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Everything posted by Paranoid

  1. My boyfriend kissed/made out with another girl while drunk at a party I wasn't at. He didn't even know the girl's name, it was kind of she kissed him and he didn't do anything to stop it. He says it was only 10 seconds, tops. We were "open" with our relationship this summer, meaning if things happen then let them happen. He waited a month to tell me and told me when we were drunk. I got upset, not so much because he kissed another girl more so because he waited a month to tell me and we were drunk. And it's hard to trust him again now. I hate when he doesn't tell me where he's going because I don't know what's going to happen now. If it's been 3 months, don't tell her. If it happens again, tell her right away, don't wait.
  2. American Pie is an APPLE Pie. as for the recreating the feeling....do a search on the internet. There's lots of different things. Some people say cutting a hole in a melon of some sort and warming it in the microwave for a little. Other ways are hollowing out a cucumber leaving the skin intact and putting it in the microwave. Get a condom and fill it with a little lotion and warm it in the microwave. You've got to get the squishy feeling and the warm feeling to really recreate it. Do some research on the internet, there's lots of ways. I can't really think of anymore now.
  3. Sometimes it's just not possible for a person to go through a pregnancy. There are other things involved. I'm not saying this was true in her case...but maybe there were other reasons why she couldn't have the child. I know where I am right now in my life, I would not be able to go though a pregnancy even if I do believe abortion is wrong. There's different circumstances for each pregnancy. She knows more about her life than you do. Abortion isn't wrong in all situations, sometimes it's the only answer.
  4. Hold her hand first of all if you don't do that already. That shows some PDA (Public displays of affection). If you hug her ever....well if you don't, you should start....and next time to do hug her, kiss her on the cheek. The next time maybe on the lips or a little closer to the mouth. And smile. If you're talking to your friends and she's talking to her friends. Get eyecontact with her and give her a big smile. She'll know you're thinking about her. She'll appreciate it. Don't be afraid to kiss her. I'm sure she wants it too, she's just shy. You said she's really shy so doing it in a public place might make it more uncomfortable for her. During a movie or something might be better, right after teh previews before the movie starts, lean over and kiss her cheek. She'll probably turn towards you can you can kiss on the lips. Just start with a little kiss, then works up to longer kisses. Just relax. Don't rush things. Go for little things first, holding hands, hugging, kissing on her cheek.
  5. *If you haven't made out yet, don't even think about sex for a while. *Making out isn't hard. I know everyone says it comes naturally, and I'm sure that's the last thing you want to hear. But it really does come naturally. You really can't screw it up. Remember to swallow so there's not a bunch of spit dripping down the sides of your faces. Breathe through your nose, use your tongue, but don't force it. Some girls like it slow and soft, so let your tongue relax a little bit. If you can reach, the roof of the mouth is known to send chills (good ones) down the spine of several girls i know. Just tickle it a little with the tip of your tongue, if you can't reach, that's ok, don't force it you'll wind up grossing her out. But there's really not much you can mess up, just have fun with it and relax. *Circumsized vs. uncircumsized, i can't really help you there, I've never seen an uncircumsized one. I'm sure it's pretty much the same, just pull the foreskin back if it's not back already before you put the condom on. But again I say...if you haven't even made out yet, don't think about sex. I've read that uncircumsized guys are more sensitive around the head and sex and everything else feels better for them. Which makes sense, the foreskin protects the head, it doesn't rub against underwear constantly like circumsized guy's heads do. *Fingering....Focus more on the clitoris than just sticking your fingers down there and going in and out. The clitoris is located at the top of the labia, where they meet. It's hard for most guys to find. She'll probably know where it is if you feel brave enough to ask her. It's a little knob/bump sticking out. Some girls don't like direct pressure on it, but if you rub around in that general area you should get some good reactions. There's probably a diagram of the female parts online, you can probably get a link off some other post. *Dangers - PREGNANCY!! don't have sex until you are absolutely positive you can deal with the consequences of having sex. Make sure you are protected, ALWAYS use condoms. Maybe think of a 2nd method of protection too, Birth Control for her. The first time you do have sex, it probably will hurt for her, so go slow and let her control how fast you enter her. You're young, don't rush into sex, you want to make sure you won't have any regrets about it. Make sure you and her are both comfortable with yourselves and each other and are prepared to deal with consequences. Have find making out and exploring each other's bodies with your hands, then with your mouths, THEN maybe in a year or so you'll be ready to have sex. Don't just do it to do it. Make sure you both are ready. and Be SAFE! ALWAYS use a condom.
  6. you can use your hands apparently, since you are typing. There are other ways to pleasure someone besides sex....
  7. I agree that it's weird. It's a really new feeling. If she masturbates or if you finger her, it's not goign to hurt as much. If she's "loosened up" before hand with fingering, like the weeks leading up to sex, it doesn't hurt as much. Foreplay before hand is a must. If you go slow and let her adjust to the feeling, it's not going to hurt too much. My first time didn't hurt at all. It is a weird feeling though, really full kind of feeling. Before you have sex, make sure you and her are both ready, emotionally and physically. Make sure you both are completely comfortable with each other.
  8. One more thing....I've been feeling like 2 or 3 little twinges...like a little cramp....on my right side where my ovary is. Could that be me ovulating? Could it be that I'm just a little late due to some long travel, stress, and a possible infection?
  9. DI93 and actually all posters....you should READ the original post BEFOER responding. I said we used a comdom and he pulled out also, sort of like a double protection sort of thing. I know pulling out isn't effective, that's why that isn't teh only "protection" that we used. Yeah, Birth control would put my mind at ease, but that would mean telling my mom that i'm sexually active and she still treats me like I'm a little kid.
  10. Me and my boyfriend had sex that last time I was at his house which was like 2 weeks ago. We're both 19. The last time I started my period was June 17th. It usually lasts 5-7 days. The time between periods can range from 25-35 days, the past 4 have been closer to the 25 days than the 35 days. It's now 30 days. I'm very active and run over 45 miles a week normally. Since I finished my period last time it has been considerly less than that...maybe 20 miles a week. We had sex, we used a condom like we always do. He also pulled out before he ejaculated. I'm not on birth control. After the came and pulled out, he layed on top of me for a little while just wanting to stay close for a little longer, it probably was 20 seconds if that. He was taking the condom off and looked at the end of it (not the tip part) for a while, I'm not sure why, but he said it's not ripped or anything I'm just looking. I have no idea what that means. I think I have an infection right now somewhere in my body, could that delay a period? Could my drop in exercise be the cause of it? Could me stressing about a SLIGHT injury i have which caused the drop in exercise be the problem?? I think I'm just being paranoid. But what are the chances that we could be pregnant?
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