland. She's not gonna have trouble finding a smart, caring, good-looking guy because she's truly exceptional. I know how it feels to be cheated on and I know how hard it was for me to trust somebody again... yet, I am 100% sure she'd never cheat on me... and I know I'd never cheat on her, but she doesn't know that... she doesn't believe that. I'm losing here somebody unique. She's a hard-to-be-found-type-of-girl and what's more we have things in common. So how can I cope with the feeling of guilt?


I won't bother her... I won't be telling her hundreds of times how much I love her because I guess that's gonna push her away. I'm gonna respect her space but how do I deal with my feelings of guilt? I don't want to end up being 35, 50 or 70 and still have the same pain in my heart saying "you lost a diamond Adam, and you lost it because you couldn't focus on what was important"

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good day!


sorry to hear it's another one of those days. your vibe is different though. maybe that's something?

I was devasteted but after two years I got back on my feet.

that's worth remembering. post it on your fridge if you have to. or put it in front of the toilet...or on the front door. put it in your pocket. it's a reminder of your RESILIENCE. foster some faith in your capacity to adapt and grow.

Still, I didn't believe that anything good could happen to me again.

it's funny. there are those who suggest that so long as you believe things will not happen, they WILL NOT happen. if that's true, then there is some part of you who knows -- KNOWS -- that good things will happen. there's another part of you who loves telling the story of how hard life is...and how nothing good ever comes about. that's your ego. and it feels threatened by your joy. because when your feel joy, you have no need of ego.


i think that's another statement worth reflecting on (opinion).


One day Anna wrote to me on one of the dating websites. She didn't have a picture so I had no idea what she looked like but we started chatting. After some time she showed me her picture and I was a bit surprised by her looks and by then I already knew she was smart and tender, at least judging by her words. Then I met her and my first impression was "wow, she's out of my league" And yet... things worked out really nicely...


wow. this bit is just LOADED with bits of awesomeness. you may not agree with me on this one, but when i think about living...i think about this sense of uncertainty (which you've captured perfectly i might add!). it absolutely invigorates me. life is all about potential...possibility. sometimes it comes in the form of a good, swift kick to the cajones. yes...that happens. and boy, does it feel AWFUL. but there are also times (and anyone who believes in the power of misfortune must also appreciate the power of fortune) when it comes in the form of unexpected joys. simple pleasures. a random encounter which blossoms into something filled with tenderness.


and you know...tenderness. the interesting thing about tenderness, is that it is absolutely essential to human relations. if you wish to have any kind of intimacy in your life, you must know this feeling of tenderness. a bit of a double-edged sword at times, because to feel tender is to feel vulnerable. i think though, that if you can feel this tenderness NOW...in a time of trauma...you may take some small comfort in knowing that it is that SAME tenderness which allows you to love. you cannot have one without the other.


The reason I'm telling you this is because I can't (or I don't know how to) cope with the feeling of guilt. I knew how much she detests small, even unimportant, lies and yet I didn't try hard enough to win her trust after my failure in Poland. She's not gonna have trouble finding a smart, caring, good-looking guy because she's truly exceptional. I know how it feels to be cheated on and I know how hard it was for me to trust somebody again... yet, I am 100% sure she'd never cheat on me... and I know I'd never cheat on her, but she doesn't know that... she doesn't believe that. I'm losing here somebody unique. She's a hard-to-be-found-type-of-girl and what's more we have things in common. So how can I cope with the feeling of guilt?


I won't bother her... I won't be telling her hundreds of times how much I love her because I guess that's gonna push her away. I'm gonna respect her space but how do I deal with my feelings of guilt? I don't want to end up being 35, 50 or 70 and still have the same pain in my heart saying "you lost a diamond Adam, and you lost it because you couldn't focus on what was important"




you are an infallible human being. i'm sorry...but you are NOT perfect. i know, i know...mothers the world over would be devastated to hear me say that coddling their children with notions of perfection is ABSOLUTELY TOXIC. i know...only natural. but it does far more harm than good. it sets the precedent...the standard. how can anyone hope to achieve any semblance of stability when perfection is the only ideal worth living up to?


you missed what was important (perhaps some of that is exaggerated by your emotional condition at the moment). but you own that. it's yours. you've acknowledged it. and now, you're living with the pain that comes with that realization. it's a hard lesson to learn, no doubt. but we do these things. we get wrapped up in existence. we get stuck. we forget to give attention where attention is necessary. we mis-place our energies...and we let things deteriorate. we do this, because we are human. we don't consciously decide to slip...or fall down. we become accustomed to things happening according to our patterns. we get comfortable. and while that is happening, the world around us is constantly evolving. we fall asleep for a few seconds, and our world falls apart.


you ask about guilt. i know there are different paths that will absolve you of that feeling. you will find what works for you. for me, my guilt began to dissolve through my acceptance of the situation. accepting my own faults. surrendering myself to everything beyond my control. finding a gentleness within myself to ALLOW myself these transgressions in life. gentleness. it's a bit like tenderness...but it's for yourself.


i lost a diamond once too. that's why i'm here. i'm eternally grateful for that loss. it forever altered the course of my life.


i think at the time, i was convinced it would destroy me. and i'm sure it nearly did.


resilience...my friend.

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thanks 90...


I've just had a look at the quote you have at the end of very post... "think not of the faults of others, of what they have done or not done. think rather of your own faults, of the things you have done or not done." one the one hand I agree, on the other one thinking about my faults right now is something giving me a hard time. anyway, it's just something that got my attention after reading your post.


the only thing I don't understand is Anna's behavior. I think she's slowly distancing from me as we aren't in touch at all (apart from seeing each other at work on Thu, Sat & Sun that is) She doesn't contact me, no messages, nothing... True, she was here when I was really ill, she visited me 2 or 3 times and I'm truly grateful for that... but... is it actually possible that she's just building some kind of hatred in her heart?

