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  • Willard Marsh
    Willard Marsh

    10 Signs You're Being Taken for Granted in a Relationship

    Key Takeaways:

    • Recognize signs of neglect
    • Communicate effectively
    • Balance relationship efforts
    • Set and respect boundaries
    • Seek mutual appreciation

    Feeling Unappreciated

    One of the most glaring signs that you are being taken for granted in a relationship is feeling unappreciated. This feeling can manifest in various ways, such as when your efforts to make your partner happy go unnoticed or unacknowledged. It can be deeply disheartening when you invest time and energy into the relationship and receive little to no recognition in return. Over time, this lack of appreciation can erode your self-esteem and make you question your worth within the relationship.

    Feeling unappreciated can also lead to resentment. When your contributions are consistently overlooked, it can create a buildup of negative emotions. These feelings of resentment can spill over into other areas of your life, affecting your overall well-being. It's essential to address these feelings early on to prevent them from damaging the relationship further.

    Psychologically, the need for appreciation is tied to our sense of self-worth and validation. According to Dr. John Gottman, a renowned relationship expert, expressing appreciation is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. When partners regularly acknowledge and thank each other, it fosters a positive emotional connection and reinforces the bond between them.

    If you feel unappreciated, it might be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with your partner about your feelings. Explain how their actions (or lack thereof) make you feel and discuss ways to improve mutual appreciation. Sometimes, your partner may not even realize that their behavior is hurtful, and bringing it to their attention can lead to positive changes.

    Ultimately, feeling valued and appreciated is a fundamental aspect of a loving relationship. It is crucial to ensure that both partners feel acknowledged and cherished to maintain a healthy and fulfilling connection.

    Lack of Communication

    Lack of communication is another major sign that you are being taken for granted. Effective communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and when it breaks down, misunderstandings and resentment can quickly build up. If your partner often dismisses your attempts to communicate or seems uninterested in discussing important matters, it can leave you feeling isolated and unimportant.

    When communication is lacking, it can create a sense of emotional distance. You may feel that your partner is no longer interested in your thoughts, feelings, or experiences. This emotional disconnect can be incredibly painful, especially if you were once close and shared a strong bond. The absence of meaningful conversations can make you feel lonely, even when you are physically together.

    Effective communication involves both speaking and listening. Dr. Gary Chapman, author of "The Five Love Languages," emphasizes the importance of active listening in relationships. When partners truly listen to each other, it shows respect and validates each other's feelings. Without this mutual exchange, the relationship can become one-sided and unbalanced.

    It's important to address communication issues head-on. Start by expressing your concerns calmly and clearly. Use "I" statements to focus on your feelings rather than blaming your partner. For example, say, "I feel hurt when you don't listen to me," instead of, "You never listen to me." This approach can help prevent defensiveness and open up a more productive dialogue.

    Encourage your partner to share their thoughts and feelings as well. Sometimes, communication issues stem from both partners feeling unheard. By creating a safe space for open and honest conversation, you can work together to improve your communication skills and strengthen your relationship.

    Remember, communication is a two-way street. Both partners need to be willing to engage and invest time and effort into maintaining a healthy dialogue. When both parties feel heard and understood, it can lead to a deeper connection and a more satisfying relationship.

    Unbalanced Effort

    effort imbalance

    Unbalanced effort in a relationship is a clear sign of being taken for granted. When one partner consistently puts in more effort than the other, it can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment. This imbalance can manifest in various ways, such as one person always planning dates, taking care of household chores, or making sacrifices without receiving the same level of commitment in return. Over time, this disparity can create a sense of unfairness and dissatisfaction.

    According to relationship expert Dr. John Gray, author of "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus," a healthy relationship requires mutual effort and reciprocity. When only one partner is making an effort, it can lead to burnout and emotional exhaustion. The person who feels taken for granted may start to question their partner's love and commitment, leading to a breakdown in trust and intimacy.

    It's essential to address this issue by having an open and honest conversation with your partner. Express your feelings and explain how the imbalance is affecting you and the relationship. It's possible that your partner may not realize the extent of the disparity and may be willing to make changes once they understand your perspective. Effective communication can help both partners recognize the importance of equal effort and work towards a more balanced relationship.

