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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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self centered people suck, don't they? i'm sure they're not giving anyone new any more attention and the new person will leave them after they see their true colors also. self centered losers will generally stay that way, people don't change much.

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Ive had enough time to think about things and go through all the emotions of you leaving me. If you weren't ready for a relationship you should have never let things progress to where they went. Im not mad at you anymore. I miss the good times with you, but they don't outweigh the negative things I felt, now I know they weren't unfounded. My brain knew you weren't into us as much as I was and you didn't treat me nearly like I deserved. My heart hoped youd come around and realize how good of a person I was and how I could've been so good for you. That just isn't what you wanted. Again, im not mad at you anymore, nor do I want you back anymore. Wish you the best, but you missed out babe. Ive moved on.

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Today has been the worst for healing, legitimately thought about contacting you.. Those tiny revelations, no one can be u so its worth waiting for, I'll never be held again by you, how am I ever going to feel love again?? The only thing getting me by is remembering the pain you caused , the way that pain was always insignificant to you and that I'd rather be alone than be in something wrong. It feels right bc my heart was yours and it's still with you. I cried in the or today bc I couldn't get u out of my head and I just kept thinking how nice it would be to connect again, to live and be together, but I know that won't happen

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i have officially caught this disease called heartbreak and it's coming on strong. So strong that I can barely feel the lack of eating I am doing on this extreme diet. I got a phone call today that reminded me of you, that didn't help. Remember when you called me when we were sort of broken up but nothing like we are now about going into an office to listen to a presentation for a trip we won? I got a call about that same thing.... the same exact time we entered, december this year.. And guess what? It's a getaway for two.. How effing perfect.. 4 nights in cancun. Just what I need to be thinking about, but at the same time I relaly could use a getaway and if I really leave in June, I could probably swing going away right before I start my new position... Even though going away might be good for me, a romantic spot with my lonesome won't be so helpful. Been getting depressed today about how I thought you were my soul mate, actually thought you were and that you knew me because I let you know me in this deep way... this vulnerable, inexplainable way.. even if you didn't appreciae it , and I msis that. I got even more depressed thinking about how no matter how I tried to show you I cared for you, it wasn't good enough.. I never "loved" you enough so you probably will think a stranger knows you better than I did.. I keep wondering if I unblocked you, if I'd see messages, if you really would message my phone bc u knew you were blocked to get things out like you once said you would.. probably not, tables have turned and this time I was so much more broken and in love than you. you couldn't even make time to text me, I bet you had someeone else, gisel 2.0. maybe you're already with someone, amybe you are actually happy. maybe none of my dreams will come true and they will continue to dangle in my face 98% of the way convincng me they're happening only to be ripped away at the last second.. Effing hate the "professional "wor;d .. HOW IS IT OKAY to tell someone you put in an offer letter and it was approved and then take two weeks to do scheduling with the highest guy.. why would you even put in an offer if the ceo hasn't met me or approved? so stupid. I'm also sick of getting used like a pawn at work and I feel more alone than I ever have. I just have nothign left

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I have actually been doing really good lately. I've been feeling more confident and happy than I have in a really long time.. Until it hit me that it was around this time last year that we met. I walked by your job and your apartment.. it was on the way.. I didn't do it to see you. But a big part of me had the urge to bump into you which is funny considering I'm usually trying to find ways to avoid you. Part of me wishes I can go back, even if just for a day - all to feel you there just one more time. I don't regret anything because I feel that had I not told you what I was feeling.. I would've prolonged the inevitable. You and I had to end. Better to have ended it before things became a lot messier right? We were already pretty much the epitome of a complicated relationship.. If you can even call it that. I never told you this because I didn't want to scare you away, but I was falling in love with you and man, was it frightening. That is why I needed to assess the situation and confront you about it. Of course it turned out I was right. I do not regret a thing.. But I wish I could feel your presence just one more time. A kiss, a hug, a laugh.. I do not want you back. But today I just really, really miss you is all.

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Using your illness as an excuse when really it's the fact that you're still in love with your ex is making me ANGRY! At myself as well as you! Why did I let it go so long even though I knew you had baggage? I feel stupid, strung along, angry, sad, gutted and I want answers that don't exist. I really hope one day you wake up and I'M the one you regret losing. I'm going to hold my head up!

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I need to stop watching romance shows .... Keeps giving me the urge to run to you.. Thankfully there are lots of things stopping me, including the fact that I don't think you'd welcome me, I don't think u miss me or you love me. That's why it was so easy for you to let me go and unable to be caring or see how I was hurting

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what i learned about insecure losers: if you invite them to your home and they're looking through your stuff, acting all jealous, helping themselves to your things, trying to be in a competition with you, etc... they're not only just plain insecure, sad and annoying... they're basically telling you and showing you that they now see you as an object, like some sort of game piece. obviously if they cared about you as a person, they wouldn't violate you like that. this is now going to be a deal-breaker for me. i've now seen it one too many times from all sorts of different people, all walks of life. it's just plain rude and a total character flaw, there's no excuse. especially when you come into a single woman's private space. any real man should know this.

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Happy Belated birthday. Yep little old me who struggled so hard didn't text you on your birthday. Even better, you're birthday was on Tuesday and I made this far. 80+ days no contact and counting.


