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  1. I need time. I need time to find myself again and be me without you. I need to be okay without you. I need to be okay with myself. I need to know what I want and go for it. I am so excited about my future and I wish I could share this excitement with you, but I know that it will make it so much better later on, when you're able to share your excitement too and we can talk about everything and anything.Instant gratification is not as sweet as delayed gratification. I know that all we need is just time. It's getting easier... and I don't think I'll ever stop loving you, but that's okay, I can still live my life. I can still move on with my life. I can do this, and I know you can too. Everything will be okay in the end. It will work itself out.
  2. I was broken up with a month ago. He broke up with me because he doesn't want to disappoint me when he goes to Med school, since he won't be able to be there for me because he will be far away. I figured that since I am going to Vet school soon, we would just work through it together and just make a schedule but that we could still be together. He said that I deserve more than that and that he loves me, but he would start to resent himself that he would be choosing books over me so at the moment in his life he can't and doesn't want to be with me. He was also scared that I would resent him for making the same choice. He also said that he thinks he's going to be married to his career and he knows that his life is going to be consumed by his job, so he doesn't want me to end up settling and compromising my own happiness - he wants to give me the opportunity to be truly happy, because he really thinks he's going to end up alone. We dated for nearly 2 years and lived together for the majority of it. I truly believed that he was the one I was going to marry and honestly, I still do. I love him more than anyone I've ever loved in my life and he took care of me, he made me feel wanted and loved, I never questioned anything with him, we just were and it was easy. When he broke up with me, I was/am devastated. I lost the love of my life and my best friend. He still wants to remain in contact, he's been texting me every day and I've seen him once since the break up. It feels like nothing has changed as far as our dynamic, I just can't have him... When I came to this forum, I was looking for comfort, but as I read on, I realized that I have to work on myself and do things for me. I realized that I can't just hope that we will get back together after a few months without doing what I need to do and without at least trying to move on as much as I fear more than anything that I will lose him for good. This thread has been a source of empowerment for me, and a motivator to get up and try to change my life somehow and try to be okay without him. I know in my heart that I will always love him - him and I worked very well, I feel like we could get through anything together - but I also know that I cannot wait for him, and that I actually need to try and live my life as best I can. And I know that the possibility of meeting other people is there, as much as I don't want it, I know it's there and if that happens for him, I will be happy for him. He deserves nothing but the best even if I'm not the one giving it to him. This thread gives me hope, though. And honestly that's something that I desperately need right now. As far as success stories: 1. One of my best friends was dating this guy that we worked with for nearly 2 years. He ended things with her because he was only working with us for the summer and then going to school in a different state. He started dating other women and she was devastated. She eventually starts dating other people but then realizes that the guy she was dating wasn't for her. Her ex comes back to work with us and decides to come to our town to live permanently and then they ended up getting back together shortly after. They've been together ever since and seem to be a lot happier than they were. 2. My ex's mom and dad, ironically enough, were married for a long time. At some point, her husband decided that he needed to move out and take some time so he did. His mom just let him go and she decided that she was going to move into an apartment of her own and that was that. A few months later her husband calls her and says that he wants to come back home. They've been together since and going strong. They've been married since they were like 20+, they're 50-60 now.
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