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PS. Adding to what I said earlier... I just don't know hot to explain it to myself how I could've let this break-up happen if I had promised myself last time that I'd have done everything I can to save it. After my first major relationship I promised myself that the next one would work out... OK, anyway, enough of this self-flaggelation... I'd be grateful if you could have a look at this and the previous post. I'm going to a supermarket now.

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Hey Mes*

thanks 90...

Yes, go back and read that post again...It is very poignant*

...the only thing I don't understand is Anna's behavior. I think she's slowly distancing from me as we aren't in touch at all....is it actually possible that she's just building some kind of hatred in her heart?

Yep, thats how it happens. Slowly you return to being just perfect strangers...But I doubt she is building hate, just moving on..Just like you will do too. I know that sounds a bit maudlin but acceptance is a calmer place to be..*

I just don't know hot to explain it to myself how I could've let this break-up happen if I had promised myself last time that I'd have done everything I can to save it.

One of the biggest laments I've heard from people (including myself) who have gained wisdom from their breakup is "If only I'd known this stuff earlier"...But you are learning now and that will definitely help you in future relationships...


Also, you did not 'let this breakup happen'...they just happen...


Many many people breaking up for many many different reasons...Heck, I thought I was a great BF and my ex still left me for someone else...


For the longest time I blamed my lifestyle and stuff, but after working with policemen, lawyers, airline pilots etc etc, it happens to the best of us Mes*.....

After my first major relationship I promised myself that the next one would work out...

That's a nice notion Mes* but sometimes things are out of our control....I don't think anyone who has landed here actually wanted their ex to leave....


Now, promise yourself this: That you will look after yourself and be the best you can be for yourself. That you will build a good life that the next lucky girl will love to be a part of*


You have You and noone can take that away from you....At least you are learning that now and not at 490 like me


Well Mes* and Star* (and all), I gotta lie down cause the stiches are getting itchy


Healing up OK though


Ever Forward

Carus* 8-)

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Hey Mes*


Yep, thats how it happens. Slowly you return to being just perfect strangers...But I doubt she is building hate, just moving on..Just like you will do too. I know that sounds a bit maudlin but acceptance is a calmer place to be..*


oh god, Carus... you've just taken away my small flicker of hope... it can't just be like that... it's not to be meant like that... do you know what the big irony here is? the nick I used to go by on a dating website where we met was "Perfect Stranger" ... I don't believe in god but I'd better start praying I get my last chance... she didn't leave because she didn't love, she left because I did c**p that lost her trust...


am I to be alone? why, why... why am I to be alone forever? why me? don't I have enough s**t? why can't I get this one thing that could help me make my life straight? what the hell is so wrong with me...


One of the biggest laments I've heard from people (including myself) who have gained wisdom from their breakup is "If only I'd known this stuff earlier"...But you are learning now and that will definitely help you in future relationships...


am I truly learning anything? when my first ex broke up with me I said I'd make things right next time... she gave ma a chance and I messed it up... and then again... and then she finally left... 2 years later I meet Ana and I make her leave... she gives me a chance and I screw it up... I HATE MYSELF for this and I'll always will... ;(


Now, promise yourself this: That you will look after yourself and be the best you can be for yourself. That you will build a good life that the next lucky girl will love to be a part of*


is there ever gonna be another one? I don't even get a chance to meet girls in fact. my only two relationships I've been to were outcomes of: a) attending university loads of years ago and b) a dating website (and I was damn lucky then)


luck doesn't happen twice... I'll just never stop hating myself for screwing things up so badly... in fact she's gonna move on and enter another relationship ('cause it's so much easier to get a clean slate with somebody else rather than give another chance to some mentally f***d up guy like me) and I'll be just waiting for a miracle still loving her... this is the future that awaits me. I just wanna curse at the top of my voice!!!


Well Mes* and Star* (and all), I gotta lie down cause the stiches are getting itchy


look after yourself... at least you're the guy who has his mind under control...

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why, why... why am I to be alone forever? why me?

Because you keep telling yourself that this is how it's gonna be...


Change that and the future will be different...

luck doesn't happen twice...


I'll be just waiting for a miracle still loving her... this is the future that awaits me.

Again, only if YOU make it so....

look after yourself... at least you're the guy who has his mind under control...

There are some that would disagree with that....lol


But thanks...

See you tomorrow

Carus* 8-)

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Because you keep telling yourself that this is how it's gonna be...


Change that and the future will be different...


telling myself that I'll find somebody just round the corner doesn't exactly make this happen... if this would be how things worked I'd be able to get my ex back just by believing that one day we're gonna meet... right?

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I'll not stop fighting for her... Until the day she tells me to stop I won't stop fighting... no matter how much pain it's gonna cost me. She's worth sacrifices.

I have a feeling that you probably wouldn't stop even if she DID tell you to stop....


But her actions already speak so much...or do you need to hear her actually say it?

telling myself that I'll find somebody just round the corner doesn't exactly make this happen... if this would be how things worked I'd be able to get my ex back just by believing that one day we're gonna meet... right?

Whats to say that wont happen...?


So believe and hang on for as long as you feel is right for you....


Just keep everything else moving too OK?


But since you are so Adamant, what is your plan of action to get your ex to come back to you and love you and stay with you for good? Please tell me..?



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I have a feeling that you probably wouldn't stop even if she DID tell you to stop....


But her actions already speak so much...or do you need to hear her actually say it?


Whats to say that wont happen...?


So believe and hang on for as long as you feel is right for you....


Just keep everything else moving too OK?




so you think she'll never give me a chance.


so be it. I want this to be over and I'll do what must be done sooner or later. we can close this thread.

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