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Why? Why didnt you want to try to work it out? We never fought, I still don't understand. This came out of nowhere. I still love you. Do you still love me or think about me at all? Did the past year mean nothing? I hate the way you ended this. I really really hate you for doing this to me and i dont think I can ever forgive you.

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Remember when things were fine and you told me how hard it is to find someone who is a match? If you saw me as a match, why wouldn't you want to work things out? How can you change your mind so quickly? I was willing to change a lot of things for you. Didn't you understand that? Was that too much for you? I don't understand. Would you rather have someone who's not a match and you change yourself for them? What is going on...

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I remember the first day we hung out. How we clicked so quickly and it was easily one of the best nights I've had in a long time. We were among friends but it was like it was only me and you. I wish I can go back, just to feel the joy I felt that night again.


I went on a date tonight. Well kind of. While I was there, I just kept comparing it to my first date with you and how I didn't want to leave. On our date, we talked the day away and then the day turned into night and part of me wished that it could be that way always. I know you felt the same way because you couldn't stop telling me how much fun you were having and that there was something about me. Guess that "something" about me dulled over time huh? Tonight, I just kept looking at the time and hoping it was almost time to go. He was a nice cute guy, but he wasn't you. I know I'm not ready to date but at this point I'm desperate to get you off my mind. I guess dating makes me think more of you rather than less.


Everyday I get more and more angry with you and with myself. I want to tell you how much you hurt me, and how much I miss you despite everything that happened. But I won't. While I'm here missing you and whatever it was that we had, you are out living your life, not thinking about me at all. I don't understand how you can go from telling me that I'm one of the most important people in your life and from seeing a future with me to me never hearing from you again without even as much as a goodbye. How much could I have possibly meant to you if you were so quick to throw it all away without a care in the world?


But never the less.. Thank you. Thank you for showing me to remain guarded even when I want to give in and let someone in. Despite my gut instinct and me initially ignoring your interest for this very reason, I made the mistake of letting you in. Thanks to you, now I know to listen to my instincts. Thank you for showing me that when it's real, I won't have to second guess it so much the way I constantly did with you. And thank you for leaving and giving me the opportunity to see you for what you really are. And for giving me the opportunity to see myself as someone more deserving than what you had to offer.


You never gave me the chance to say what I had to say about us ending so here it is. I am moving on and I am not looking back.. Not anymore. After reflecting, I realized that I don't need, nor should I want someone as emotionally disconnected as you. You don't know what you want. One minute you want the world with someone and the next you want to be alone. So go be alone. Or with someone else. I'm just glad that it's not my problem anymore.

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I know you are happy with your new boyfriend. I am happy for you but i am sad that you are not with me anymore. I wish i was a better Boyfriend for you. You always need a boyfriend for you to be happy but i can be happy being alone and i learned a lot from our relationship. You didn't your time to feel the pain and grow that showed me how insecure you are didn't grow. You made me happy but i was not happy with myself for many reasons. you were good to me and everything but i was confused about things (Long story why for readers). But remember that i tried everything to get you back and prove things to you. i am a different person now and look at life in a different prospective and i wish you can see the new me. I don't know anything about the future but it seems that the new one is the one for you!

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It's so strange writing this, because we're not broken up yet, but I know it's going to happen when I put all the eggs in the basket and do it for both of our sake. I realize that both of us were unhealthy, and we have done and said things in the past that did not helped us or made us a strong and secure couple that we wanted it to be so badly. But here's the part where it really got messed up: I forgave you, I grew up, I held up my own end and tried my darn hardest to wipe the slate clean and start over. But you didn't forgive me or my past. You didn't grew up, but actually regressed back. You did not held up your own end, only when it directly benefited you in some way, and you have become worse and worse with each passing day, week, and months since I've tried healing myself. You grew colder, more crueler, and more dumber than I remember. I looked at your old messages, when you had an actual brain and had some logic left. Now talking to you is like talking to some weird sociopathic 12 year old. It's insane how terrible you've become.


