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  1. Used to happen all the time with girls I dated, it's the real world...
  2. I can't say it any clearer than its not her BF BUT I agree exactly to back off and build attraction for sure, her words were - if I had asked before it would have been a yes but as she is 'dating' some one right now she can't date 2 guys at once. It wasn't like no not interested, we continued talking after she said that, the dynamic is good but again im not a chump, wouldn't chase any girl with a BF or anything similar!
  3. I get your point, dont pressure, that is creepy... I wouldn't keep asking her out, that is weird. I never said I would keep asking, quick way to put a girl off of you. Your experiences aren't the same. The girl is dating a guy, if she wants to chat and flirt thats up to her and I can reciprocate that and be myself until maybe or maybe not she stops seeing him. Dating a guy doesnt mean they are bf/gf or married or off limits for conversation...
  4. Yes sorry my mistake, your comment is correct, keep things as they are/were, see if she comes around exactly
  5. Most sensible comment here, as I said she's dating a guy even said if I asked before it was a yes. She's not married etc think people on here have no game or understand how game works. If you walk up to a stranger and they say no, of course but people you know its different
  6. This doesn't make sense as if I hadn't asked her out I would have just continued talking to her, so why would I all of a sudden lock off all conversation and act cold, after all its a gym, people train and are social.
  7. That is true, not trying to steel anyones girl dont get me wrong but if the connection is there its there
  8. Been talking to a girl in my gym for the past few months, only have kept convo's in the gym no contact outside. She is a little younger than me so initially I ruled out dating her so would chat and flirt etc. BUT as of recently feelings have been growing, she always comes up to me and you can feel the tension when we are near each other. I asked her to meet the other day but she is dating someone and has been for 2 months, the convo wasn't awkward and I even made a joke afterwards and continued lightly bantering her and the situation. She said she only dates 1 person at a time, she did say if I asked her a few weeks ago it would have been different, BUT my question is has anyone had a similar experience, guess the timing isn't right but I will keep chatting and doing my thing until maybe she becomes available. Maybe even trying to get her to come out if things aren't to serious with the other dude but who knows?
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