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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I just wanted to tell you that I did love you! I just couldn't say it but I felt that way and I'm sure you do too. After you tried to break up with me, I felt ashamed to admit it, so I said I really like you. I wish I could have been bold and express my true feelings despite what I knew you would say in response and your rejection.

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I love this idea!!!! I tried to set up a return email, where it wouldn't send to him, instead it would go to someone else...


Dear bobby,


I am hurt by you. Hurt that you gave up so easily on us. Hurt that you made me feel insecure and that you could never truly talk about an issue with me. I am disappointed that in my self for letting things get so far out of hand, but I am also...even though, incredible heart and rejected, grateful. Grateful I met someone who paid enough attention to me to call me out on my mistake and my lies. Grateful to have felt the emotions I felt with you, but sad you took that away. I know that with good time I WILL get over this, and soon you will be a distant memory...and it terrifies me. I'm scared, but I also feel challenged. I loved you. I really did. I can't say that I do anymore, as what I feel is anger and hate...so bear with me. Maybe one day, when we've grown up, and we're independent and happy with our lives separately I'll be able to be your friend again...but please know that it is simply too hard for me right now.

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hey girl.


these days im writing you a lot cuz im at home trying to study for an important test on monday. when im here at home i just think of all the moments you were here all the things we said and did her. last time you were here you walked away mad cuz i said some ****. looking back on it i have made so many mistakes, you too.


call me a dreamer or a sucker but i really believed what we shared was something that would not die. you told me you still love me but you dont want a relationship with me/


i know i made mistakes i know what we had was ruined since last year januari. and whose blame it is isnt relevant anymore. things happened, we reacted to them as we thought were best and things just evolved.


even though i dont want to talk to you now cuz im not ready for it, dont think i dont love you. the past 2 weeks you have been on my mind constantly. i remember the good, the bad, the tears, the laughter, the inside jokes, the crazy 2 hour sessions of sex and being exhausted but happy... i had many girls in my life so i can say without a doubt, you are the prettiest girl i know.


anyway who gives a **** right now? i need to remind myself you left me thats the bottom line. all those memories now dont mean anything. i will never allow any person to come so close to me. some day we will bump into each other in a year. 2 years 5 years who knows. i hope when i meet you again we can just talk without resentment or frustrations. just 2 good old friends who went their own way in the world.


until that time think of me sometimes and the good things we shared. im grateful you showed me so many things and gave me a new perspective in life on so many things. this city isnt the same without you on my side to tell me im a tourist in my own city.


your caramel skin, your green eyes, those sexy hips and that long black hair and the prettiest smile in the world thats what i fell for when i first met you, as time passed i realized you were such a strong woman with an amazingly hard life. i respect you for who you where and who you became in the 3 years we were together. i hope i was overall a good influence in your life.


dont project my mistakes and short comings on the next guy, that aint fair. and tonight when im bed i will let a tear go, i promised myself not to cry more than one tear a day.


i wish you a life filled with joy, happiness and love. may you be safe and fulfilled in everything you will undertake in your life.

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I guess I wil never see you again, hug you, look at your amazing face & eyes, or hear your voice tell me you love me. You cant even imagine how sad and sick that makes me. I still love you baby regardless. I too wonder why things are like this now & why this was our fate?

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I'm really sorry that you text me the other day saying that you got cheated on. And I really appreciate you apologising to me for the times you cheated on me.


I know that most people would tell me not to worry about you and to think about my own life more. But I do still care about you so much. I have so much to tell and ask you but will probably never get the chance.


I just hope we can find a way of being in each other's life again. I miss you. And let's be honest, I still live you too

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I miss you and want to contact you but I will not be a slave to my emotions. You blamed me for everything and even now you continue to spread lies about us and what happenend / who I am as a person.


You will always be sad and lonely because you cannot face facts that you too make mistakes and you too are not perfect. I contacted you to say I was sorry for my part but you only ended up telling me in detail how everything was my fault and only focussed on bad details and nothing good.


You picked things at random and disected them to make me look bad when all I did was try 100% of the time. I know I tried and I can hold my head up high for that. I know I am better than you. I know I will stay strong and be a better person for it because I can admit I am not perfect. Karma will always be your enemy

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Arg, it is your birthday soon. Can't surprise you. Can't call you or text you or see your face. I still can't believe we are apart. You were my best friend for years. I was so caught off guard by what happened. I really never wanted to be apart from you. I kicked you out because I was hurt that you lied to me...I know we both made mistakes, and I kept pushing to get back together, which pushed you away....I am still not over it or you. I try so hard to move on, to find someone, but I just can't. I still love you as much as I ever did. I think I always will. I hope I learn to live with it.

