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We didn't break away on bad terms, you just weren't ready and the baggage was too much. I had my issues too, we both know that. Do you hate me? I hope not, I see myself slowly being untagged from photos, heck you even blocked me from seeing posts. Would you do that to someone you loved? Meh, just have to stay away from social media in general, it sure is a demon of its own. I still do love you, even while you do all of that. Do what you need to do to move and heal. Be happy, and handle your trauma from your childhood the best way you can. I pray for you every day of my life, even when we were together. Find happiness, even if that happiness doesn't include me. Most of all, always stay true to yourself.

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Is this the person you've always wanted to be? A child?


Did you really want to be a teacher, like you used to tell me?

Like how you cried to me? Apparently not... you completely dropped out of school after you left.


You started drinking when you left... you said you didn't like drinking when you were with me.



Did you break-up for the reasons you told me, that I couldn't get along with your family? (the same family you didn't really like either).

Or is it because you couldn't live with your lies & becoming an adult?


After all, one of the last things you told me when you left that god awful day was "I don't know how to be an adult without you."


I will never forget you... I just hope you never forget me and remember the good times we had & come talk to me again.

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when you left me, you said you didn't want me to hate you, you still cared for me, you still wanted to be in my life. you had the guts to string me along in that lie for two whole months and now you just revealed yourself and i notice how much of a coward you are, who broke a relationship of over two years through a text message because you say you couldn't do it to my face, who was never able to be really honest with me about the problems you had in our relationship. it took me all this time to realize that in that day i didn't only lose a boyfriend: i lost my naivety, because i realized that i should have never looked at you, i should have never trusted you. i saw you as my best friend, the one person i could trust. now you don't even talk to me. and you lied to me. you said you loved me and in the day after, you left me. you said you cared. you are a disgusting coward and a liar and i wish i had never looked at you

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You emailed me today, you realized (or maybe didn't) that you love me and that it hurts to watch someone fall in love knowing you won't feel the same. Well, I was and still am in love with you, but you'll never get the satisfaction of knowing that, because you tore me down. You were cold to me, you shattered me and the things I learned about your character were unsavory. I will continue to get over you and yes, you're right - I am moving on. Not in the way that I am moving on with someone else, but in the way that I will learn to be happier with myself and not have to engage in self destructive behaviors like I did with you. You broke me Angel. I love you so much, but you'll never hear or read those words come from me.

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You are the most beautiful woman I ever known... I don't even do how I did to make you fall in love with me... and I piss off everything because I did not left immediately my old gf with I did not even have sex. I am so stupid, I am so so so stupid, I will never forgive myself

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sometimes i feel so guilty for the mistakes i made in our relationship but now i only try to remember myself that, at least, i was always honest and i never lied to you, as you did to me. the ability you had to simply stop caring about my life literally from one day to another baffles me and i can't imagine how that is possible but i long for a future in which i dont love you and you mean nothing to me. i love you so much still but you hurt me more than i could have imagined and you keep doing it, over and over, with your demonstrations of carelessness. i dont want to want you ever again

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i feel like i don't know you anymore. i know, i should stop checking social media to see what you're up to, but i still do, and anytime i see what you post, i get confused because you would never put that kind of stuff when we were together. who are you? did you change from one day to another and that's why you broke up or did you change after breaking up? curiously, seeing how you changed makes me feel like all hopes i had are now dead, because we really won't get back together, ever

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I know things were not perfect between us but we were great together. We have been through so much, good and bad, in the last 16 years. I thought we would be together for our entire life. I never thought that my soulmate would break my heart into millions of pieces. I'm so sorry that things ended up this way. Love you forever.

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We were going to be beautiful.


On that awful day you went to the grocery store, the girl I was going to be marry never returned.

The person who came home from the grocery store was somebody I did not recognize, a person who is completely heartless & cruel. What happened to you R, what happened to our time together? Our dreams, desires & hopes? Our plans?


Is there still good in you? Is there still hope that you will return to me and the life we once had?

I am afraid of what the answer might be, because I do not want to face them on my own. You gave me the strength I needed to conquer anything.

When you left, you destroyed my world.


I may have a nice job, a nice house, nice car, etc... but what is the point if I am so unhappy? I am not my possessions.

I was going to be your husband.... but now I am just a broken shell of what I once was.


This is not the reality that I want to live in.

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yesterday i started my first job and strangely it has been kind of hectic and took me the time to think of you. it hurts me to realize that i am thinking less of you but i have to remember that you were the one who chose that. when i think of you though, i still feel pain. i pray for the day this is only a memory and it has no pain no more. i pray to find in myself new ways to feel complete and new people to fulfill me. you were good in the past. but now we don't fit anymore and that makes me feel so sad but... its your choise and i must respect it

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I understand you need time for you. It comforts me to know you are happy, even though it is without me. I'm fortunate we are friends. I'm thankful you're in my life. I'll always love you despite the constructs of our relationship. I wanted so badly to give you the love you wanted in your life. As time passes I can only hope you remember our love and want to try again.

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I miss your smile, your laugh. I wish we could be a part of each other's lives but it's just to hard right now. I still think about you everyday. My healing is making progress but I still miss the good times. One day I will see you again and we can just be friends. You're a good person and I wish you the best.

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