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Day 3 after 2 months of off/on again contact...finally ended it!


I am feeling good! There is hope to feeling good, especially when you, the dumpee, can take back control of your life!


I am new to the board and want to thank you all for keeping me inspired the past 2 months as I have been reading this

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Day 6 after 14


I actually had a dream about her last night. I can't say I've ever had a dream about her, but last night I did. I guess cause I keep going back and forth on sending a xmas card.


Man, it was soooo real. She was here. I heard her voice, it was her. I could smell her. I could feel her - it was her!! She was here. In my arms. Like nothing happened. For some reason her weight came up and I told her I didn't care - I love her for who she is. She said we haven't seen each other in 6 months (2 and a half in reality) and smiled... we just held each other and it was good. I hated waking up.

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day 10




I feel so sad, time is not passing quickly enough. I will be determined not to contact her as long as she does not contact me. Even if she does contact me I will try to keep this up.



I truly hope this is the quickest way to total healing. It is, right?

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day...? maybe 14 days since he last contacted me.

i stopped keeping track. been broken up for 5 months.

i'm no longer buckled with grief, but it's still like a shadow following me everywhere.

it's probably similar to the pangs a recovering addict suffers, lessening over time, but triggered at the most in-opportunistic moments.

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Day 50


10 more days to go and I feel really bad. I'm back to crying randomly and being unable to go to certain places without feeling like crying. I wonder when I will stop wanting him back...I wonder if he misses me, I wonder what he is doing even though maybe I don't want to know because it might set me back...I hate this and I wish I didn't have to go through this again. I seriously don't know what I did to deserve this. I don't know why my stupid ex got back together with me and stayed with me telling me he loved more than anything for nearly 3 years only to end it again...for no good reason. I just can't believe this happened. I was hoping he would realize it was a mistake and he was just confused because of all the things that he has going on in his life, but maybe this won't happen...ugh, this sucks.

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Well here I am on Day 30.


I am feeling good for the most part. I still think about my ex and I still want him to come back. The guy wrenching pain that i had at the beginning isn't here anymore and while I still cry and get upset from time to time, it doesn't last as long. If he came back, I would still more than likely take him back in a heartbeat, but I am beginning to take him down from that pedastal.


I really can't believe i made it 30 days. the 30 days honestly went by really fast for me, even though it seems like it's been years since ive been with my ex. I'm sticking with this challenge and continuing with NC for who knows how long. And I'll probably continue to post in here because it's kinda like my journal entry for the day.


When I started this 30 day challenge I realized that I had no other option. The urge to call him just wasn't there, though i desperately wanted him to contact me (and still do). I've pretty much stopped checking my phone to see if he's called every 30 minutes so thats a good thing. I no longer expect him to call anymore.


Anyways, I just wanted to telling anyone who is thinking about doing this 30 day challenge, go for it. You will feel better after the 30 days. You wont be over your ex, you may even still want them back, but you will feel a tiny bit better at the least.

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Yay, Day 4.


I think. Yesterday, I was chatting with Guy #2's friend about other, unrelated stuff. Before I left, I asked him if he knew a reason for why Guy #2 wasn't talking to me. (I didn't go into any detail about anything else- as far as I can tell, all the friend knows is that me and Guy #2 hung out one day, and haven't talked since.)


He said he hadn't talked to him in a few weeks either- that Guy #2 just seemed to be blowing off people. (This kinda goes with what he and another girl both told me before- that he'll just drop out of touch with people. It's "him being him". Still...in my mind- if he won't call me, or answer me, then he doesn't have feelings for me. )


I mentioned this to someone else, and they said I was "playing games" by asking his friend that. Really?

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Ok here we go...


Day 1


So last week my ex left me for another man after we almost got back together. I made the mistake of begging her for 2 days so I completely regret that...but hey, live and learn eh?


We went out for about 6 years, she told me I was her everything, and not even a week after we stop talking, shes going with someone else who she says reminds her of me...sooooo yea what the f*** right?


Anyway, we were each others first on everything, and now she sleeps over at his house every night...good to know she can so easily open her legs to someone else eh? Now comes the NC challenge. Day 1 here we go. I started off really * * * * ty, but now I am feeling really good knowing that I will end up on top out of all of this, and that she is acting like a complete child, already saying that she is "in love" with him...4 days huh?


Lets see how day 2 goes...I do think christmas is gonna suck though.

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I went almost 20 days without calling him. He called twice during that time to chit chat and on the 2nd call said he missed me and a bunch of other stuff. I broke and called him Sunday night and ended up going WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down hill but, starting over.


I still need to talk to him about getting the cats and bills... it's hard to do NC when you lived with someone and you still have so much stuff to deal with. We still need to exchange stuff... I don't know if I can do true NC until all this gets resolved and he is NOT making an effort to do it.

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Day 51


WTH? I feel like I'm going backwards now. I've spent pretty much the entire day either crying or trying not to cry. I still can't understand he broke up with me...it just makes no sense at all. Also, I've started to actually miss him again for the first time in weeks...I thought I wouldn't feel this bad again but I guess I was wrong. I hope I start to feel better by saturday, at most, because I have something to do on sunday that kind of requires me not to cry my eyes out.

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Day 1 of NC.


If this bothered him half as much as it bothers me, then i'd be at least a bit content. I have to see his face everyday because of Uni and it's so awkward now that were not talking.


Spent the day with friends tryna keep my mind off of him, but everytime I saw him I felt like running to him and telling him we need to stop playing games and be together because were meant to be together. But I know it can't be that simple. Life is never that simple. I wonder if this bothers him at all or if he's actually happy he doesn't have to deal with me anymore. This is the first time we've stopped talking since we broke up - and its been 7 months. I hope it gets easier.

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Day 2


Today wasn't so bad...waking up I think is the hardest part, but luckily I was able to sleep about 9 hours!


The only thing left on my mind though is if she still has feelings for me, when she certainly did through a 6 year relationship with her wanting to marry me (I was going to propose to her this month had we not, and she said she would say yes). Also the thought of her and the man she ran spending almost each night with each other (I know they have had sex by now) makes me nauseous. We were each others firsts, we have only done it with each other, so I can't believe she can open her legs so easily for another person...ugh...to think I thought so much of her.

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Day 3


Went to the gym today, felt pretty good about it.


Sadly I'm bored tonight and desperately trying to find something to do so my thoughts don't start getting to me. Christmas is coming up and I am kind of angry that she is happy with her new guy while I have no one...man I hope karma is real.

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Day 32... still doing pretty good for the most part. For some reason I've been optomisitic about my ex coming back today, which is probably not the healthiest thing to be thinking. I guess it's better than sitting here and being miserable thinking that I will never be with him again. he HAS to come back. he HAS to realize the mistake he's make. How can he not?


I guess it doesn't help that i saw him lurking around my website today. He didnt post anything and was only on for a minute. I just have this feeling that he's missing me right now. Something is telling me that he's starting to regret his decision...

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