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Everything posted by AndDman

  1. i agree with baby doll and PAdreamer, i've done dating, i've done seeing my friends, i've done seeing my friends friends, all a waste of time for me because as soon as you meet them both of you have a certain defence about you because you dont want to say something awkward. I've used MSN for about 5 years now and when one of my friends went on holiday to canada i got his friends email address and i got talking to her, she introduced me to her boyfriends sister who i've now told things that i swore i would never tell because i dont like peole knowing things, i reluctantly accepted her offer to let me talk to one of her best friends (two years later which would be about a couple of months ago) and we hit it off, we get on really really well we talk about everything normaly for hours on end its currently my summer break and i've talked to her every day for hours on end except weekends when we both go out and do things with our friends and i usualy end up missing her the whole time. I don't like having a lot of online contacts i dont know in person i used to have about 10 online friends but now its about 50/50 because i now know about 20 people in ontario canada, 4 people in alberta canada, and 3 people in the states i also know several people around the UK which i have met only a few of once or twice, some at grapevine some at concerts and i can truly say all of them are good friends because they actualy pay atention unlike in person where you can tell people are only listening because they feel they have to while online if they didn't like you they'd just use that wonderful block button. Personaly i find ck's comments insulting and i've tried to ignore having feelings for people but when you've wanted to move where they life since you was about 7 and then you know all these amazing people some who are offering to help you out with places to stay and money when you move over is amazing. Its hard to stay out of things and ignore your heart when its constantly saying "i love you, i love you, i love you" in the back of your mind all the time and the "i'll talk to you later love ya bye" at the end of the conversation and you actualy mean the love you but ur afraid to say and then one day you blurt it out and feel like a donkey until they end up saying they feel the same and if they dont it turns out well anyway cause its easyer not to judge. Another thing is in person i constantly feel im either talking about things people dont understand or if they can they dont want to hear it, i have a few friends who i can talk to about these things but i would have to make a serious life decision if i dated one as their all male! The girl im 'with' online i have so much in common with same music tastes we play the same type of music we both understand each other and really like each other but we're not doing anything until i move over there which i'd be doing if i knew them or not. Im close to some people over there to the point of them feeling like family so i know i'll be happy over there which if i didn't use MSN to talk to people i would be so out of place over there... although the accent helps im now all for online dating cause you find out about the person inside and not what they can lie to you about because a persistent lie online crubles as people forget and its even harder when you talk to their friends and have a good understanding of how people generally behave anyway. i've talked to some of them on the phone and i frequently use web cam so i know their not a 40 year old pervert... just the average teenage pervert we most commonly are and in case of women secretly are i would personaly never use an online dating site or personal ad like i wouldnt go on a blind date program or place a personals ad. i use online chat just like i would talk to someone in person just with out the restrictions of worrying if i said something wrong. And as for ck's comment on attention seeking your doing that now by posting on this message board, people strive to be accepted and noticed which is what your currently doing by expressing your view but as soon as baby doll took offence you backed down your opinion and worded it more politely. Sorry just observant 'lil' ol' me
  2. we'll i've managed to strip in my sleep before but being touched there normaly wakes you up so it would probably have just been a wet dream unless you was really knackered
  3. it's not only girls that get it when i first started to explore my self, when i was doing anything with my penis it would feel like i really needed to pee. As far as i understand the male petuitory gland (i think thats the one, the one that you get two fingers stuck up your rectum to help you ejaculate in sperm banks and i havent been i know someone who worked in one) and the female G-spot are similar things and when you become aroused it swells and even if not pressed against the bladder the first few times your body will miss read the signals until it gets used to it and needs pressure applyed to it. Or i just used to have a toilet problem
  4. your local chemist will have nicotene patches and the works, all governments are trying to get people to quit smoking because it costs about 5 times more in hospital funding and other problems means they all run programs to help people quit because its now cheaper for them if people aren't getting bronchitis and needing chest x-rays as cancer scans. he could have just been nervous or stressed, try and find out why he did it and if it is him being stressed tell him you'll calm him down more on a night then a pack of cigs could during the day aslong as he keeps his hands off the ciggerettes. Good luck with it
  5. after her experiances i would have hoped she'd left but if he's controlling every aspect of her life and putting so much controle over her she must be feeling extreamly scared and isolated. I personaly am a christian but was not born one so i have more liberal views on sex before marrage but i respect all my friends who dont believe in it and i go to a church of england which has more liberal views on sex before marrage as it is and is less frowned upon but just as a guess i think your from a catholic church or a strict protestant church. If he's not letting her talk to you because you dont go to church you have to confront him with his past and the fact that forcing her to have sex is a sin in itself not to mention before marrage and i quote from the bible "those who cause others to be sinned will be judged more harshly then murderers themselves" (in others its just sinners themselves). Judging you and your friends for not being christians is a sin as its your personal belief and religion can't be forced upon you as jesus told the desciples to brush the dust off of their feet as they left towns where people wouldnt believe, this was so that the place wouldn't be carryed with them not because it was a sinful place. And afterall God is a merciful god and anyone who is truly sorry for their sins will be forgiven not just the people who believe in him. His use of religion is a way of getting her to judge you and not spend time with you but you've got to use that against him. to get her to lose him you'll have to sow seeds of doubt into her mind about him talk to her when you can and even if you have to go to church and make sure they see you and that will completely screw up his reasons for her not being able to see you. Everything he uses against you use against him, he'll have got so used to it working when you screw up all of what he does in one fell swoop he wont know what he's meant to do and if she see's him not being in controle anymore she'll start to question. I hope this helps and if you need i'll pray for everything to turn out okay for your friend, and in any religion she's diserving something great and he's deserving a few million years as a dung beatle!
