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My check will deposit tonight at 10 PM so I have been going through what needs to be paid and what not. I hate being an adult sometimes. I get paid and wihtin 24 hours all my money will be gone. :s Gah. The week I have to pay my insurance sucks. And it just keeps going up, calling my agent today to figoure out that mess. Even the fact it's high is my ex's fault. Scumbag wrecked my car over a year ago and totaled it, so I had to cancel the insurance and since I didn't have continuous insurance when I went to get it on the Monte Carlo, it's pretty high right now. It'll go down after Jan once I have had it for six months but still. $150 a month? 0.o

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I actually have Progessive right now. The local insurance company starts you up with Progessive before switching you to their's (Farm Buera). The ONLY reason it is that high is because I didn't have previous insurance on a car for the last 6 months (since I had no car TO insurance) so they look at me the same as a new driver who has never held insurance before, even though I as well have a perfect driving record. In 6 months from getting it (which will be the mid of Jan I believe) my agent said it would drop drastically since I have held it for 6 months and have a good driving record.. It sucks but only got 2 more months until it lowers.

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Well I talked to my insurance agent. At first he couldn't figure out what the increase was about (since it's technically through Progressive, which is another company). He eventually thought it could be a premium increase due to them getting a new credit report on me. I was like yikes. If my insurance is dictated by my credit, I'm screwed (thanks again, ex boyfriend!). Anyway, I ended up calling Progressive. Why was I charged an extra $30 last month and my premium going up? I didn't get their email about switching to paperless billing and getting the discount that goes along with that.




You raised my premium $45 because of paperless billing error? God. I signed up for it though and it'll take effect with the bill I have to pay the 13th of this month. $10 less but hey, that is $10. lol

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Ugh. I slept the last 12 hours which I suppose should be a good thing except I'm up at 6 AM and won't get off work til 9:30 tonight. Great. I'm on the right sleep schedule, it's just some wacked up hours!


CS and I argued yesterday, and over the stupidiest thing too. It's weird and hard to explain but right now in our current LDR it's not a stupid thing to me but if we were in a 'normal' relationship it wouldn't even bother me, I wouldn't expect it. Just something I have to work on I suppose. Maybe I should take the hospital therapist up on her offer because I'm more than certain where it stems from. I do let stupid things bother me more than they should and I ruined a perfectly good conversation yesterday. Crazy OG struck again....


I did get the extra $30 I paid the insurance company last month back. So instead of a $150 payment this month it's $120 and my next two month bills will be $140 again. Just gotta make it to Jan when it drops. I also just check the bank and got paid. Yay! First business, getting a webcam!


Tyler spent the night last night. Since I have been asleep since about 7 PM I really didn't spend any time with him, although I imagine I will this morning when mom takes Bryon to school. He's asleep right now though in mom's bed. I took this yesterday:

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Me, Tyler, and my sister. Can you see why everyone thinks she is the milk man's child?


I also now have to use Internet Explorer instead of Firefox (our internet kept crashing yesterday and apparenlty Firefox was causing it). I hate IE.

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Enjoy the webcam! They are fun. B and I don't use them often but its so nice to see the others' faces when I'm at school. I usually end giggling most of the time in the beginning....its something to get used to.


I lie down when I talk to B too. If I put my laptop on a side table near where I lay down (my bed) then we can see each other without me sitting up! Its actually pretty comfortable....just lie on your side, occassionally going on your back when you feel the need.

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Yeah, we have been talking about getting one for ages now. The other week I was just finally like 'you know what, lets get them'.. Then CS points out the fact we both like to be laying on the bed while talking. I was like well, we can deal with it til you give me your laptop in Feb, hahaha


I had a productive day considering I slept 12 hours last night. I have been up since 6 am and honestly, am still not tired. At all. No yawns at all today and not a single cup of coffee. I managed to make it to the gas station without running out of gas (always a plus) and filled up. $34.00 to fill my car up. Geez. I remember when it took $15 a few years back. :s Then I grabbed Arby's to take to work with me (not healthy at all but I wasn't in the mood for healthy) then I went to Wal-Mart. Got 3 long sleeved undershirts to wear under my scrub tops for like $25 (and two of them can duplicate as normal shirts, thinking of wearing the one I wore tonight to the party on Saturday). Work was okay, not too bad. Finished up half an hour earlier and didn't have plans to go back to Wal Mart but mom needed some tooth medicine and me being the dutiful daughter I went.


