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Hello everyone.

I feel like it is time for me to move on and at the very least get a couple of dates.


I am only 21 (july 2) and nature and heredity has been very cruel to me. I am balding pretty bad right on top of my head


The hair grows everywhere else (back, shoulders, chest) but not on top . I have been exercising a lot so at least I look athletic. When I had hair I was told I was cute by some people. So I must be at least average looking.


If you saw a balding guy at a beach or party, would you even be interested or would you keep looking?


The reason I am asking is because I am considering buying generic propecia (hair regrowth pills) It is a big investment for my college budget.


Thank you

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HMMMM shaving it short, that is interesting. I never really thought about that. My hair, the hair I have, is really poofy so that might help. Then when the propecia kicks in I can grow it back and style it.


Thanks for the idea thunderforce.

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yes, i agree. The shorter the better when one is balding. i love the look of a clean cut guy. If it is short, neat, military rugged...no worries


I know many women who love the look of no hair, you have no worries, just go with it.

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Bold can be hot, but be careful. I mean, if you have a weird shaped head, you might end up looking a bit funny. Ask friends how they'd think you'd look bald or with ultra short hair. But generally, speaking, no. Balding isn't really a turn off because once girls get to know you, looks whether good or bad tend to disappear anyway.

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Well...that's not going to help you much but I think it really depends on the person. Some guys just look really sexy with a bald/shaved head and some do not

Im thinking it has more to do with confidence and the way you carry yourself.


Same thing with being a bit overweight, too skinny...or whatever else, as long as you feel good about the way you look and don't consider those little things as being "flaws", it won't really matter and you will look attractive to others I think

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Hey there,


My sweetie has a bald spot on the back of his head, not completely bald but thinning out. And he has a receeding hair line. He is so sweet, adorable, I have no issues with it.


We met via online and the first picture he sent me, I was smitten from the start. I had no idea about his hair issues. When I met him in person, it made no difference.


Heridity is cruel to him too.

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I would suggest cutting it very close, very short. Maybe military style. If you think you could go bald, do it. But note not every many can wear complete bald well.


That said, to me I would not mind a man with thinning hair if he were attractive and his personality was a match for mine.


I am not superficial in regards to looks tho, not at all.

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HAHA Eva that's funny.


I went really short. I got a 3 all over (that is military length) Going to wear it short for a few days see what people think. I will keep you guys posted especially if I decide to shave it completely.


I think I look a lot better though without that stringy-thinning hair.


Thanks for the advice everyone

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I personally wouldn't go for balding but I would go for bald. If I saw a guy that was balding I would just assume he's older then he looks..that's the only reason.


yes, i am in complete agreement. If a balding man were to persue me and i knew NOTHING about him, I'd assume he was much older... however, if his head was shaved, i'd be more apt to go for it. Of course, if I had known the guy previously, knew his age, etc... a little balding wouldn't bother me, though my PREFERENCE would be that he just shaved or buzzed the rest.

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Hair, how important is it?


Not that important at all. As long you're not ashamed and don't try to hide it.

Honestly man if u exclude the superficial girls that do care, 85% of girls would not really care as long as you keep the rest of your hair short - no. 2 at the most.


And I don't think the 15% of girls that do care would be much hotter than the rest. I think it matters more how much you have going for you... career, success, money, friends, intellegence, personality, etc etc. If you ace all the other categories you wouldn't even be making this post in my opinion.

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