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Everything posted by Twilight777

  1. ... I have something going on with a guy...I would call it a booty call, except we're not having sex. We hang out watch a movie, make out, and fall asleep together (sometimes cuddling, but sometimes not....). I'm not really aggressive with him (we don't call each other and chat on the phone or anything like that) and that's okay for me for now because I'm not really looking for anything constant. But I'm worried that he feels like he can just call me whenever and I would always be available to him...and isn't that a turn-off because it makes me less of a challenge?
  2. But this guy is so gorgeous! And I know looks aren't everything...but when you're just hooking up with someone with no strings attached.... it's a lot =) I'm just out of a bad relationship and I don't really want to pursue anything yet seriously...and he just happened to be persistent in his flirting...which led to drinking which led to making out. We don't have much emotional connection though...I guess I'm just afraid that I might start falling for him and get hurt. Yet, I'm so starved for physical affection (hard to get that when you're not in a relationship) that I'm willing to take anything...especially a hottie....when he wants me. Ya know?
  3. Weird. I'm hooking up with this guy who I know is dating/hooking up with a girl that I know (as an acquaintance). And actually that they've been hooking up for a very long time. I spent the night with him on Saturday night (we didn't have sex) and then the next morning I see them together and knew that they'd spend all of Sunday together...and yet it didn't really bother me that much. Usually, I'm a pretty jealous person. I've broken up with guys just because they paid too much attention to other girls. ONe thing that makes me feel badly though is that, why am I the secret? This other girl and him, people see them around together all the time...but he and I only hook up at his place, we don't go out...meanwhile they take trips together and such..... Is it normal to feel this way? I would love to have a relationship with this guy, but I know he doesn't want a real relationship with anyone...plus, I'd be second in line to that other chick anyway..... Do I need to quite hooking up with him?
  4. Hi Happy Kat Can I ask what made you get them, how old you were when you got them and how it has been a positive experience from you? One these boards it sounds like there's only negativity towards them... Thanks
  5. Maybe it's because sometimes a girl can have fake breasts and no one would really be like "ugh, those are fake". They just think...mmmm...nice rack. I'm not talking about girls who are 90 lbs. and have DD's. I would have a rack that's proportional to my body. I bet there are tons of girls all around that have implants and we probably don't even know that they have them..... I know I was shocked to find out one of my co workers have them... she doesn't look "fake" either.
  6. I'm currently going throught the same questions myself. I'm currently an A cup and would like to be able to fill out a full C cup. I went on a few consultations and already set up a surgery date. The only thing is that my boyfriend/ex-boyfriend says I shouldn't do it/don't need it. My mother says I don't need it. The only person who says I should totally go for it is my sister (who has had them for 4 years now). She said they changed her life in a positive way, but she's in the entertainment industry so I can see why it would. I thought my boyfriend/ex didn't want me to get them because he would be jealous of the attention I got and that's why he's saying no...but now I'm not too sure. Is it really a turn off???? Do you really see a woman with a nice rack and go..."yuck!" I honestly don't think guys do that...but I'm not a man so I don't know. I've already set a date, but now I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing or not.
  7. ... you were pouring your heart out to a friend (it's actually an ex...that wants to stay friends) and he was on the computer while he was talking to you on the phone and refused to get off the computer when you asked him to. I felt disrespected (especially because when he comes to me with his problems, he always has my FULL attention), but he didn't feel it was necessary to get off the computer. I know this isn't a big deal but I was just wondering what you guys think... thanks.
  8. That actually proves my point even more.... guys don't commit because they're not picky about who they date...they kind of have the ice-cream mentality "I should try each kind atleast once..." =) I think women are a bit more reserved and tend not to just go out with every guy that comes their way just to "try them out", they pick guys that they think they would really like...and then unfortunately fall head over heels for them. I would bet that the women who come on here who can't get a date are picky whether they acknowledge it or not. If they just expand their idea of who they would consider as worthy of date material...it'd be much easier to get a date.
  9. Yes, it a generalized and sexist belief...but let's look at it realistically. I KNOW that there are guys out there that are picky...but are there really that many men out there who literally compile lists of the traits that they want in a woman and accept nothing less? There are numerous women who do!(unfortunately). Maybe it's just in the genetic make up of men and women, but I feel that most (not all) men would LOVE to date 100 girls, while most (again, not all) women wouldn't even want to go through dating 12 men in a year. If I said that perhaps men have the ability to love the variety and differences in all women and tend to act on their capability to love more so than women do for men, would you still not like my comment? Because that's just another way of putting it.