There's a reason why I treated you like a stranger and why I will still treat you like a stranger until I virtually disappear from your life soon. You literally killed what's left of my love for you on Sunday night when I needed you the most. You LAUGHED at my tears. I was sobbing and showed you my heart and soul. I was vulnerable. Relationships means vulnerability. You ripped me apart. Shredded me to pieces. After that, I became afraid of you. Disgusted by you. For the first time ever since I've met you, I feel free and happy when I DIDN'T talked to you or have to look at you. If you were here in my room, right now, and you made a move on me, oh God. I would probably flinch and gag. That's how bad it is now. It's done and it's ruined, and I really did not wanted it to go to this route, I really really really REALLY tried to fix us and myself and our relationship and did everything I could to make us happy... but you became something else, I don't know WHAT, but I can't forgive you for Sunday and I just can't take you in my heart anymore. It doesn't feel safe to be with you anymore. It's not fun being around you anymore. You bossed me around during our vacation before I left to come home, you couldn't talk to people on the telephone (GROW THE HELL UP SERIOUSLY?!) and had me call up restaurants to get our food, and you became insufferable.


I can't do this anymore. And it's hard because I promised myself that I wouldn't give up on you. I promised you that I wouldn't leave you, but it's just broken. It's so hard, too hard. I don't know how I'll feel tomorrow, but I have a bad feeling that I won't like talking to you even through e-mail. But then, maybe, this entire situation happened because you are trying one last time to get away from me, to push me away, to test me and see how much I can take of your bull. To see if I am willing to walk away and leave behind almost 3 years of pain, pleasure, dreams and promises.


And to answer that... is yes. I am willing to walk away. You're about to become abandoned and I have a feeling that it probably won't matter to you as much when it does happen, because deep down, you loved being alone and unloved. Well, your dream is about to come true.


Thanks for nothing.



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I'm having one of those days again. A day where you're always on my mind. I lay in bed and try to fall asleep but I think of you. I talk to friends and when the conversation ends I think of you. I go the gym and see a girl who reminds of you and I wish you were her.


Why is it taking me so long to forget you and get over you? I deleted your texts. I don't look at your Instagram. I don't look at your pictures. I don't watch your videos.


You're likely having the time of your life. Going out most nights, meeting new guys, having your fun. Do you ever think of me? If so, what do you think about? Do you miss what we had? Or do you think of me in a bad light now? Most likely you're completely over me. It's hard for me to say that.


I want you to know that I only think of the good times we shared and the good in you. I miss you too much to be mad anymore.

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Some times i'm just left alone with my thoughts for too long and i'm left to think all these things...like how I still feel things for you after all this time. The other night the air smelled so distinctively like a New England Summer night and my stomach kind of fell because it brought me back to all that time ago and all the nights I spend at your house so long ago those hot days and cool nights, the smell of the air. It was a long while ago and still I find myself wistfully reminiscing upon those days kind of wishing I could get a do over. I was young, naive and fooling to be quite honest. Even though those times weren't all roses and cupcakes something in me will always draw back on them in a wistful way...but its also funny how time can make you forget how unhappy you were and how nostolgia can be a dirty rotten liar when looking back on memories. I'm sure theres the makings of a good country song in there somewhere...


I just wonder to myself why in the world I get so fixated on you and the past and memories that are so far gone now. I guess its because to me they will always be something special even though I honestly don't know why. Because you've proven time and time again that they weren't special to you and that I didn't mean nearly as much to you as you did to me. It hurts yeah but I know in my heart its the truth. As much as I tried to kid myself for a good long while and almost convinced myself it was the case- that I held a special place in your heart, that I was some big long of your life....the truth of the matter is that isn't true. I was just some girl you dated far too long ago. Just some ex on your long list of exes. I guess writing that and reading that back is like 'ouch' to me but it's true.