    Additionally, setting clear expectations and boundaries can help prevent unbalanced effort. Discuss and agree on how responsibilities and tasks should be divided. This approach can ensure that both partners feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. Remember, a healthy relationship thrives on mutual respect and effort from both sides.

    Ultimately, maintaining a balanced effort in a relationship requires continuous communication and collaboration. By working together and supporting each other, couples can build a stronger and more fulfilling partnership.

    Ignoring Boundaries

    Ignoring boundaries is another significant indicator that you may be taken for granted in a relationship. Boundaries are essential for maintaining individuality and respect within a partnership. When one partner consistently disregards the other's boundaries, it can lead to feelings of violation and disrespect. This behavior can manifest in various forms, such as ignoring personal space, dismissing preferences, or intruding on private matters without consent.

    Boundaries are crucial for establishing a sense of safety and trust. According to Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, authors of the book "Boundaries," healthy boundaries are vital for any relationship to thrive. They help individuals define what is acceptable and what is not, thereby promoting mutual respect and understanding. When boundaries are ignored, it can create a power imbalance and lead to feelings of resentment and helplessness.

    If you feel that your boundaries are being ignored, it's important to assertively communicate your needs to your partner. Clearly express what boundaries are important to you and why they matter. Use "I" statements to convey your feelings without sounding accusatory. For example, say, "I feel uncomfortable when my privacy is not respected," instead of, "You never respect my privacy."

    It's also essential to listen to your partner's perspective and understand their boundaries. A healthy relationship involves both partners respecting and honoring each other's limits. Mutual respect for boundaries can enhance trust and intimacy, creating a more harmonious and balanced partnership.

    If boundary issues persist, consider seeking the help of a therapist or counselor. Professional guidance can provide valuable insights and strategies for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Therapy can also facilitate open communication and help both partners understand the importance of respecting each other's limits.

    Remember, boundaries are not about controlling the other person but about protecting one's own well-being. By establishing and respecting boundaries, couples can create a healthier, more respectful, and fulfilling relationship.

    Frequent Criticism

    frequent criticism

    Frequent criticism is a strong indicator that you are being taken for granted in your relationship. When your partner constantly finds fault in what you do or how you do it, it can erode your self-esteem and sense of worth. This behavior often stems from a lack of appreciation and respect, leading to a toxic dynamic where you feel perpetually judged and devalued.

    Criticism, when it becomes habitual, can significantly impact the emotional health of a relationship. Dr. John Gottman, a leading relationship researcher, identifies criticism as one of the "Four Horsemen" that predict the end of a relationship. Constant negative feedback creates an environment of tension and defensiveness, making it difficult to foster trust and intimacy.

    It's essential to distinguish between constructive feedback and pervasive criticism. Constructive feedback aims to improve and support, while frequent criticism is often about control and belittlement. If you find yourself on the receiving end of constant criticism, it's crucial to address it. Discussing your feelings with your partner can help them understand the negative impact their words have on you and the relationship.

    Setting boundaries around how you expect to be treated can also be beneficial. Explain that while feedback is welcome, it should be given respectfully and constructively. Ensuring that both partners feel valued and heard can help transform a critical atmosphere into one of mutual respect and support.

    No Acknowledgment of Achievements

    Another sign of being taken for granted is when your achievements go unnoticed or unacknowledged. In a healthy relationship, partners celebrate each other's successes and milestones, no matter how small. This acknowledgment is a form of validation and support that strengthens the bond between partners. When your efforts and accomplishments are ignored, it can leave you feeling invisible and undervalued.

    Acknowledgment is vital for personal and relational growth. It fosters a sense of belonging and importance within the relationship. According to psychologist Dr. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, celebrating each other's achievements is crucial for maintaining a positive and supportive relationship dynamic. It shows that partners are invested in each other's happiness and success.

    If your partner consistently overlooks your achievements, it can create a sense of imbalance and frustration. You might start to feel that your contributions and hard work are not worth recognizing, which can lead to decreased motivation and self-worth. Over time, this lack of acknowledgment can erode the emotional connection between you and your partner.

