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This song you liked so much keeps playing in my head. It's day 3 of NC and I miss you. I'm trying to rationalize that you and I are so not right for each other, but I still...I miss you. I miss how much fun we had together, in our little studio. Just being at home with you and hanging out, being silly. Or when you always messed up my eggs for breakfast. 1.5 years of being together.


But all that seems so long ago even though it's only been 2 weeks. Do you even think about me? Do you even miss me?

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I miss talking to you about EVERYTHING. I understand why you have to go, and that your decision has little to nothing to do with me, or the quality of the love I felt and showed to you.


All the same, I am heartfully sorry for the pain that I caused you, and the ways and times in which I was bad to you.


I've always said it would take a lifetime of togetherness to give you even an inkling of the love I've felt for you. I've never felt it for anyone else, and I am stunned and stung, that you are gone.


I miss my person, and I don't know how I will ever find another whose heart was so right for my own. And I wish you the very, very best of all things.


I miss you, I love you dearly, and I hope you come home someday.

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Gah, it's been a long day! We usually go to bed around this time. I miss cuddling with you before we go to sleep. I miss playing with your ear or squeezing your arms while were lying in bed. Life was so amazing then...how could you not fight for that?


Day 3 is almost over. I wish this pain and longing were almost over, too.

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Its been a year since we've been together. I don't know if you remember that last special night together but I do.


Its clear that you're not coming back. I've been ready to release you from my mind and heart for a long time but don't know why I haven't been able to.


I guess its that I had to get to the point where you no longer mattered. I guess you got there a lot faster than I did.


Good luck finding anyone that would have brought what I could have to our future.

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Women may come easy because you are pleasing on the eye, but your soul is the ugliest thing I ever did see. Trust me, it repulsed me.


Stop leaving a trail of the broken behind you.

I wish for your wellness, but more so, I pray for the victims that your empty soul continues to devour.

Evil cannot digest love, evil can only expel love and let it rot like waste.


You wont win! You'll never own this mind, or love again.

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Omg I want to talk to you and see you so badly. But I want what we had. I want to be together. This is awful.


I know how you feel, I want to say the same thing to my ex too. I keep thinking that we can just "talk about this" and we will go back to what we had.

But as many people have told me, the relationship was like a mirror. Once it is broken, we will hurt ourselves trying to put it back together. Even if we do manage to put it back together, it'll never be the same.... you'll always see the cracks & bloodstains.

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I know how you feel, I want to say the same thing to my ex too. I keep thinking that we can just "talk about this" and we will go back to what we had.

But as many people have told me, the relationship was like a mirror. Once it is broken, we will hurt ourselves trying to put it back together. Even if we do manage to put it back together, it'll never be the same.... you'll always see the cracks & bloodstains.


Wow... I wish I knew that analogy when I was married to my husband. The visual of that Would have saved me 7 years of hoping he would fix it and change.

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4 months later and after all the pain I've been through, I'm still praying to God you get home safely, that you're finding your happiness, that you don't feel guilty for breaking my heart, and that you one day fall in love with a girl who will treat you better than I ever could. I'm still writing about you every day, still crying here and there, still dreaming of you. I never knew the one person who showed me unconditional love is the same person who had me endure the worst pain in my life. I still have my days when im internally begging and hoping one day you'd come back and tell me you ed up and how we belong together. Although, i'm still broken over the break up, i have improved so much more in all other aspects of my life. I fell back in love with writing, I'm back in touch with so many old friends and made so many new ones, I'm social again, and i found the person i once was. Relationships have this weird way of making you lose yourself. I just wish you could meet the new and improved me. I miss you dearly baby. I hope one day I can fall in love with someone who loves me as much as I love you.

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SO here i am posting about the fourth guy on these forums, so clearly no contact works. But I need a better picker for men. But we were never official, we could never date and after I left we tried to be friends but it was not really working probably. and i am so confused as to what we were, friends, lovers, more - the label was never clear. maybe meeting again after i moved back to europe would have clarified things. maybe it would have led to more confusion. i am so scared of what could happen if we meet - either we are just friends (good outcome), i end up liking you more than you like me romantically and i have to get over it again (bad outcome), and we both feel a spark and then what? long distance? does it turn into a romantic love story where we are together? (the possibility that this may happen is something i both dread and want). I am not sure if i still like you, or if i like you because i have noone else at this moment. But despite how much I enjoy talking to you, no contact and space for a while is the way to go.

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It's been 7 days since we talked. It seems longer than that. I miss you so much. I just want to hear your voice and see your face and just tell me that you want to work this out. It just hurts because I don't want to be with anyone else, and you said you didn't care for anyone else either. It's not like cheating was involved. If you could just call me. I'd be so happy. Or if this longing for you would just go away. This hurts so bad.

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It been almost 4 week now from break up. I thought the reason you left me doesn't matter because whatever it was you left, and that was it.


But today I kept thinking our last conversation. You said you haven't been happy recently and I deserve someone better. At the same time before we hung up you said you still love me and miss me and I wish I was there. I wish you didn't say those things at the end so I could just forget and move on. Since you said you still love me, I keep hoping you will come back.


Today I was helping my friend pack because she moving out of country to be with her bf. I kept thinking I was going to start doing that soon. It just made me very sad.

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Broke up with my ex ( can be seen in breakup forum) mothers day weekend.


Today I purchased items that we had visioned and planned to buy together in my house which she and her daughter planned to move into.


The items were furniture it feels weird that I am buying items either that she thought would look good or that we thought together would look good but I do need them. Even picked up some area rugs her idea to spruce the rooms up.



I did buy a new mattress also because not only did her and I sleep in it but so did my kids mother for 8 years. It was old so definitely time but knowing that they both laid in it was time to remove memories.


I did want to send the most recent ex pictures of all the improvements because it was a topic of ours for 3-4 months all these plans.

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I hate you for what you've done to me yet again! Am I that repulsive that you've always had to have me as your backup plan. How you knowingly let me quit me job and give up my house to relocate to be with you and all along you were cheating and claimed to love me days before you orchestrated an out! I will never forget it! You are dead to me! How could you ever look me in the eye again. We have a child together it is bound to happen one day. You're on social media having a ball. You really don't think I know what's really going on. She liking everything on yo page and you driving to her spot on the weekend. Don't understand how you can sleep at night. Karma is a bit$h tho and it will get you!

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I had a dream you met someone new last night. It felt so real and I woke up so sad knowing that one day it will be my reality. I miss you so much it hurts. I have already changed so much about myself in the 3 months you have been gone. Working out, eating healthy, making never friends, going out and being more social than ever. I wish you could see me now. I am trying my hardest to let go. I pray that you're happy. You know I loved you more than anything in this world and would do whatever it took to make you smile. Maybe one day we will see each other again and we can just be friends just like the years before we dated.

But for now I must say good bye. It hurts to much to hold on to someone who doesn't love me anymore.

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My birthday is this Saturday and you're all I can think about. First birthday in years I won't have you around. I miss you.

No contact has gotten easier, everyone tells me I will heal with time. I wish time would speed up and I could just get over this feeling of you haunting me through out my days. I forgive you for breaking my heart, I really do. I know you didn't mean to crush me like this.

I just want the pain to stop already.

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