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last chance that I'll give myself... or us... your comments needed


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try this one: Cold, Cold Feeling... by Gary Moore if I remember correctly...


well Star, in the name of what* should I keep going... ? I don't even know what to do with my life. I feel disappointed with myself. My former classmates or other acquaintances have careers, families, children... I think I lost the game.


*is that what you guys say in English? sounds odd to me...

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Don't u think it's unfair we don't have any choice? We're forced to be here and everyone around thinks they know better... everybody keeps patronizing us how egoistic it is to quit... Crap!


Ugh, that's why you can't spend much time here.

We're all here for the same reason, different situation, but for same reason.

A relationship that didn't work out for a reason.

Today my day off, so I am stuck at home, but I do love being busy instead being bash.

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i think in cyber space there is no way to know exactly what each individual is going through ..a lot of us have the extra

baggage other than a borken reltionship ..one just kicks off the other ..woudl illnesses affect us as bad if we hadn't been

dumped ? ..it is a ripple effect , and in a place like this ,well and in the real world, it is natural to to want to encourage

each other to heal ..to move forward ..It's not a bad thing mes ..it's a lovely side of nature to want to make some one

feel like they have hope .


But no one can know what goes on behind these screens , in our heads .. we shut down the pc and we are alone with it,

we are alone to figure it all out.


I have let quite a few friendships go in the last few months ( in the real world) for the reasons you put , sometimes

anothers care and enthusiasm , although well meant can be ill placed at the wrong time and it has hindered my

growth and knocked me down . I have found myself becoming more and more withdrawn from this world .


so I agree with you ..but I think it is done in love and care and it is only right we encourage each other to live mes

and not to die.

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Hi Star, still kickin...


I've just got back from the gym. I feel so indifferent... everything feels so unimportant... I feel like this whole world is merely a dream. I've been thinking about my EX a bit and I think it's time to give up... I'll never forget her and I definitely don't want to date other girls because I'm sick of those little games people play but I just want to give up on her. There's just one thing I want to ask her... I need her to tell me why I've become so meaningless to her. I need her to explain it to me, I need to hear it from her... Why have I become so uniportant if we were so close once.


How about you?

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oh I flit from denial, to acceptance , to anger at the person who ruined this for us , back to denail and so forth ..


but fighting another day ..I was just sat at my pond talking to myself about how I ended up here hahaha .. well talking to my pot ducks !!


I don't know that you will get an answer mes ..she may not know herself or may not be able to verbalise it ..but I imagine more

then anything that she wouldn't want to hurt you any more or say anything to you that could potentially push you over the edge, she knows

how vulnerable you are.


thats the trouble at the end of a relationship ..we seldom get answers ... we have to find our own.


so don't expect to much out of this ..however I hope if you do it you find some peace about the situation.

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