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  1. "DO NOT worry about yesterday DO NOT worry about the future, because it is a mystery... ENJOY today to the fullest, because it is a "gift" That is why it is called the "Present"
  2. Hi, I am the one who have been dealing with long distance love before... I know how's hard it is.. As you know..long distance love is so hard to work out..we have to put a lot of effort on it and we have to go the extra mile to show their affection for each other, I and my husband we're so far away, we've been spend time apart1.6 years till we get married..I always ask myself " is the relationship worth the distance and how can we keep the love alive? and I don’t know what the future holds for us? infact we're working so hard to make it works also we definitely look forward to our time together in the future..,we're talking on the phone everyday morning and night also stay in touch with emails, texts keep each other informed on the day-to-day aspects of our lives..and now i'm so proud to have this day!! I realied that the quality of long-distance relationship love is so much more beautiful!!! But whether near or far, relationships are about the connection between two people. When you find a strong romantic connection, even if it’s not conveniently located, then that is perhaps the greatest!!
  3. well, thank you for your advice..you guys help me a lot!! i will working on it.. Dannysgirl," why don't you buy some new underwear and ask him what he fantasises about when he watches this stuff? You could try suggesting making a porno of your own" thanks for yr suggestion.. thanks Bethany"He has no problem with it obviously so the problem is YOURS so stop trying to make him feel guilty about it." I didnt try to make him feel quilty..but i need him to take responsibilities that he makes me feel bad, i didnt say porn website is bad! but i want him to accept that our relationship and feelings are more important than that and consider how it makes your partner feel. If it makes your partner feel ugly, hurt, deceived, lied to or inadequate, then it needs to stop. By the way, we dont have any problem with sex..we're happy, and thanks again for your advice, seem like it is my personal problem..well, i will fix it.
  4. Thank you friends, " it is really not that bad, the more you make an issue of it, the more he will try and hide it from you" yes, that how i feel now.. I will try to think in positive ways..would not make a big deal out of it..thanks again friend
  5. I find out that my husband likes to see porn websites..I was really mad and feel so bad. I talked to him and he got mad at me for being angry--saying that it is a normal thing for guys to do, and he do it for long time ago before he met me and its not cheating..it just porn website!!However, he said that he would work on it.I have had other talks with him about this many times because I always eventually find the same stuff on the computer: porn. I tell him that it hurts me and he "promises" to work on his habit. He also says that he doesn't look at it that "much" but I haven't forgotten about that..Recently i just found he went to that sites again..I was so mad and feel terrible because we already talked about it.. He again "promised to stop"....and said that he would fix it. I forgave him and went from there, but this is still bothering me days later..it make me feel so bad and how can i trust him.. I don't want to be mean and hold a grudge forever, but it makes me feel really unvalued...What should i do?
  6. The fact is, that nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors.
  7. "If you need to keep a dog on a leash because you are afraid he's going to run away... he's not worth keeping. So ... take that for what its worth. Either that dog is not worth keeping. OR.. you are not meant to be a dog owner at this time" good advice, thank you
  8. Hi, Actually i had a bad experienced in the past, i really want to forget it but sometimes its keeps running on my head because it was so pain and now it become to destroy my relationship..and i fear to lose..since i get divorced 7 years..i promise to myself that i will not get married again..till i met this guy..he is very nice and he puts a lot of effort for the relationships (Actually we're so far away.. long distance love)and he shows me that really wants to be with me also wants our relationship end up with married..I am so glad that we have this day together..and so proud when i am thinking about it..I know trust is very important of marriage and you have to trust someone who love no matter what..that is why i working on it..i really need to get through this feelings..because i hate it, also i know nothing will getting better if i wont fix it..i feel so terrible!!
  9. Thank you friends I am so appreciated!! all your words are encourage me and makes me feel much better!! Thank you!!
  10. " Marriage is long term commitment and marriage is work in progress and takes daily work..Marriage isn't going to be all good times..when we're sharing a life with someone on full times basis..and no marriage that lasts forever is going to be perfect..Part of fun is the journey and working things out...Marriage is not something that you walk casually away from when yo have a "change of heart" that is why is so hard!!....well, i would say..if our feelings tried..then take a break..dont be rush!! when we're feeling better..then keep going..Dont give up!! "
  11. Thank you very much for your suggestion, it very helpful!! and you are absolutely 100% right!! i'll work harder I know that would be difficult for me to try to let things go...but i will do my best because i really want my marriage be happy!! Thank you!!
  12. I really want to trust my husband ..I have been working so hard on trust..but it seem like nothing better!! now my husband gets sick and tried of that..because whatever he says i cant be trust and believe him..even i'm always wrong and he can prove to me that he was right!! I dont know how to stop being stupid and can be trust him 100% even he never cheating on me or never spent time out without me.. I really sick and tried of my bad behaves and negatives thoughts..i need to stop completely before my marriage gets worse.. Any suggentions i willing to do and change my behaves and my thoughts..please help me!!
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