I think my problem is I always wonder what if. What could have been 'if' granted there are so many ifs in that equation. If I never broke up with you waaaay back when the very first time, if we would have really gotten back together that Summer, if when we reconnected the following year if we REALLY would have given it another go....if you really loved me enough to give it another go. But I guess again the truth of it is you didn't...and you don't. I honestly don't know why I even wonder these things anymore since we are on two totally different planes of existence. I think I'll always question your sexuality after the last time we spoke and that's something that will kind of always bother me. That whole last time was absolutly awful in general so I shouldn't even give a crap about you one way or another anymore. Not after how selfish and awful you were to lead me on- again- but this was probably the worst time, there was nothing good about it at all. Seeing you was the most awkward its ever been. I think I just need to realize you're a different person now.


I think I'm just left with this nagging awful feeling like what about me wasn't good enough for you? Why wasn't I ever good enough for you? All I ever did was try to be there for you in so many ways hoping that you would fall in love with me again and want to give things another try...so things could go back to how they used to. So you could look at me the way you did when we were together all that time ago. And you never did and it broke me over the years. Its my own fault really. My self esteem has been pretty low all these years because of being repeatedly rejected by you. I could have a line of men telling me how great I am but it was like if it wasn't YOU it didn't matter. The messed up thing about it is I think just knowing you still wanted me would be enough for me. I don't even know if its me wanting to be with you at this point but more knowing you wanted to be with me. I know that's twisted...its the rejection part that's had me messed up. Because you were the only person who's ever really loved me...


I don't know why I'm even still beating a dead horse just some nights my mind goes back like it has the past few. And I spent the last few months extremly hurt and upset over you. After what happened well I was pretty crushed and then I met someone and got into somewhat of an online relationship for a few months which I have to say distracted me. I didn't think of you nearly as much, but that fizzled or should I say I regained my sanity...then I had to deal with my mom's illness and that was my main focus for the last 2 months and that's been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Now that she's doing somewhat better...there it is. My mind is back on you. Back where it always goes when I don't have a distraction.


And seeing you on POF a few weeks ago kind of threw me, you were definitely the last person I expected to see on there. I'm thinking I looked dumb for sending you a message but I think it was important for me to let you know hey look I'm not still upset...even if I am. And you saying idk in reference to what I said...WHY am I reading so much into that? WHY do I over analyze everything with you always?? Its so frustrating! And going to your city next month is going to be so interesting. I have never been there without going to see you, never taken the bus into that station and not had you waiting for me...just going to bring a lot of memories for me. But I'm going to see my friend who I'm happy to have reconnected with who has nothing to do with you. I'm excited to have the weekend away but nervous as hell for the nostalgia to hit me. I've thought about texting you and saying I'm gonna be there and then I think that's the dumbest idea ever because well it IS the dumbest idea ever. What good will that do? 10 to 1 you'll be like 'Oh okay cool enjoy' like what else are you going to say after how we left things? Like how much more clear do you have to make it to me that you don't want to be with me? I'm so dumb. I know theoretically I'll never run into you there so its not like I need to explain that...but like this small sick part of me almost wants to run into you.


Its whatever...not going think about this any more tonight, been enough mind musing for one night.

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I finally got the raise! My boss just called with the news. You did so much to help coach me through the process of requesting it, helping me navigate the conversations with senior management and the emails I had to write. And they gave me every penny! I wish I could say thank you for all your help. I couldn't have done this without you. Ugh, why am I crying instead of celebrating? Because I want you to be here to celebrate it with me.

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I need time. I need time to find myself again and be me without you. I need to be okay without you. I need to be okay with myself. I need to know what I want and go for it. I am so excited about my future and I wish I could share this excitement with you, but I know that it will make it so much better later on, when you're able to share your excitement too and we can talk about everything and anything.Instant gratification is not as sweet as delayed gratification. I know that all we need is just time. It's getting easier... and I don't think I'll ever stop loving you, but that's okay, I can still live my life. I can still move on with my life. I can do this, and I know you can too. Everything will be okay in the end. It will work itself out.

