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last chance that I'll give myself... or us... your comments needed


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well it is safe to say mes that the anger is setting in ...


just hold fire ...I see how you want to go for it , just don't let it have a ripple effect on your emotions if

it all gets out of hand ..


you should know me enough by now to know I will say you have to do what you have to do ..but ..just be careful mes ...


and ermmm


is there any reason you havent asked me about my boot bargains huh ...bah

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hiya mes..


I can't haggle ..but I can spot a bargain with my eyes shut ...so we will make the perfect shopping team haha


(well as long as I don't have to speak polish eek)


well mes I got THE FABBEST macrama owl , abiut 3 foot it is ...itsssssssssss fabulous


a couple of ducks for my pond for 50 p , a fairy for fairy corner for 50 p , a candle and pot pourie set still in its box for 50p ..

and a new soup dish thing ..for ..yep ...50p ..


it was 50 p day I think .


how you thought any more about what you have decided to do darling ?

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hiya mes..


I can't haggle ..but I can spot a bargain with my eyes shut ...so we will make the perfect shopping team haha


(well as long as I don't have to speak polish eek)


well mes I got THE FABBEST macrama owl , abiut 3 foot it is ...itsssssssssss fabulous


a couple of ducks for my pond for 50 p , a fairy for fairy corner for 50 p , a candle and pot pourie set still in its box for 50p ..

and a new soup dish thing ..for ..yep ...50p ..


it was 50 p day I think .


how you thought any more about what you have decided to do darling ?


o god, I'm not sure if I know what you bought Star!


I was angry yesterday and let my emotions take over. I'm not going to do anything. I can't let my thoughts go that way again. But... I crushed today... You'll say again that I shouldn't beat myself up over it but I truly lost the best girl that had ever been in my life. And that's a fact. I can't cope with that, I just don't know how. And I know for a fact that even in 5 or 10 years time I'll feel the same way because I lost somebody who was trustworthy and had so much in common with me.


Anyway... I'm starting a new thread soon in "Career/Job" section. I need to figure out what to do with my life as far as work is concerned.

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Hey Dear,


I'm nodding. I guess I'm not exactly peachy but I'm still kickin' I'm gonna be online in the evening, about 8 o'clock. I'm not sure how big the time difference between the UK and China is (probably around 6 or 7 hours) but I'm going to write a bit more then. The end of the day is always different than it's beginning.


How are you? How are the ducks?

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hi mes ..well I see your online now ...so it is 8.36 wednesday morning here ..


I am ok and feel better myself then I did over the weekend ...I had one of those " I am right where I am supposed to be " moments the other

morning .... and that felt comforting .


the ducks are just fab ..they are all nesting right now ..its wonderful to see because where I go all the different kind of species

where sat in a line in the reeds all nesting .... then dad duck/swan/goose was always just hovering nearby ..I love it .

I want a real duck for my pond ( which is all done and looks fabulous)... I did tell a couple of the ducks at the lake that I have

a pond now and they are welcome to come live with us ..ha ..they didn't turn up though mes ..bah ..


kicking is good mes...even if it aint peachy , I am happy to hear kickin.

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Hi there,


Just to share with you some thoughts...


I think that it's better to walk alone sometimes. To walk quietly. Maybe I'm not cut out to be in a relationship. I'm not sure if I want to be in one. There might be something wrong with me, maybe there's something I don't have, whatever. I've always felt different and out of place. I'm a bit of a loner and possibly I'll never find what I'm looking for. There're so many women out there but I don't think there's one made for me. The odds have nothing to do when it comes down to special cases.

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hiya darling


I am going to level with you here ..I was reluctant too because I want to encourage you to pursue love and happiness

not discourage or dampen your spirit ..but ..well we are kindrid spirits in many ways , and I am sure you wont jump on

my views and make them your own ...


I knew when I met my ex that it was my last shot ..my last attempt ..my final journey ..I also knew it was his. Many many people

who are broken hearted say that their man/woman was their soul mate etc etc etc ..I would say the the majority do move on

to fall in love again and find happiness, and that is what I would wish for you all ..everyone on this forum , I would not want anyone

to now continue their life journey alone.