    It's important to communicate your need for recognition to your partner. Share how their acknowledgment (or lack thereof) affects you and the relationship. Sometimes, people are unaware of the impact their actions have, and a gentle reminder can prompt positive changes. Encouraging a culture of mutual appreciation can help both partners feel valued and respected.

    Moreover, actively recognizing and celebrating your partner's achievements can set a positive example. When you show appreciation for their efforts, it can inspire them to reciprocate. This mutual recognition can enhance the emotional intimacy and overall satisfaction within the relationship.

    In essence, acknowledging each other's achievements is a simple yet powerful way to express love and support. It reinforces the bond between partners and ensures that both feel seen and appreciated, contributing to a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

    Taking Advantage of Kindness

    Another clear sign of being taken for granted in a relationship is when your kindness is exploited. Kindness is a fundamental component of a healthy partnership, fostering trust, empathy, and mutual support. However, when one partner consistently takes advantage of the other's kindness without reciprocating, it can lead to feelings of resentment and depletion.

    When your acts of kindness go unappreciated or are expected as a norm, it can indicate a lack of respect and appreciation from your partner. This dynamic often results in one partner feeling used and undervalued, while the other continues to benefit without giving back. Over time, this imbalance can drain your emotional and physical resources, leaving you feeling exhausted and unappreciated.

    Renowned psychologist Dr. Harriet Lerner emphasizes the importance of mutual generosity in relationships. In her book "The Dance of Anger," she explains that a healthy relationship thrives on reciprocal acts of kindness and respect. When kindness is one-sided, it disrupts the balance and can lead to a breakdown in trust and intimacy.

    If you feel your kindness is being taken for granted, it's crucial to set boundaries and communicate your feelings. Let your partner know how their actions affect you and discuss ways to create a more balanced and respectful dynamic. By asserting your needs and expectations, you can work towards a relationship where kindness is valued and reciprocated.

    Lack of Emotional Support

    Emotional support is a cornerstone of a strong and healthy relationship. When you feel emotionally supported by your partner, it fosters a sense of security, trust, and intimacy. Conversely, a lack of emotional support can leave you feeling isolated and neglected, which is a significant sign of being taken for granted.

    Emotional support involves being present for your partner during both good times and bad. It means actively listening, offering comfort, and showing empathy. According to Dr. Sue Johnson, a leading expert in couples therapy and the author of "Hold Me Tight," emotional responsiveness is key to maintaining a secure and loving relationship. When this support is absent, it can lead to feelings of abandonment and emotional disconnection.

    In a relationship where emotional support is lacking, you may find yourself dealing with challenges and stressors alone. Your partner may be physically present but emotionally unavailable, leaving you to navigate your feelings without their support. This dynamic can be particularly damaging during difficult times, such as coping with loss, stress, or major life changes.

    Addressing the lack of emotional support requires open and honest communication. Express your need for emotional connection and support to your partner. Use specific examples to illustrate how their absence affects you. For instance, say, "I felt alone when you didn't support me during my job search," to help them understand the impact of their actions.

    Encourage your partner to share their feelings and experiences as well. Emotional support should be a two-way street, where both partners feel heard, understood, and cared for. By fostering an environment of mutual empathy and support, you can strengthen your emotional bond and improve the overall health of your relationship.

    Seeking professional help, such as couples therapy, can also be beneficial. A therapist can provide tools and strategies to improve emotional communication and support. They can help both partners understand each other's emotional needs and work towards creating a more supportive and connected relationship.

    Ultimately, emotional support is vital for maintaining a loving and resilient partnership. Ensuring that both partners feel emotionally supported can lead to a deeper connection, greater trust, and a more fulfilling relationship.

    Feeling Invisible

    Feeling invisible in a relationship is a profound and painful experience. It occurs when your presence and contributions are consistently overlooked or dismissed by your partner. This feeling can arise from various behaviors, such as your partner not listening to you, disregarding your opinions, or failing to acknowledge your presence in meaningful ways. Over time, this can erode your sense of self-worth and make you feel as though you don't matter in the relationship.

    One of the most hurtful aspects of feeling invisible is the emotional isolation it creates. When your partner doesn't recognize or value your input, it can leave you feeling alone and disconnected. This lack of acknowledgment can be particularly damaging if you were once close and shared a deep emotional bond. The shift from being seen and valued to feeling invisible can be disorienting and heartbreaking.