  10. If smiling and giggling just doesn't cut it, then what will? How would you like women to show that they're interested? I know there was a whole debate about "scaring guys off" by being forward...but I can't imagine just looking at a guy that I like and saying, "hey, I'm interested in you" without there being some uncomfortable tension on both ends. But it seems that anything less than that, men are unable to read into???? Trust me, I think women are just as confused as men. And it DOES seem like more and more, I'm finding that guys want girls to be the assertive ones...but I believe (and I know I might get attacked for this) that's because men are less picky (in general) than women....so there's a lot less rejection going around. I recently "hooked up" with a gorgeous guy...but it's because I was the assertive one, I took control, I made the first move, and I guess I was just glad that he didn't reject me because he did send subtle hints, but never asked me out. This is all good and fine...but it turned out he didn't want a relationship. It was fine because I don't necessarily think I should be in a relationship right now....but what if I had wanted one with this guy? I would have been a fool to be the aggressor, and I would have been left broken hearted. So I guess it all depends on the situation as well.
  11. ...I'm asking this because I have 2 gorgeous friends. I've observed that while they're both beautiful one of them ALWAYS gets asked to go have lunch/dinner, go to a concert, asked for her phone number etc... while the other girl who gets a lot of attention and "looks" doesn't really get asked out much. This is kinda good because it shows that JUST because you're gorgeous doesn't mean every single guy is gonna ask you to dinner...but then it confuses me, because what does that one girl have that the other doesn't. So when you see two pretty girls....which one would you be more drawn to? What about their personality are you looking for?
  12. Sometimes, I think my hairstylist might have a crush on me too... lol....but neither of us are lesbians. I think (most) hairstylists are very friendly and personable, so it sometimes comes accross as something more ( or we make it more in our head). And it is a "business"... if they were mean and snotty to you, would you go back? But I guess there's no way to really tell unless you ask her. Just ask if she'd like to hang out one day. If she blows you off, or makes an excuse... then you know she just wants to be your hairstylist.... Good Luck!
  13. Thanks for responding, Maggie. You have a really good point...he's already getting what he wants...but from my own personal experience, I've said that I didn't want anything serious with someone, but after spending time with them...I ended up wanting something more. But maybe that's just me (and typically guys aren't like that, I understand). So maybe it was just wishful thinking. Although, last night he did call me...which he hasn't done in a loooong time. But maybe he was just bored. We haven't really talked about "us". He's stated that he doesn't want a relationship, he doesn't want the drama, which I totally believe because he hasn't date ANYONE else at our work for that reason. And he knows that I'm not ready for a relationship (which I agreed with him). You're right though, I feel like I'm almost setting myself up for a fall....but he did call last night... is that a cause for any hope????
  14. ...and that's fine, we were both drunk. But I had a little less to drink so I remember more than he does...which kinda sucks, because now I'm the one with the feelings and the memories of how passionate it all was...he was just ...drunk. lol =) Anyway, we did again a few nights ago, but this time, he didn't drink hardly as much and the liquor was less proof than the first time. And this time he initiated the kiss...woohoo! it was...once again...magnificent. Eventually...it led to a little grinding (COULD NOT HELP MYSELF!!). I'm a little scared that I might be growing too fond of this person, especially when he has said that he doesn't want a relationship...but there's a part of me (and there's a little bit of this in almost every girl) that feels that they can make someone change their mind into wanting a relationship or atleast something more than a hookup. Realistically, I know this is not going to happen....but isn't there a slight chance that it will? Or am I OFFICIALLY the booty call (without the sex). We dont hang out any other time, we barely talk to each other when we work with each other. Has anyone here had (or know of) a relationshp that just started out as a making out? And ended up in something more?