I ended up picking up this nice jacket for $20. I needed a big coat since I only have a thin one and it's getting cold fast here. Not too bad. I also had a blonde moment. I went to the liquor section and picked up the mix for my Strawberry Daqs on Saturday and was half way down the aisle looking for the rum when I realized, Wal Mart doesn't sell Rum because it's a hard liquor. I know this because i worked in a gas station for 3 years and HOW many times did I tell other people this? Needless to say I felt like a fool but I got the mix anyway. Now I"m just debating about dirving 20 mins the opposite way to work one day before Friday and getting the Rum or just getting it down at my Uncle's.


I also finalized plans with them. I'll leave work Friday at 9 and head on down there, so I should get there about 11 pm, depending on traffic and what not.


CS and I also talked our fight over. It's weird but I know we are going to make it simply by the way we handle arguments. I mean there are other reasons I know but the way we handle fights are like an old married couple. In the heat of the moment we are both mad but we refuse to walk away (or hand up in this case) without it getting somewhat resolved and the next day we go back at it with clear heads and no temper. God I love this man.

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rotfl. The mutual friends CS and I have (let alone his) is going to think we are completely nuts.


Okay, so my nephew peed on me yesterday. Only the second baby to ever do that. I made the comment to CS he was changing our sons since little boys can aim (if it weren't for a quick duck I so would have gotten it in the face). He said I was doing it sometimes, and I said, "I'll take poop diapers, you take pee diapers." Of course he was ubber satisfied with this and only afterward did I think 'drat'.


Soooo I'm cleaning Jasper's litter box when I got home and it hit me. You know what? He can't escape poop because while I"m pregnant HE has to change the litter box, I can't be around the smell. So this is what i Posted on his FB wall:


You know, that's fine. You can take pee and I"ll take poop becuase I just realized that no matter what, you still gotta deal with poop. Wanna know how? Jasper. In the end, you can't escape poop. Ha. I still win.


His frineds are going to think I'm crazy but aoy. And he can't delete it if he loves me (and don't act like you didn't read this either Mr. CS).

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I have a bladder infection, Ughhhhh.


I have all the earmark signs: frequent urinating, urge to urinate without doing it, urge to urinate bad but it trickles out. I don't have any pain while urinating, but I never have with any of my bladder infections. Weird. My mom told me to just drink the Bud Light in the fridge, apparently there is a house wives tale that there is something in beer that clear it up quickly. I hate beer. I hate the smell of beer. But dammit I'm in pain....

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Sorry to hear that hun. I strongly suggest that you get some natural cranberry juice and drink lots of water. It can definitely help soothe the pain. Also, make sure you're using anti-bacterial soap like dial or something when bathing and make sure to keep it dry. TMI I know. Feel better.

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Sorry to hear that hun. I strongly suggest that you get some natural cranberry juice and drink lots of water. It can definitely help soothe the pain. Also, make sure you're using anti-bacterial soap like dial or something when bathing and make sure to keep it dry. TMI I know. Feel better.


Thank Jd1983. I'm picking some cranberry juice up tomorrow, hoping this beer will help for tonight.

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So I fell asleep before I could drink the beer. Haha. I'm such an old lady these days... debating about drinking it or just getting some cranberry juice. I know cranberry juice takes longer but I am just so dreading that dang beer.


I don't go in til five today (yay!) and I get off at 9. I need to clean and pack before work since I'm leaving straight from work to my Uncle's tonight. Nice long two hour trip. I don't like cleaning at home when I'm a professional housekeeper for a living. Grrr.


I think I may break and drink the stupid beer. I just went to the bathroom 15 mins ago and I have to go again now.

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Once you have an infection you need antibiotics to cure it - although I'd wager it's more likely a UTI than a bladder infection. Cranberry juice can be helpful to prevent this kind of thing, but what you really need is a doctor and a prescription! I would urge you to go to a clinic or call up your GP/PCP.

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