  6. I wouldnt say intelectualy close but she understands anything i explain to her she's blonde and blue eyes and she can understand quantem physics which when i explained to her i was more shocked then she was, she plays guitar and i play bass we both love the same kind of music we spent about 5 hours today sending each other songs and both knowing what they where and loved them or just sending songs we'd think each other would like and loving them it was well odd, we haven't argued in over 8 months and the few minor ones we have had which i remember as 1 a few weeks ago have always been what some one else has done and just a slight miss understanding. but we do connect on some level but im not really sure what level or what about yet. and from not having any experiance i wouldnt know if endurance was a factor or not, if its not then thats great oh and thanks for the link i'll show her it tomorrow and see what she thinks.
  7. if your willing to wait then i'd say go for it im 16 and i love a girl who lives in canada me in england and she's 15 about 2 months ago we both know that we wouldnt be having sex if i was over there as she's legal but not ready. as far as i know the legal age is 18 over there but most people are more then ready at 16, if you where to have sex before she turns legal i'd keep it quiet as you'd be in seriously bad water if people found out. if your really in love then im sure you wouldnt mind waiting like me, getting to know her heart would be worth 1000 times more to her then you putting your thing inside her and probably scaring her half to death.
  8. okay, im in love with a girl who lives in canada and i live in england. Its been a plan of mine for years that when i turn 18 im moving there but im 16 and shes 15, we have all the same interests and everything we spend all day talking and most of the night for me. i'm talking to her right now and its almost 3am. I have lots of friends over there and i know she's not a 32 year old guy because of web cam and i know her through friends and talked to her several times on the phone. We haven't made any of those foolish plans like most people when they fall in love the only plan we have is to get me over there. i've talked to her for over a year now and we've liked each other for most of a year just never mentioned it because i had a girl friend and she had a boy friend, i got dumped and then i mentioned it to her and she broke up with her guy just so we'd be only each others. we've 'cybered' to help each other 'have fun' (god i love ' ') and we've also used web cam while doing it which got her b/f dumped because she apparently liked mine better been an inch smaller then his 8", we've both never had sex and i've done nothing so im a bit out of place with her being more experianced and if she'll get bored in the 2 years before i move. i couldn't imagine her doing anything because she guilts up very quickly and its obvious but im just worried after 2 years of cybering if im going to have the stamina to do the things we've talked about and i was wondering if anyone knew which was the best position for a woman to have an orgasm or multiples while having sex. Thanks for hearing my babbeling
  9. it being painful when you have sex is probably all in your head and possibly not trusting guys, unless i miss understood u've been with the same guy for two years so i'd surgest putting the sex to the side and either do more foreplay and try oral sex to build up more trust. you could try dirty talk so you can hear what he'll do to you and remind him if you have to, to make it gentle and loving. If you want to know why its painful if you think back to being a child and your parents thats probably where your answer lays.
  10. being 17 doesnt mean she's a minor everywhere, canada is 14, england 16 america is 18 i believe in most states. Im just making a guess but they'll be the countrys most likely in concern. Your sexuality is partly 'coded' its in the chemicals produced while growing up high estrogen and low testosterone makes a more female mind which grows more attracted to a male the other way round makes a male brain attracted to a female but sexuality is also based on experiance, if you was spanked as a baby when you unconsciously played with yourself then your more likely to assosiate pain with sex so your going to be more into rough sex and bondage and the works. so if you hated your dad but your mum was nice to you all the time you may feel more affection to females or you could just end up looking for a man completely opposite to your father and like friends like your mother. hope this helps
  11. all the girls i know say size doesn't matter but if you ask them in a group they'll say something like 'the bigger the better' also if you ask girls in private that trust you if they masterbate but in a group they'll almost always say that they dont. Guys seem to be less 'close' with each other we stay at a distance its generaly our nature but girls are closer and share things more maybe this is the difference between guys and girls. i've talked with some of my guy friends when we've been hanging out and we all seem to know the limits of what to say, we insult each other family friends girl friends but its all in humor but as far as i know girls dont want to risk stepping out of a line that they dont seem to see.
  12. im 16 and so far i've done physicaly less then a monk. all the people i know who've had sex or are sex mad i don't really have much respect for, i've been out with a bisexual and two normal straight girls and didn't kiss any of them. the bi had broken up with her ex g/f and had to move to go to colledge before we got anywhere and then she got paranoid and i got dumped the other two where too shy so again nothing. Im not bothered if i didn't do anything serious till i was 30 because i go for whats in the heart, if your willing to wait it shows more about yourself and others then if you do it at the first chance, pick the right time not the first time.
  13. i was always told finishing early was bad but some of my friends 'friends' (the people they just screw for the hell of it) just like the guy finishing and then their done. anyway guys can do it hard and fast but hard and slow we get confused
  14. well i've noticed when being 'excited' that going to the toilet unless you want to be cleaning the walls to your sides is best done sat down, all you have to do then is lean forward and have the funny tingly feeling.
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