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This is it. I'm making that promise to myself and that is the light at the end of the tunnel even if I don't see it now.i don't know if you will ever regret those 20 minutes you gave up for us, that time you sold out so you could get free luggage or the 6 hours you spent in a conference when I was waiting for you.. Or the hours you spent ignoring me. I don't know that you will ever regret that time missed. The kisses we could have shared, the hugs we missed , the conversations unsaid. Or if you will continue to be immature and think tou could have done nothing more, that it's all me for "not waiting ", even though I've been waitinga year... Waiting for you to fogure me out. To make me feel loved , to care enough to stop hurting me, but what has happened ? Nothing. Maybe more neglect and deflecting onto me, deflecting to the fact that I won't give you commitment despite your ability to earn it. Deflecting to tell me I don't love you which honestly makes no sense to me. How does that make sense? How could you believe I don't love you when I'm in physical pain because I want more of you and you continually put a job that isn't even putting food on your table above me. A job where you aren't even required to have a degree and your boss constantly insults you, that's turned you cold and taken any intellect from you. It's amazing to me how your self awareness has gone out the window, you can't even recognize your part in this. Im angry and I wonder if you ever will.. If you will ever feel remorse for how you treated me or if you will convince yourself you were attentive to me and I didn't love you . I guess sin the end it doesn't matter, you're just another failed attempt at love, another heart down the drain, another person who took a piece of me, another story, another scar. Only you took the most, you took my how. My hope that forever can exist , because no matter how much of an you can be, I loved you the most and I belibed in you more than anyone. I moved in with you, and at one time, we both loved each other, we both treated each other right and I beliebd I would have given up the world to be with you.. Ironically you were the only person to abandon me when I really needed someone and for spiteful reasons but not be able to see the depth of what you did and you never made up for it. You never understood how wrong you were. And that's peobaby bc u have such a screwed up home life you have no idea how to love, but you expect it You weren't lying when you said you are impossible to love but I never saw u hat way until it was too late... All things aside, last weekend was the world for me, you did make me feel loved and even though I'm a disaster now, I felt love with you last Saturday, I woke up several times just to se you asleep, to be in a true moment of vulnerability with you and connect. I won't forget it because it made me feel alive. That's almost impossible lately, I completely shut myself off from humanity because work is number 1, but with you, I go back to being in eye, to hours in my car talking,'to you and me, to us. Only difference is, I'm the only one in that world. You still have work first and that's what cuts me.

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With us, things only continue to get worse sure enough my desire to try to make it clear this was the end without any hopes of a future failed... I'm upset now looking back, not only are you incredibly inattentive generally speaking you cant even respond in a timely fashion when I'm ending things.. You didn't get back to me until 2 am. probably because you were busy getting wasted and meeting girls, but you come at me for "dating". you are impossible. everytime i get upset it somehow is my fault in your head. it's my fault you can't make time to have communication because "i couldn't wait three days". what was I waiting for? you've never been there for me. not a year ago when I moved, no time in between and certainly not now. You are a child. You act like a child and throw temper tantrums instead of owning up to your prolems. I have no idea how anyone is going to tolerate you. Even though I am free, and knowing now I have a chance to be loved the way you never understood is empowering, I have still not shaken my propensity to make you understand. To change you. I never knw why I feel that urge, I know in my heart ill never reach you, yet the more you resist the more I want to fight because I know what the truth is and im sick of you twisting it. But i guess the better I get at proving your stories into the lies they are, the better you get at jumping down your deluded rabbit hole in your brain that you are right, you never do wrong and all the wreckage in your path is somehow instantaneous spontaneous combustion. I wonder what your healing process will be like. the only thing I know for sure is that I will heal faster and you might hold onto this wound forever because youd rather feel a wound forever than feel the pain of facing it. You still havent mourned your losses from last year , and it effects you almost the same way it did when we met, just as violently and disturbed as you were then. YOu havent grown or faced any of it, you've drank , smoke, and done drugs to avoid it. You will probably do the same thing with this and somehow blame me leavig as the reason you are destroying yourself. I don't know that you will ever learn responsibility for your actions because your own mother doesn't even have it. I should have been more perceptive to that. I wonder what kind of girl you will end up with ... who will be okay with your inability to ever fix someone, deal with someone elses emotions and not financially do the role of a male. i can imagine it's some hippie emotionally dead, drug addict girl. probably someone without an education who you end up hiring, someone with a hard troubled past and a numbness to emotion. Only probelm is you need emotional support, ego rubbing, sexual support, and someone to constantly be there for you. I can't see that girl doing that for you. Your victim complx is mind boggling to me, it's so feminine. Yet you think you are masculine. You wish to hold onto every single thing that coul dbe possibly portrayed as a wrong doing and display it. never dealing with it, just crying and complaining about it like a woman who has cramps. You are a pathetic wimp