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I don't post in this thread often, but today has had a lot of odd little things come up and bother me. I found out that two of your (previously our...sigh) friends got engaged a couple of weeks ago because your brother replied on Twitter. I unfollowed him and your sister realizing that it doesn't hurt to see their updates, but I gotta cut my ties. I hate that I feel so worthless to you. You were the biggest treasure to me, and you just dropped me. You just quit. You left and you didn't look back and you said sorry and that it was okay if I was mad at you. I don't even know if I'm angry, but I am so hurt. I am okay, I know I am okay, but I am hurt. I hate that it works out like this, I really do. Of course I want you to be happy, and you're not on your pedestal anymore (thank goodness!!), but gosh I hate this. I don't think you'd ever change your mind and I know I think about it a lot, but not seriously. Things are so different now. I am okay with that. I am okay with living without you, but I am much less okay that you CHOSE this - to be so far from me and not say a peep until my birthday. I realize that I messed up and went a bit overboard with the breakup, but I was blindsided and devastated. I don't want to feel guilty anymore, but I am still suffering with rejection when I think about it and it just gets me. It's nearly 2am, though, so I am going to go to bed. I can't believe we would have been dating for four years this month. Five years as an "item" in March. I can't believe you just didn't want me anymore. Gosh, I don't get it. I am getting better, though, and I'll be fine. I know I will. The less I think about you, the better I am. We'll be okay - just not together.

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Can't sleep tonight. Been laying awake for a whole. I'm sadish tonight. I miss having you in my life again. Took such a short time to get attached again. Even though I know you didn't care as much as I cared and it was kind of a game to you this time around. I still do miss you, and talking to you daily. I'm a fool.

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I went on a date with someone and it made me miss how comfortable I was with you, but the guy was so much more into me than you were on our first date. You contacted me about a file I asked for, but I don't really care if I never get it back now. I feel better, but I recognize this part of the cycle. I feel better and think I'm over you so iI think oh 'l'll just say hi..." and then you'll either not reply or I'll find out just how over me you are and it'll send me back to square one. So I'm not texting you today.


I know what you felt now, about feeling "dead". About not having the energy to love me. I feel that way about the guy I went on those dates with. He was SO into me, and I was just like "I just, dont feel that way, I'm too tired...emotionally. Sorry." I'm broken right now.


It hurts to know that you felt that way toward me, especially after 2 years. I'll never quite understand what got you to that point. I wish you had communicated to me that you were unhappy before it was too late.

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I want this to be the last time I write to you here (on this thread). I don't understand why you felt it necessary to write to me like you did. You appeared not to be able to put yourself in my shoes: why on a day when our friends got engaged did you contact me to say you definitely didn't see a future together?


Your paragraph about your time home and all the things you've been doing made absolutely no sense to me. I am not your mother, I am not an elderly relative who cares about what you have done. It was all on the surface and unnecessary.


And then to re-iterate that you felt you didn't love me enough and saw me as a friend? Did you understand what I said before? I said that you had to go with your own feelings but that I did not want to hear how you were moving on. I am hurt by you spelling it out to me but I don't understand why it couldn't have come sooner. I have not begged, I have not pushed.


I always found some of the things you did disappointing but I thought it was your immaturity and that you would grow. The times you impulsively wanted pets and then became disillusioned with them. You always had a new craze which would later be dropped. Always wanting the best instead of what you had money for and what would do. You mention that you want to pay me in installments. You make good money where does it go. You could not put your feelings aside to go to one of your bestfriend's wedding. You said he'd become annoying since he'd met his girlfriend (in my mind he was still the same just happy and in love). I know this sounds parental but I am disappointed in you. I had so much belief in you as a person (which you have too by the way) and I am really disappointed. My belief in people is too high. I am disappointed at myself for misjudging you.


You continually wish me well and hope I'm having a wonderful time - do you think I am? Is that realistic? You hope I have a 'wee job' when you've waffled on about yours. And then you have the cheek to mention money you have not paid me like you've just remembered and it slipped you mind. You ask if I can take the budgies as you wish to downsize...and when at one point you wanted them so much. Where is your love for them? They are innocent.


I do not love you. Your behaviors disgust me. I am sad for you and what you value. I'm sad that you are able to charm all around you and yet never commit to any depth. I miss the person you were in the beginning of our relationship but I am unsure if that person ever existed or if it was just an act. When I look back at your previous 'relationships' others pu in all the effort and you went along with it without truly asking what you yourself wanted.


I'm sorry I ever got involved with you. You are deeply insecure. Your family affected you much more than you'll ever know. I have never described anyone as a what before but I will for you. To echo your words 'I cannot accept what you are'.


I don't know if I will be in another relationship but I will be sure to look at who I'm dating and what is in front of me. I see no future with you.

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I'm so weak, feel so sick tonight. I wish I could find the strength to delete you from Facebook. The pictures you put up tonight of you and your toyboy cut my heart like a knife. Upset, angry I don't know what to feel. I tried so hard to be your one and got so little back.

I feel like you toyed with me like a cat does with a mouse, invited me into your life your home and then cast me aside like so many before.

I hurt tonight, but no tears they dried up long ago. I cried a river over you, your poison. I just pray that I find the strength from within to sever this final strand.

