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January 3rd is the last time we spoke. I deleted her pictures but restored them. Don't want to let go of the memories...


I didn't wish her happy birthday even though i wanted to. I tell myself I don't mean anything to her and yet I miss her. I feel pathetic for still having feelings for her and wish she would comeback to me. I been on dates and been looking for that connection we had but not finding it. At times I feel like giving up my pursuit for a woman. And the sad part is she wasn't perfect and didn't do anything but give me her time which I valued. I learned a valuable lesson and don't regret meeting her or being with her. Just wished it had worked out. Wish she could have loved me like I loved her...

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Day 4 of NC. I cried several times yesterday.... Just imagining a senario where we met up again somewhere to have a heart to heart talk. I know that a situation like that would probably never happen, and all the things I want to say to him are pretty redundant because I know that I deserve better. Explaining to him what he did wrong is useless because I am never going back to him. So why do i have this want to let him understand the pain he caused? I don't know why I care so much about the opinion of someone who couldn't care less about me.

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Day 11/1 - I ran into one of his friends from school today. She stopped me and said "you're {his name}'s girlfriend right?" That was hard. I think she thought I was a b*tch, I just said "not any more" I tried to say it with nonchalance but it came out with much more of an attitude than I meant. Ugh.. I've had to tell all of his friends, he hasn't told any of them. As if, on top of everything else, I have to deal with telling your friends.

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Day 4 of NC. No sign of him.


Every time I wake up, I check how I'm feeling...if I'm missing him or if I'm sad. I woke up today feeling ok. But there isn't a minute that I'm not thinking about him or hoping he sends me a text message.


I just want him back. I just want him to tell me he's willing to work on this relationship. All I need to hear from him is that he's changed his mind and that he wants me and he wants us to be together. My commitment to him has not changed...I can't take this longing anymore.

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Day 1


Hello everyone, so yesterday was the last time I hope to be the last time I see my ex. I care for her a lot, but our relationship was too toxic and it was just too draining. I lost myself trying to love her and now I have to find myself once again. 30 days seems like an eternity, hell even a day seems like eternity. I don't really have friends to hang out with. Some childhood friends from junior high I hit up some times but they either don't reply or reply days later so hopefully u guys can be my friends for the next 30 days. I know this no contact rule is hopefully a life changer. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to feel like I'm waiting for her to change her mind and come back to me. I don't want to feel like she's going to regret breaking up with me and come running back. I just want to let it all go and move on. If still lingers at the back of my mind when I'm not occupied. I need some advice and what I can do to be more active. And what if in the middle of the no contact initiation my ex messages me. I don't have social media right now except for instagram, but what if she contacts me. I don't want to ignore, nor do I want to reply back. Help.....

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Day 1


Hello everyone, so yesterday was the last time I hope to be the last time I see my ex. I care for her a lot, but our relationship was too toxic and it was just too draining. I lost myself trying to love her and now I have to find myself once again. 30 days seems like an eternity, hell even a day seems like eternity. I don't really have friends to hang out with. Some childhood friends from junior high I hit up some times but they either don't reply or reply days later so hopefully u guys can be my friends for the next 30 days. I know this no contact rule is hopefully a life changer. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to feel like I'm waiting for her to change her mind and come back to me. I don't want to feel like she's going to regret breaking up with me and come running back. I just want to let it all go and move on. If still lingers at the back of my mind when I'm not occupied. I need some advice and what I can do to be more active. And what if in the middle of the no contact initiation my ex messages me. I don't have social media right now except for instagram, but what if she contacts me. I don't want to ignore, nor do I want to reply back. Help.....

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Day 10


Feeling very sad and missing him a lot. Got cough and cold so not feeling well. Plus dreamt about him again rejecting me. I wish I could stop having dreams about him so I don't start my day feeling terrible.

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Day 5 of NC. Again, I am imagining what life would be like with him here with me. I keep thinking about all the sweet things he did for me. However, it doesn't change the fact that I was also unhappy in the relationship as I constantly worried about where I stood in his life. He was a liar and cheated on me emotionally - I need to get that into my head!