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I feel like you've won, because you always win...but this time I can't let you win.

I know I was the one that left you. But I left you because I couldn't deal with the emotional and mental abuse. I couldn't deal with walking on eggshells and losing my confidence. But now all I feel is hurt: I'm lost, I'm confused and I miss all the good times and I wake up crying thinking about you with someone else and it hurts so so much that I (even though I hate myself for it) sometimes regret my decision to leave.

I wanted to be the one that was happy with you, the one that married you, I wanted it all so badly but it was too messed up. I'm only 21 and I shouldn't have to deal with your immaturity, selfishness, excessive drinking, breaking the law...you said you loved me, but you support and care for the ones you love - you don't hurt them. Sometimes I want to cry, sometimes I want to laugh and jump for joy that I can do what I want without thinking about how you'll react. I'm so lost and confused and hurt and I'm scared.

I hear all the rumours. I know you're already getting with someone else - its been 2 weeks. I feel jealous and hurt and it makes me want to break down. I should be thinking about when you argue with her, when you ignore her, when you threaten to leave her for having male friends - and she'll cry because you seemed so perfect at first, you seemed to be perfect and have your life in order. And the emotional roller coaster that is a relationship with you will begin. Why do I hurt so much when it was you who pushed me to leave this in the first place? Why do I miss the perfect times when the horrible times outweighed them?

To be honest I wish I could just talk to you forever, try to work everything out. But that's selfish and wrong of me and I should try to move on without you. I still remember your face when I left and I want to hug you and I want it to be ok, but it's never going to be ok. You said it was wrong of me to make you fall in love with me? You'll never understand. You don't understand emotions. I miss your smile, your laugh, our jokes, the fun, the intimacy....is it worth it though? Sometimes I get lost in the good things and forget what you were like.

Why couldn't you have been the man I thought you were in the first place? Why am I still crying? Why did you turn out to be a spoilt, hurtful child? and why do I still miss you?