    According to Dr. Brené Brown, a renowned researcher and author, feeling seen and heard is fundamental to human connection. In her book "Braving the Wilderness," she discusses the importance of belonging and the pain of feeling unseen. When your partner makes you feel invisible, it undermines your sense of belonging and can lead to feelings of rejection and loneliness.

    Addressing this issue requires a candid conversation with your partner. Express how their actions (or inactions) make you feel invisible and unimportant. Use specific examples to illustrate your point, such as, "I felt hurt when you didn't ask about my day," or "I feel ignored when you don't listen to me." These concrete examples can help your partner understand the impact of their behavior.

    It's also essential to create opportunities for connection and recognition. Make an effort to engage in activities that foster communication and mutual appreciation. For instance, setting aside time for regular check-ins or date nights can help rekindle the emotional connection and ensure that both partners feel seen and valued.

    If the issue persists, consider seeking the help of a therapist. Professional guidance can provide strategies to improve communication and emotional intimacy. A therapist can help both partners understand the importance of seeing and valuing each other, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

    Ultimately, feeling visible and valued is crucial for a loving and supportive relationship. By addressing the issue and working towards greater recognition and connection, you can strengthen your bond and ensure that both partners feel important and cherished.

    No Reciprocity

    No reciprocity in a relationship is a clear sign of being taken for granted. Reciprocity involves a mutual exchange of effort, support, and affection, which is essential for maintaining a balanced and healthy partnership. When one partner consistently gives more without receiving the same level of commitment and care in return, it creates an unequal dynamic that can lead to frustration and resentment.

    A lack of reciprocity can manifest in various ways, such as one partner always initiating contact, planning activities, or making sacrifices while the other takes these efforts for granted. This imbalance can leave the more giving partner feeling unappreciated and exhausted. Over time, it can erode the emotional connection and create a sense of unfairness in the relationship.

    Dr. John Gottman, a leading expert in relationship research, emphasizes the importance of reciprocity in his work. He suggests that successful relationships are built on a foundation of mutual giving and receiving. When both partners actively contribute to the relationship, it fosters a sense of equity and strengthens the bond between them.

    If you find yourself in a one-sided relationship, it's important to address the issue with your partner. Communicate your feelings and the need for more balanced reciprocity. Use specific examples to highlight the areas where you feel the imbalance is most pronounced. For instance, you might say, "I feel like I'm always the one planning our outings," or "I would appreciate more help with household chores."

    Encouraging your partner to take more initiative can help create a more balanced dynamic. Discuss ways to share responsibilities and ensure that both partners feel equally invested in the relationship. By fostering a culture of mutual giving and receiving, you can enhance the emotional connection and create a more satisfying and equitable partnership.

    Neglecting Special Occasions

    Neglecting special occasions is a significant sign that you are being taken for granted in your relationship. Special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and milestones, are important moments that celebrate the bond and achievements of a partnership. When your partner consistently overlooks or fails to acknowledge these events, it can make you feel undervalued and unimportant.

    Special occasions provide an opportunity to express love, appreciation, and commitment. According to Dr. Gary Chapman, author of "The Five Love Languages," celebrating special moments is a vital way to show affection and reinforce emotional connections. When these occasions are neglected, it sends a message that your feelings and the relationship itself are not a priority.

    The hurt caused by neglecting special occasions can accumulate over time. Missing out on these important moments can lead to feelings of disappointment and resentment. You might start to question your partner's dedication and whether they truly value the relationship. This neglect can create a rift between you and your partner, making it harder to maintain a strong emotional connection.

    Addressing this issue involves communicating your expectations and the importance of these occasions. Let your partner know how much it means to you when they acknowledge and celebrate special moments. For example, you might say, "I feel loved and appreciated when you remember our anniversary." This can help your partner understand the emotional significance of these events and encourage them to be more mindful in the future.

    Additionally, planning and celebrating these occasions together can strengthen your bond. By actively participating in these moments, both partners can create lasting memories and reinforce their commitment to each other. Ensuring that special occasions are acknowledged and celebrated can significantly enhance the emotional intimacy and overall health of your relationship.