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Hey, welcome! I am not good at giving emotional support but I like to provide practical advice. First, realise that your ex isn't the only source of happiness. In the next few days, you're probably going to reminisce the good times you had with her. That's how the human mind works. We tend to forget the unpleasant memories and hold on to the good memories. So next time you find yourself thinking fondly of the past, remind yourself that the break up happened for a reason.

Definitely keep yourself occupied. Try to find things that make you happy because while you are doing those things , your ex will be out of your mind and you'll be finding yourself again. It's a win-win

Don't know what other people in this forum would suggest, but if you are worried about what to do if she contacts you... then just block her. Do what you feel is best for you, but don't lie to yourself. I still kept in contact with my ex when we broke up, but now I am regretting that because it didn't help me with moving on at all. I lied to myself thinking we could still be friends.

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Day 13/3, tomorrow will be 10 weeks broken up- I go back and forth between hating and never wanting to see him again and being heartbroken and just sad. I made a point to not check my phone as soon as I woke up this morning which is the first time. It made me feel a bit more in control.

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Day 11 NC. I want to get to point where I can stop counting these days and not care about you.


It's been more than 3 weeks of break up and three weeks since last time we spoke on phone. As days goes by, pain isn't getting any better. It keeps hurting more because it makes me realize that you are not coming back.

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Day 5 of NC. First weekend where we're not speaking to each other. I had a weak moment at the gym today. Friday is usually our day. We would either go out or just stay in. Either way, we still had fun. No matter what we did, we always had fun.


I miss you so much, it hurts. I just want this longing to go away. I just want to stop thinking that you'll contact me. I just want to stop thinking about you. I want to move on with my life!!

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Day 14/4 - Today is 10 weeks since we broke up. Nights have been the worst, it's like during the day you can keep yourself busy but when you go to bed you're left alone with your thoughts. Thus, for the last 10 weeks I've slept terrible, staying awake until the early hours of the morning and falling asleep watching movies or youtube. I think I reached a turning point though, last night I was able to just go to bed and this morning I didn't immediately check my phone. I am going to try and come on here less so that I can focus on moving on.

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Day 3: I woke up this morning still thinking that all of this was a dream. You are the last thought before I go to bed and the first one when I wake up. But, you're not good for me. You're a drug and I'm addicted. I have work at 12:30 so I'll be there until 6 and then after I'm coming home then going for a walk. Keep posting

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Day 12. Dreamt of you again today. I dreamt that we had a bad argument and hung up the phone. I woke up and reached towards my phone but realized it was a dream and calling you won't do any good since we already broke up.


I just wish I could stop dreaming about you.


But I went for massage today. Thanks for that. I finally used your Valentine's Day gift. It hurt when I open up the email to find the coupon and read your message saying love you.


Went to meet my friend for dinner and talking to her made me feel a little better.

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Day 7 of NC. For some reason I keep wondering whether breaking up with him was the right choice. Maybe our issues could be fixed? I may have overreacted? Then I read this list I have that has the majority of the reasons why he was not a good boyfriend. It made me feel a little bit better about my decision to break up with him, but it didn't stop me from thinking in the back of my head: what if I was just overreacting?

I imagined being with him again. Oh man, the anxiety that I had during that relationship crept back to me. I wasn't that happy. I was constantly trying to seek reassurance from him (which was also probably why he agreed to break up because I can imagine how annoying that is). But the fact that I constantly wanted reassurance just signaled my insecurity in the relationship and my lack of trust for him.

I wish I could be like some of the other people in this thread - they seem to feel relieved and free.

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Day 4: I blocked her off instagram and blocked her number day 1 so she won't be able to surprise text me. But, why would she? She doesn't miss me, she doesn't miss the things I did for her, she doesn't miss the love I gave her, she doesn't miss my presence. Yet, I still miss her.

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Day 13 NC


Started out feeling good but then the rest of the day was horrible. I was helping my friend pack since she is moving to different country to be with her bf. I kept thinking that I was going to be moving with you in Hawaii too but now I am just here.

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