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hes going to hooters (resturant w/ big boobed girls)

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i dont have a chest, well, hardly any, but im not flat. me and my boyfriend talked about being open to eachother, and i said it was fine if he went with his friend places. should it be ok if he goes to a "family resturant" with big breasted girls... its real because ive been there before... its a resturant with girls in tight tops and big boobs hanging out.. its suppose to be a family resturant. i went there before... no stripping or anything. but just the fact that girls with big boobs (the opposite of me) will be there... i mean. if i was asked to go to a place that muscular guys surved us... id go... i dont wana fight with him, nor take his freedom away... should i even care? i mean he loves me... nobody else. But just the fact that hes going to see tight shirts, make me kinda jealous... i go over his house every FRiday and sleep over... but this week i cant because i have that 5 day flu going around... hes depressed that i cant, and says "maybe i shouldnt go to the resturant saturday night with them, i can sit and talk to you on the phone"...


its not a big deal right? its just for fun???

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I don't know if I'd call Hooters a familt restaurant, it's more of a sports bar. Yes, the waitresses wear short shorts and shirts tied tight to make their breasts look real big, but it's really the furthest thing from a strip club. Plus their chicken wings are really good! The tight shirts are just a gimmick, and I don't think you have much to worry about. the fact that he's willing to not go, I think that speaks volumns for this guy's feelings for you.

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good reply, owlman. I agree. I am familiar with the resteraunt as well, but as you said, it is not a strip club. If it were, I would say that the jealousy ismore justified. But the fact that he is taking you with him and the fact that he is willing not to go, only to make you feel happy...that says a lot about him and they way he sees you and your relationship. you are right, he should have his freedom, but I think you have nothing to worry about here. He is respecting you.

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Don't fret so much over Hooters. It's just a harmless little restaurant.

What matters most is the mindset of the guy yah?


Put a decent guy in a strip joint and he still can't go far wrong. Place an amorous guy in a family restaurant and he could be trying to make a pass at the waitress.


Have some faith in him!

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*grins* ... you're thinking too much ... again!!! I don't know Hooters at all, *grins*. I guess we have to import that into The Netherlands. Great concept!


Anyways, Jess, would you please stop worrying so much. This guy loves you to death and I seen your web-site. You SURE have nothing to worry over!


Get well soon!


~ SwingFox ~

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girl if he wants to talk on the phone with you.........let him!!! I agree, just that he wants to do that!!! is great! try it, since hooters isnt a strip club...dont worry too much, but that usually leads to other things, trust me i've been there.

talk to him on the phone, just that he wants to do that is awesome!

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I agree with all da previous posts...If he goes to 'Hooters' then he's not doing anything that you have any reason to be jealous of, partially cause all the girls there have had breast implants and parly because you're the only girl he cares for, hence the invitation to 'not go' for your benefit. 0X

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  • 4 years later...

Yup thats right I am a proud Hooter Girls and I'm sorry you dont like us. In our defense, hooters girls that is, we love when women come in and ultimatly we are not trying to take your men or doing anything that you may think. We are simply trying to get our bills paid and so what if we do that in tank tops and shorts. most of the girls the work at Hooters are girls going to school, like me, not trying to make a career out of it. It is INDEED a family resturant kids even eat free two days out of the week. We celebrate many kids birthdays there because they have so much fun. We pay more attention to the women and kids that come to Hooters than any man that walks in that door. Let me ask you a question...Does your boyfriend go to the beach or any bars???? I ask you that because I can garuntee that he sees girls who wear a lot less than we do. Hopefully I make you think twice the next time you want to critize people you know nothing about.

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and the comment below me is wrong to what is it with insecure women the not all of the girls that work at hooter have implants its not about the boobs you can walk into plenty of hooters and there arnt all well endowed women you need to get your facts straight true blue before you let your insecurites show im not sayin that some of the girls dont have implants so theres a hell of a lot of girls that dont work at hooters that have implants to, are u jealous of them too??????

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all the hooters i have ever been to have had pretty average looking girls with pretty avg looking chests to be quite honest. i see nothing wrong with the place. they dont dance around they dont take off their clothes, they serve you food. dont worry about it

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... pay more attention to the women and kids that come to Hooters than any man that walks in that door."


Stupid move since the man is paying.


Then again, you aren't working at hooters for your intellect. Its a very simple service. You are selling fantasy, just like a strip club. Men go there to get served by girls in tight skimpy clothing, and they are happy to pay for it.

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Jess! Too funny! Hooters!? Those chicks they don't ALL have bodacious ta tas without some help from the special Hooters bras with those plastic cutlets in em...remember how Julia Roberts got so stacked in Erin Brockovitch? Dear Jess-you too can have lovely giant appendages on your hello side! LOL! No, really, I don't have gigantic boobs either, but they are there, they are mine and they are normal in size, shape and a good fit for my bod...I once went in for a consult for a boob job and realized very quickly that I was thinking of attaching something fake on my body, full of god knows what and said nope...not to mention the pain...uh uh..

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I went, the food wasn't that good and the one here was run by an idiot (forgot to get the liquor license) so they didn't have alcohol to make the bad food taste better. The car rallies are the best part, I like seeing the old roadsters and restored trucks and all. They also have a biker rally too then I can look at the cool bikes.

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... pay more attention to the women and kids that come to Hooters than any man that walks in that door."


Stupid move since the man is paying.


No it isn't! I would wager way less men who go there care about the attention! However if a woman goes there and is treated very well she might decide it's not all bad and not only decide herself to go again but be less likely to object to her boyfriend going...


This conversation is unlikely to happen:

Group of guys: "Let's go to Hooters!"

One guy: "I don't know, the service isn't the best"

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Even though this thread started in 2003, I feel the need to voice my opinion regarding good ole' "Hooters"


If you've ever been to Hooters- you will see what a totally silly place it is. It's all about marketing.


It's funny to watch groups of overly motivated men (usually very young ones- walk in with such vigor) I've been there many times and I've never found anything overly-scandelous about it. The outfits the waitresses wear are no different than outfits you could see in a nightclub or from someone who likes to dress in a revealing manner, walking down the street on a hot summer day. I've seen worse outfits worn by teenagers in the mall.


I find the whole thing quite amusing. It's even funnier when the waitresses sit down at a guy's table and pretend they like talking to him and make him feel warm and fuzzy inside, in order to keep him buying drinks.


Most of the waitresses do not even have "big boobs"


I think Hooters has THE BEST chicken wings and chili ever, and the best environment to laugh at when you see groups of men who think they are doing something so "naughty" or "cool" by eating there. It's fun to watch the naive little young guys feel special because some girl in shorts had to talk to them to take their order. It's also funny to watch the some of the older men who tend to look at waitresses butt's as they walk away, like hopeless lonely creatures from a National Geographic program. My husband and I have sat at Hooters and watched and laughed about this many times. It's like one big psychological experiment there.


I love the food at Hooters and I've never minded going there. I see it as a humorous place where women in shorts and sleeveless shirts manipulate gullible customers. The guys who are smart really do go there for the chicken wings, they don't act jolly, overly happy, or be-dazzled because a woman simply talked to them. They are indifferent to the waitresses, and they keep a close eye on their wallets. You can tell who the smart ones are right away.



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