    Constantly Giving Excuses

    Constantly giving excuses is another clear sign of being taken for granted in a relationship. When your partner frequently comes up with reasons for why they can't meet your needs, fulfill promises, or participate in shared activities, it can indicate a lack of commitment and respect. These excuses can range from minor inconveniences to more significant issues, but the underlying message remains the same: your needs and the relationship are not a priority.

    Excuses often serve as a way to avoid responsibility or accountability. According to Dr. Harriet Lerner, excuses can undermine trust and create a pattern of disappointment. When one partner continually makes excuses, it can erode the other partner's faith in their reliability and dedication. Over time, this behavior can lead to frustration and a sense of betrayal.

    If your partner is constantly giving excuses, it's important to address the issue directly. Communicate how their behavior affects you and the relationship. Use specific examples to illustrate the pattern, such as, "I've noticed that you often have reasons for not attending important events with me." This can help your partner recognize the impact of their actions and the need for change.

    Encourage your partner to be more accountable and follow through on their commitments. Discuss ways to improve reliability and ensure that both partners feel supported and valued. By holding each other accountable, you can foster a more dependable and trustworthy relationship dynamic.

    It's also crucial to set clear expectations and boundaries. Make it known that consistent excuses are unacceptable and that you expect mutual respect and commitment. By establishing these boundaries, you can create a healthier relationship where both partners are responsible for their actions and dedicated to meeting each other's needs.

    Infrequent Apologies

    Infrequent apologies can be a significant sign that you are being taken for granted in your relationship. Apologizing when wrong is a crucial aspect of maintaining respect and trust. When your partner rarely apologizes, it may indicate a lack of accountability and an unwillingness to acknowledge their mistakes or the impact of their actions on you. This behavior can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment.

    An apology is not just about saying "I'm sorry"; it is about acknowledging hurtful behavior and demonstrating a commitment to change. According to relationship expert Dr. Harriet Lerner, genuine apologies are vital for healing and rebuilding trust. When apologies are infrequent or insincere, it can prevent the resolution of conflicts and leave wounds unhealed. This lack of resolution can cause ongoing tension and emotional distance.

    Infrequent apologies can also signal a lack of empathy. Empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of another person. When your partner fails to apologize, it may indicate that they do not fully grasp or care about your emotional experience. This lack of empathy can make you feel misunderstood and unsupported, further straining the relationship.

    If you find that apologies are rare in your relationship, it is important to address this issue with your partner. Communicate your feelings and explain why apologies are important to you. Share specific examples of situations where an apology would have helped you feel better and contributed to resolving the conflict. This conversation can help your partner understand the value of sincere apologies and encourage them to be more accountable.

    Encouraging a culture of mutual accountability can also improve the frequency and sincerity of apologies. Both partners should feel comfortable acknowledging their mistakes and making amends. By fostering an environment where accountability is valued, you can strengthen trust and emotional intimacy in the relationship.

    Seeking the help of a therapist can be beneficial if the issue persists. A therapist can provide tools and strategies for improving communication and empathy, helping both partners learn to apologize more effectively and work towards a healthier and more respectful relationship.

    Dismissive Behavior

    Dismissive behavior is another clear indicator that you are being taken for granted in a relationship. When your partner consistently dismisses your thoughts, feelings, or concerns, it can make you feel unimportant and invalidated. This behavior can manifest in various ways, such as ignoring your opinions, belittling your emotions, or failing to engage in meaningful conversations.

    Dismissive behavior undermines the foundation of mutual respect and understanding that is essential for a healthy relationship. According to Dr. John Gottman, a renowned relationship researcher, dismissive behavior is a form of contempt, one of the most destructive elements in a relationship. Contemptuous actions convey disrespect and can erode the emotional connection between partners.

    When you experience dismissive behavior, it can lead to feelings of isolation and frustration. You may start to doubt the validity of your own experiences and question whether your needs and concerns matter. Over time, this can damage your self-esteem and create a sense of helplessness within the relationship.

    Addressing dismissive behavior involves confronting the issue directly with your partner. Share how their dismissive actions make you feel and explain the impact it has on your emotional well-being. Use specific examples to illustrate your points, such as times when they ignored your input or belittled your feelings. This can help your partner understand the seriousness of the issue and the need for change.