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Today is filled with promises, promises to myself that I have left you behind. That I have a new start and that things will only move onward and upwards from here. Yet I am so physically and emotionally exhausted it is debilitating. For the first time in the innumerable times we have done this break up thing, I finally feel assured enough in myself that it is meant to be happening and for that, I don't regret continually beating the horse with you. I am beginning to feel bummed, bummed that we couldn't make it work, in the knowledge that we never would be able to it hurts less than it used to. It cuts the deepest when I think of the hope you once were able to fill me with, I think that is the biggest thing I have learned from this and the thing that has also broken my heart the most. I always thought when you met that person, you'd just "know" as if somehow that feeling was enough for forever, that it was so incredibly rare it would be enough to not only get through everything, but this magical sensor god placed in two people to recognize "this is it". That feeling is what kept me with you through all the betrayal, all the pain and sadness. Now I have learned that I need to accept the unknown, that the only thing I know now is that I know nothing. I don't know what it is that makes people last forever , and I don't know how you tell that you have "it". I'm afraid going into this world without my someone, without the person who completed me once, the person who was my soulmate, the only one in this 26 years I've been alive I've shared my world with including god and living with you. I know that it makes me tainted , but I also know I've been truly without you for quite some time. We haven't been on the same wavelength in months and I still don't think you understood me , maybe you did nad you just wanted to rebel against my feelings. I think my biggest heartache was that I expected you to be so much more than you were... Bc of our connection and this image i wrongfully projected on you, I thought I could trust you with my heart. Not the superficial definition of heart where I share some menial things with you and we cuddle, no the depths of my heart. Each time I did that, I found myself alone. But I did learn how to be stronger and how to get through life not only alone, but with conflict on my side. The worst part is, each time I would break, you'd find a way to blame me for you not being there. I still don't understand that, and I don't know that I ever will I only know that I am free of it and that is beautiful. We never had the same ideas of love.. I still to this day don't know what you think giving love looks like. I only know that in your head, spending time with work friends when I haven't seen you in mos is okay, not messaging someone, not taking them to nice places , and making every good or bad day about something you are going through is showing love. I think the best part of all of it is I don't need to try to figure it out. On another note, I am starting to focus on my future and what that looks like. I am finally feeling like CA is going to happen for me, I am just overwhelmed by the process. I want to move into a position that highlights my strenghts and gives me the financial freedom I have been longing for, which takes time and me flying out/interviewing different places. Now I am concerned I will not have time to do this with my job and a part of me thinks I should quit to devote my time to this, but then tehre are a number of issues with that (what if i dont get another job? how will I survive in the mean time? Then I can't tell them not to contact current employer). I know once I am on my own, in the state I have always wanted to be, I will be stable and able to find someone whose life is in line with mine, who can love me the way I want and I can focus on living ahealthy lifestyle. Which I have already started doing, but it feels like a constant everyday battle I guess it always will be, but at least when I am out of the negative environment I live in now, it will be easier. I am worried for you, I'm worried about you and how you will cope with this? If you ever will.... I hope you figure out that I did love you, that you were hurting me and I couldn't handle it anymore. I miss the feelings you gave me, the times when you did kiss me and make love to me, the few times we did have perfection . I will remember you lover.

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Today has been one of those days where I can't stop thinking about you. I miss you, and it stings. Every time I do something new, I can't help but think how great it would've been if you had been there to do it with me. Every time I do something we used to do together, I can't help but let my mind wander to a time where there was a me and you. It's getting better though, one step at a time.


I miss you more than you can imagine, but I don't want to speak to you and I have no urge to contact you at all. But I can't help but think about the what if's. There will be good days and bad days, and this was a bad one. This too shall pass.

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I wish I could take back the week we started talking again. It wasn’t going to be how it used to be, I think I knew that. But I did things and acted in a way that I told myself I’d never do. I acted needy and unsure of myself. I didn’t want to lose you again. You hurt me so much that morning when you just dumped your thoughts on me. Telling me that you are not drawn me and that you don’t envy me and that we don’t belong. Why’d you have to say those things? I knew you’d hurt me again. And that’s why I acted in a way which just pushed you further away. Probably away forever. You haven’t reached out to me. Not even a drunk text. Did you block me or delete my number? That really is for the best. Just let me get over you. There is no point in us talking anymore. You were the first and only person I ever cared for. And you're the only person who's hurt me.


I don’t know why but I just wish that you and I actually had been together before you ended it. No distance between us. You never really got to see the side of me that I wish you had. But you ruined your chance at experiencing that.


I learned that you are not the person I thought you were. I learned how hurtful you can be and how you truly felt. I still haven’t checked up on you and I have no plans to. I don’t want to think of the FACT that you’re most definitely with someone else. Whatever. Have a nice life.