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hey you,


its been a week now since we last had any form of contact. i see your status on whatsapp "affairs of the heart" which i know is meant for me cuz the songs reminds you of me. anyway, i keep catching myself thinking about when it is youre gonna realize you want me back and that youre gonna call me


i promised myself to never pick up that phone to text/call/sms/email you again


if you call me i might pick up, if i answer i aint over you if i dont answer.. thats your answer.


take care pretty lady

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I am still up and down emotionally but I am starting to move on. I do miss your company but I don't miss the real irrational you. I wish things were different but I cannot and will not continue to try and fix things between us.

You say you don't want me in your life? Why then did you beg me not to break up? Why are you making it hard for me to give your things back so I can be rid of them and you?


I am still aware that you are spreading lies about me and that's not bothering me as much as it did because I'm a bigger person and I know karma will catch up with you. I know my life is heading in a good direction. Yours will always be full of turmoil because you cannot make any effort to see another point of view apart from your own irrational ones.


Nobdy is perfect but you believe you are as close as it gets. You will get into another relationship, of that I have no doubt. I do not give you much of a chance of finding happiness though as you have impossible standards and expectations. After everything I did for you and tried to do for you after I broke it off to make your life easier, you still make me out to be a bad person and fabricate what happened during our relationship.


I never spoke down to you the way you did me, I never got drunk and abusive like you did, I never became obsessive and jealous like you did, I never pushed you aside for better options, hit you or lied to you. All I did was put up with your constant mood swings and outbursts all the time while I showed you love and compassion. Nothing was ever good enough though was it?

All you ever did was pick faults no matter what I did or how much I showed you I cared. You have a real problem and you always will. I'm glad your life will always be miserable. I know that is a horrible thing to say and I'm sure in time I'll retract that statement, but right now after everything I did for you and after everything you have said about me and the way you have treated me, I can't help but feel that way.


I know there will come a time when you will miss me like crazy. This may not be for weeks, months or even years but the time will come. I know this because I truly was worth keeping and making an effort for. I kept asking you to meet me halfway but you wouldn't so I had to end it.


I know I'll be on this roller coaster of emotions for some time to come but it will come to and end and when tis ride stops, I will be in a much better place than you and much happier also. I will find peace and harmony because I can admit faults. Karma will always be hunting you because all you can do is lay blame.

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You know what? I fell for you hard. I want to fall again. It was a gas.


I have work to do. So do you. I have not let go of the impossible, that our work will make us more compatible rather than less. Its pitiful; I believe I am on your mind, when I suppose I am not. It really doesn't matter. I have work to do.


Are you learning anything at all?

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Well... went on a date, a big one. Came home an hour ago - oops.


She was nice. We talked a long time and she wanted to know why I never asked her out before. I was surprised. I told her I only came in every now and then and the most we ever talked was about a lottery ticket. She tells met that she had a Christmas gift for me but was too chicken to give it. Her co-workers thought it was a desperate move and seriously debated if I was gay or not. Shut me up. Gay? Me? Wow..


Told her about you and us, and that I walked with blinders on for a long time. As she rattled on about work issues, I started to wonder how many people I ignored. I guess those things happen. I didn't ask her out though, she asked me if I was interested in helping her with a project and would buy me dinner for my time. I was bored and didn't particularly want to work out. My big evening plan. So I helped her and it took all of 10 minutes but the rest of the night helping her cook my dinner.


It was fun. We laughed and talked about random things. I can see why you never came back. You found this with any guy and I can see how it makes a person forget. I really started hating you then, so cowardly but then we all have our strategies. Ugh. It seems so easy just to start a relationship with her and forget, something you obviously did. I can't do it though, why would I subject her to the pain I just experienced. Ugh.

So I told her and she told me shut up, she knew what she wanted. I suppose so and now I'm walking in, tired but fairly happy with the outcome.


Hmm. I feel pity for you, you will stay with whoever comes along and never fight for anyone or thing. I see what my friends are saying, I dodged a big bullet and should be grateful.


Bshhh... I still miss you and I hope one day I forget. I hope it comes soon.



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You said the distance "ruined us". Lets be honest though, it ruined you. I was the same as ever, just as committed and strong willed towards making us happen.


While we're being honest, maybe I never will understand the true circumstances of our breakup. That's not very fair. I mean, do I want to know for sure if you slept with that other guy? Probably not. The fact remains though that you changed so much. You probably did sleep with him just because you got a taste of it when you were with me. Why else would you be so devastated when he dumped you after two weeks?


I hate seeing you everywhere. I hate that this whole relationship was controlled by you. You manipulated my emotions and now you just cast me out of your life. After everything we shared. You turned so nasty but I still can't fully disconnect and stop loving you yet. I hate this feeling and I hate that you of all people made me feel like this.


I don't know what you're doing anymore. For all I know you're sleeping with someone else already. Do you still think of me I wonder? How special was I to you really...

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