    Encouraging open and respectful communication is key to overcoming dismissive behavior. Both partners should feel safe expressing their thoughts and emotions without fear of being dismissed or ridiculed. Establishing ground rules for communication, such as active listening and validating each other's feelings, can help create a more supportive and understanding environment.

    If dismissive behavior continues to be a problem, seeking the assistance of a therapist can be beneficial. A therapist can provide guidance on improving communication and empathy, helping both partners learn to respect and validate each other's experiences. By addressing dismissive behavior and fostering a culture of mutual respect, you can strengthen the emotional connection and ensure that both partners feel valued and heard in the relationship.

    Seeking Validation Elsewhere

    When you find yourself seeking validation elsewhere, it is a telling sign that you are being taken for granted in your relationship. Validation is a fundamental human need, and when it's lacking in a relationship, you may look for it from friends, family, or even strangers. This behavior can signal that your partner is not providing the emotional support and acknowledgment you need, leading you to seek it from other sources.

    Seeking validation outside the relationship can create a distance between you and your partner. It can lead to emotional infidelity, where you share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with someone other than your partner. This shift can weaken the bond you share and create trust issues if your partner feels excluded or betrayed. According to Dr. Sue Johnson, a pioneer in emotionally focused therapy, emotional engagement and responsiveness are key to maintaining a secure bond. When these elements are missing, individuals often look elsewhere for the connection they crave.

    Feeling compelled to seek validation from others can also indicate deeper issues within the relationship, such as a lack of appreciation, recognition, or respect. If your efforts and achievements are consistently overlooked, it can leave you feeling invisible and unimportant. This lack of acknowledgment can drive you to seek affirmation from external sources, which can provide temporary relief but doesn't address the root problem.

    To address this issue, it's crucial to communicate openly with your partner about your need for validation. Express how their lack of recognition affects you and the relationship. Share specific instances where you felt undervalued and explain the impact it had on your emotional well-being. This conversation can help your partner understand the importance of providing validation and encourage them to be more supportive and appreciative.

    Building a culture of mutual appreciation and validation within the relationship can significantly improve emotional intimacy and satisfaction. By acknowledging each other's efforts and celebrating achievements, you can create a more supportive and fulfilling partnership. Remember, validation should come from within the relationship to strengthen the bond and ensure both partners feel valued and respected.

    How to Address Being Taken for Granted

    Addressing the feeling of being taken for granted in a relationship requires a proactive and thoughtful approach. The first step is to recognize and acknowledge your feelings. Understand that your emotions are valid and that addressing this issue is crucial for your well-being and the health of the relationship. Begin by reflecting on specific instances where you felt taken for granted and consider how these situations have impacted you emotionally.

    Once you have a clear understanding of your feelings, initiate an open and honest conversation with your partner. Use "I" statements to express your emotions without sounding accusatory. For example, say, "I feel unappreciated when my efforts go unnoticed," rather than, "You never appreciate what I do." This approach can help prevent defensiveness and facilitate a more productive dialogue.

    During the conversation, focus on specific behaviors and instances rather than generalizing. Provide concrete examples to illustrate your points, such as times when your partner ignored your achievements or failed to support you emotionally. This can help your partner understand the impact of their actions and encourage them to be more mindful in the future.

    Establishing clear boundaries and expectations is also essential. Discuss what you need from your partner to feel valued and appreciated. This might include more frequent verbal affirmations, acknowledgment of your efforts, or shared responsibilities. Setting these expectations can create a framework for mutual respect and support within the relationship.

    Encourage your partner to share their perspective as well. Sometimes, the feeling of being taken for granted can be a two-way street, with both partners feeling unappreciated. By understanding each other's needs and concerns, you can work together to create a more balanced and fulfilling relationship.

    Consider seeking the help of a therapist or counselor if the issue persists. Professional guidance can provide valuable insights and strategies for improving communication and addressing underlying issues. Therapy can also help both partners develop a deeper understanding of each other's needs and foster a more supportive and appreciative relationship.

    Recommended Resources

    • "The Five Love Languages" by Dr. Gary Chapman
    • "Hold Me Tight" by Dr. Sue Johnson
    • "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

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