Things I've learnt... My self worth comes from my own opinion not from those around me it Especially doesn't come from someone who bends the truth to make him look better or flat out lies. It also doesn't come from someone who has proven himself a cheater... Maybe not to me, but cheating on 3 exes is not a good sign buddy.


I am me, I am proud of me and if it's not good or perfect enough for you then it's your loss. There are far better people out there and I will find one of them. I may not be completely healed yet or over the hurt and pain but I would never give you a second chance to hurt me... That is progress and amazing progress at that.


So keep flitting from relationship to relationship if that's how you roll. Keep pretending you care about them when really you can't be alone. Keep letting them take the emotional risks. It's your life. But my life is so much better as you will never be a part of it again.

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So, here goes, my first post. Sorry if I'm venting too much! Almost 2 weeks ago, I found out the love of my life had been cheating. He was in the shower and his phone lit up with a text from a woman I did not know. I shouldn't have and in the 3 years we've been together, I have never felt compelled to look at his phone, but something told me to look. And there it was, weeks worth of texts and pictures. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I started to have a panic attack. I couldn't breathe, my heart was aching, my ears were ringing, and I wanted to throw up. And I ran. I grabbed my things and left for good. Imagine his surprise when he got out of the shower and didn't see me or my things there anymore. He called and texted a few times that day, but that's it. Once I calmed down, I decided to contact this "other woman" to get some clarity on the situation. I shared texts and photos to show her that we were indeed in a relationship and in "love." Probably not the smartest thing I've done, but hey, I needed answers. She said they had no idea who I was and couldn't believe he would do that. She confirmed my worst fears and that he did indeed cheat on me with her. She also said that he asked her to be his gf the day after I walked out. When she confronted him, he told her he only loved me as a friend. She believed him of course and told me she will continue to see him because he was not dishonest with her, just me. I lost my mind. Are there actually women like this? She said that they love each other and her feelings for him are really strong, and she wants to stay. UGH!!


In my mind, I don't want him, but my heart misses my best friend. I'm trying my best not to contact him, especially knowing she's probably with him, but I feel like I'm losing control. I threw my phone under my bed to stop myself. Are there any other suggestions on what I should do?

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This should be its own thread. That said, wow.... I am so sorry that you are going through that. What a piece of ***t he is. He is a coward and you are MUCH better off now. Its time to heal and create a new better life for yourself... Keep posting here. Do NOT contact him. No contact and healing and doing new fun cool things with new cool people and lots of healthy activities should be the new elements in your life.

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i unblocked you... mental experiment for me. Almost serving as a closure for me.. Basically, I'm giving myself a chance to prove that you have forgotten me and are as selfish as I know you are and unable to care about how you hurt me/apologize. I know this is true already because you have my email if you really weer going to reach out... but I'm hoping this will somehow make it easier??

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Hi. Hardest week ever for me. I know you are able to keep busy and you can easily keep busy to ignore things..so good on ya for that. I only wish I could. I just want to curl up and sleep, yet I cant sleep. I know now why you stopped contacting me. Someone had to tell you to stop. Come on now, you're a smart guy..why did it take that?

I give up. I just give up. Sucks to hear from everyone around us how much we love each other though eh? Why cant they mind their own business? It's up to us to decide and come to terms with it or not.

I just want to hear your voice again and see your beautiful face.........

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I messaged you... Should've kbown unblocking was a bad idea... But it was to get your address bc I am moving and need to ship your things, I never wrote it down No answer. So either im still blocked or you did adopt the idea that I'm dead to you now.. Either way I feel some odd sense of closure knowing I'll mever hear from you again and I might as well throw out your stuff when I leave

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seeing people holding hands while out and about today made me miss being in a relationship. watching people on tv support one another through their severe sicknesses and give each other hugs from behind was so endearing. it makes me wish i had that. i think at one point we were aiming for that. i think at one point i actually believed you'd be that for me. but as time went on, i could see how selfish you were when i came to you with anything. i would get no response or you'd yawn or change the subject. horrible. i picture your face when our friend broke her tooth sometimes. you weren't compassionate at all, you were grossed out. i've seen you make that face numerous times too.


the question on my mind lately is "are we going to be friends" or not. i know it's only been a week, but it feels like that window is getting smaller and smaller as time goes by. we said we were going to be friends no matter what. i have a feeling you won't keep your word. that's fine. your actions were always inconsistent with your words anyway. it'll just prove to me that i was right about you and it'll help me move on.

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I hate that you pick up when i call and respond to my texts telling me that i will be okay. I wish i could stop begging you to come back. I hate myself for doing it but i cant stop. Why can't you see its not as bad as you think it is and issues can get resolved. why wont you give me a chance to prove that to you. You get angry when i say if you really loved me you wouldve stuck around but is that not the truth, your love was not strong enough for you to fight for the relationship. I hate you for breaking my heart and I wish i could stop being in love with you and laugh you off. This pain is horrible and you just wont see reason.

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Hi. Hardest week ever for me. I know you are able to keep busy and you can easily keep busy to ignore things..so good on ya for that. I only wish I could. I just want to curl up and sleep, yet I cant sleep. I know now why you stopped contacting me. Someone had to tell you to stop. Come on now, you're a smart guy..why did it take that?

I give up. I just give up. Sucks to hear from everyone around us how much we love each other though eh? Why cant they mind their own business? It's up to us to decide and come to terms with it or not.

I just want to hear your voice again and see your beautiful face.........


I feel exactly what you are feeling

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