  15. I never looked at it that way....maybe that's why you guys have such tough skin when it comes to emotions. If this happened all the time, I guarantee I'd be devastated. I'm not that upset that he hasn't called. I saw him last night and we just acted like buddies. I think he's "over" it. Which sucks because the kiss felt so nice... I've been wanting to do it again! It confuses me that he wouldn't, but maybe he's waiting for me to initiate it again. ANd the only reason why I said this is because I talked to a girl friend of mine last night and she mentioned that he would always ask her if he had a chance (of hooking up) with me...and then said that he doesn't want to scare me off. So maybe that's why he won't make a move? Could that be valid or am I just pulling at straws?
  16. Okay...still hasn't called. I heard him last night talking to a couple people in the hallway...but he didn't stop by (not like he ever did) and hasn't called. Maybe making the first move WASN'T the best idea ](*,)
  17. He probably won't call. With the exception of 1 time...he's never initiated anything. I should probably just forget about it. I guess it was fun though.
  18. But the next question is...would you call back a girl that kissed you first... =( I haven't gotten a call!!! And I know I have a phone and that I could call him, but I don't want to come on TOO strong, I've been instigating everything...I should atleast get a call...right?
  19. I'm actually kinda pleasantly surprised that there are so many positive responses to this! I guess I must have been traumatized when I was in high school and i was at a party (a lil bit drunk) and went to kiss a guy and he pushed me away.... I felt so rejected! And after that, I NEVER tried it again. But I guess the context was a little different this time around. With this guy, there was flirting back and forth (but he's a big flirt so i didn't take it too seriously), and when we were alone together he NEVER made a move on me... so in a way I was taking a really big chance of being rejected. But thank God, not only did he respond great (big smiles)...but we ended up cuddling! =) Don't worry guys, it didn't go beyond that.... =) So I'm a happy camper. Now, the only thing is... will he keep "this" going? Will he always expect me to initiate thing? We're not dating officially at all. In fact, no one even knows about us. I definitely don't want to make a big deal out of it. I guess it doesn't matter...the hook-up itself feels like BLISS =) I don't even know if I'd want a relationship out of this.
  20. lol... My whole life, i was led to believe that I should always let the man initiate a kiss...and I've always been afraid that if I made the first move that the guy would be turned off and reject me, or not want to see me again. But last night, I'm the one who started kissing his ear....he was too scrumptious, I couldn't help myself!! And he turned and faced me and had a huge smile on his face (obviously not turned off) and started kissing me. It was AMAZING!!!!!!
  21. Which one would you realistically chose? I'm 24 years old, I work full-time at a job that is incredibly boring with no one my age around to talk to. The work is extremely easy, so I get to go online a lot, and I get paid pretty well (I think) for what I do right now. I started working here when I first got to Los Angeles at 21 (I originally came out here to help out my sister, and then found that I needed some money, so I got connected with this job). I used to have a dream of being an actress, I studied acting from jr. high until I graduated from high school. It got put on the backburner because of a lot of family problems and then when I moved out to L.A. (by that time, acting was honestly behind me) I got this job and just stuck to it because it paid well and I got an increase every year. But now, I just feel like I'm out here for a reason, maybe I just have to try it. I'm young enough that if it doesn't work out, I can always bounce back. But my fear is that I won't get an office job that pays as well as this one if the acting thing doesn't work out. And it's a given that if I ever leave this job, that I won't be welcomed back. I'm just curious as to what some of you would do in this situation. I'd love to hear stories of similar situations if you have any. And any advice is more than welcomed. Thank You!
  22. It may not necessarilyy, penny by penny, buy happiness. But you have to admit that if you were given 10 million dollars tomorrow, you'd be freed up to do whatever you wanted...Quit your stupid job with your annoying co-workers and go travel, spend money on friends and family that you love, buy a dream home...etc. With freedom, comes happiness.
  23. Well, it feels really weird to me and I wish things were clear cut. Because he doesn't really call me to hang out (just that one night), but he's always joking about how we should "hook-up", but doesn't do anything to follow-up with what he says. Last night I saw him and he mentioned that we should hang out but then didn't really say when or where or anything like that. So I'm VERY confused. I wish I knew why he was this way. Any insight would really help me right now.
  24. Sorry, if I'm not being clear (it's all kind of a jumbled mess in my head now too), but he's not my partner. He's my friend that I've been flirting with for a while.
  25. No, not at all. He actually even mentioned something about giving me a massage one day too... but I just brushed it off because I didn't want him to think that I'm just giving him a massage because I wanted one from him. We joke around a lot, but he's not a sleazy guy.
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