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Everything posted by weirdcat

  1. I miss my guy also but at the end of the day we have to accept that they did what they thought was best for themselves. It hurts so much sometimes i just want to die. I really loved him and I'm sure you do also. We have to let them go, we have to love them enough to let them do whats best for them. Now thats said, time for me to take my own advice.
  2. I feel like a psycho for wanting to contact him so much when he will never try and contact me
  3. I hate that you pick up when i call and respond to my texts telling me that i will be okay. I wish i could stop begging you to come back. I hate myself for doing it but i cant stop. Why can't you see its not as bad as you think it is and issues can get resolved. why wont you give me a chance to prove that to you. You get angry when i say if you really loved me you wouldve stuck around but is that not the truth, your love was not strong enough for you to fight for the relationship. I hate you for breaking my heart and I wish i could stop being in love with you and laugh you off. This pain is horrible and you just wont see reason.
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