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This healing process sucks, its a rollercoaster with the highest highs and the lowest lows. Now I'm just waiting for the fall, i know that once this ride ends I will be more stable but now all I can feel is dizzy. Like a recovering addict, I have flashbacks and shakes that make me just want a fix. I'm craving one now, just a kiss, just one hug, one message. But just like an addict, I need to remember over and over again why I am here in the first place. Why you destroyed my life? Why I am running and letting all the otehr addictions I've ever had resurface just so I don't give into this one. Because with you I was weak and now I have a chance to be strong, to move on and get all my dreams. I am uncertain and afraid, I don't like going through this alone even though I know if you were here I'd still be alone, probably more alone because I always went through everything by myself. It's the blanket , the fact of knowing you were "mine" even though I never reaped the benefits of having you protect me and keep me warm, just the sight of a blanket hanging over my head that I cant reach, only see lingering over my head and imagine how warm it could be until I reach out to grab it and it floats down falling onto me like ice, all color disappearing and becoming translucent. A figment of my imagination, a mirage in the desert, only I want that mirage now. The false security, the hoping, begging and pleading maybe this time it will be different. MAYBE THIS TIME you will answer my prayers. THe result isn't different now, no answer, the only thing that is chanign is eventually the door will open for someone else to be there, for someone else to wrap you in and let you feel the thermodynamic miracle known as heat--> warmth. Maybe you will stop waiting, because you will know, you have shut the door to the ghost of love you used to long for. THe past , present and future will align on one plane, in one time frame, and you will find glowing effervescence of happiness

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I feel like you are a leech on my emotions. I am fine I convince myself of this and then my nutrients get sucked from me until all I can feel is nothing. While u are probably losing all your brain cells tonight to smoking, I'm being drained to the memory of you. A phantom bug that won't stop sucking the life out of me even when I shot it dead already. I fear you will creep into my future, when I finally get to a place of stability and I'm ready to move on you will be there. Just another failed relationship scar making me all the more unable to trust men and have hope for marriage. I hate that is the one thing u take that I can't stop, you've tainted me and there's nothing I can do but accept it and weep. I choose to let it make me stronger, but it doesn't dad want slower or leave any less of a scar. I don't want to hate you because it represents a strong emotion, but I feel that I still do. Which means I still love you even though I wish I could drain you from my veins like you take the life from me

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Today is one of the hardest days I've experienced regarding you. I got a new phone today and restored what I had from a previous back up. And there it was, your texts starting from 4 days after you ended what we had. You told me you were sorry.


I read through all of your texts again from the week we last talked. I shouldn't have. I'm so sad now. A lot of what you said didn't make sense and it was obvious it was going to end again. I didn't see it until now though. You thought I was selfish but never explained why. If you told me I would have understood.


I have to stop thinking of you. I've resisted the urge to talk to you and check up on you because it would only slow me down in getting over you. If you never contacted me that day saying you needed to talk, I would be over you. But I broke my promise to myself and I responded. But that's in the past and there is no use dwelling on what I can't change.


I'm working on making my dreams come true. I am close to a new job and am going to save everything I have to move to New York and become the person I want to be. Maybe yours and my path will cross again. Maybe I'll forget about you soon. Time will tell.



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We broke up 3 years ago, and this is about the week that it happened. I've had the best breakupversary week so far, without feeling any attachment to you at all.


Why do I still dream of you? And in the dream, I am devastated that you are with another guy. I wake up from the dream almost in tears, and when I return to sleep the dream continues from where it left off, having to see you and him around even more, and further along in your relationship.


It's really weird that my brain is still going there - especially since in real life you HAVEN'T moved on. You haven't even really dated anyone since me, while I've gone on many dates and tried to give it a chance. I'm almost there, but something in me keeps pulling back. I know we no longer have a connection and I don't want you back. I know that in a few days, or maybe even later today, the dream emotions will fade and I will be back to my happy stable self.


I just wish that I didn't have to deal with the echoes of desire for you that are still hidden inside me. And in a weird way, I hope that you also will be able to find a way to move on, as you have in the dream.


We both deserve to be happy.

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