But this is a choice I have made..I cannot take any more , I cannot do this again ..I cannot and that is all there is to it .

My ex is the other half of my soul and it was circumstances beyond both of our control that spoilt our relationship . But there

is no other , I will not meet another person who will complete me as he does nor will I ever meet anyone who understands who I am

or how I work ..we found each other ..and now I walk alone as well.


mes as you know I am 45 ..I started in this game at age 15 ..it took me 30 years to know what love is , in sickness and in health

till death do us part blah blah ..at least I had it once in my life and I am happy with that ..well I use the term happy with a grimace on my face. haha


I understand you , I understand why you say this stuff and I know ..I just wish different for you my love because your fabulous and

very very easy on the eyes .hey that's always a bonus

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On the other side of the coin there are many married people who envy single people...


Being single is pretty cool...You can do what you want and if things turn down you only have you to worry about...


Both you and Star* are good people and I would put forth that once you are in a good place and putting out good vibes, love will find you...


You are doing very well Mes* You've already come a long way from page 1.


Ever Forward

Carus* 8-)

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mes as you know I am 45 ..I started in this game at age 15 ..it took me 30 years to know what love is , in sickness and in health till death do us part blah blah ..at least I had it once in my life and I am happy with that ..well I use the term happy with a grimace on my face. haha


well... I started just a little bit later and it took me about 7 years but I already feel disappointed... I think that I don't want to play this game anymore because the rules don't include forgiveness, compassion, commitment or faithfulness.

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On the other side of the coin there are many married people who envy single people...


Being single is pretty cool...You can do what you want and if things turn down you only have you to worry about...


I've never been terribly happy being single. Not for me. Still, the relationship game doesn't work for me either apparently.

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morning mes and carus ...


well we do differ there then mes because I have always been fine single . I am very much a free spirit , I move

a lot , I enjoy the adventure of a new city and new experiences , I have so much wander lust in my blood I can't

stay still after a couple of years in one place . I have never ever had trouble attracting men and never been

desperate for attention or for that never doubted that I can have a fling or get into a relationship.


I have just made a choice now ..so carus thankyou for saying that , but really it is a personal choice to stay single

now ...but I encourage everyone else to find happiness ..I can find it with my pictures and the birds and the ducks

and the myriad of creatures that turn up in my garden to feed.


as long as I have my camera in one hand and a marley in the other ..I am fine.


one of my male friends , he made that choice too , 11 years he has been on his own and he will stay that

way too..why ? because he cannot take the bs of another relationship and has become quite the masoginist (sp)


I am not dissatisfied , I am a little weary of what life has thrown my way sometimes and at my own ability to

cause my own misgivings and looking back I see many many occasions where the power of the universe has given

me what I asked for ..only at the time I know now I was asking for bs , expecting bs and thus , got bs.

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well, I guess that there are two possible meanings here:


a) "I am hoping one day you will come on here and say you have been screwed" = some girl has given me a really nice time if you know what I mean haha

b) "I am hoping one day you will come on here and say you have been screwed" = somebody has totally ruined my life be stealing me kidney or running me over by their car (for instance)


PS. Yeah, I know what you meant and I hope that I'm gonna get screwed more than once.

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oh darling


I know it comes in waves doesn't it ... ride it out mes ...


I did offer the third one for free when I found out ..the consultant said it wasnt worth me

having major surgery for ...


kidney anyone ?


I have just been to see the doc ..I have done my back in mes...I walk everywhere and do my shopping with a

ruck sack and my legs haha everyone takes the mick out of me ...here comes the hitch hiker ...

but anyway ..its buggered ..

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do you ever wonder how the hell you ended up on here


6 months ago I was getting laid , getting stoned and the corners of my mouth occasionally broke into a smile




I think a good night is finding porn I have never seen before and seeing how much I can smoke

before my head hits the keyboard ...


Do I wonder how I ended up here... ? I guess that more often I wonder why I'm still alive. I really see no point. I can't even get drunk - because the next morning I'll have a goddamn hungover - or stoned - because I don't have anything to smoke and I don't even know how to inhale.


And I do wonder how much I can bare before I say enough.


Star, wanna listen to some blues?

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