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  1. I know it's hard to follow you own advice, I can't follow my own advice either, so my suggestions is: You can force yourself to follow you own advice, really, really fight to follow your own advice And/or you can go to a therapist, it's not a bad idea if you feel like it. But you have to remember you have to have the will to change yourself, I you don't have to will, nothing gonna happen, and you still have the same problem
  2. I listen to music, work like hell, drive to the forest, beach, whatever, as long as there are no people. Do what you feel like, but don't be suicidal!! Arn't there a place you love to go? What did you do as a little kid, when you wanted to hide from everybody? Do the same, do want you feel like, but don't think of suicide, nothing good comes from suicide, only bad!
  3. I totally agree with evepm! You deserve better, but I know how feels, I've been there too, it's very hard, but just dump him, it's the only way!
  4. I don't know what you should do, sorry! My ex gf did almost the same thing as you describe, I didn't know what to do, and I still don't know what to do
  5. I know it, I've been in almost the same situation, actually I still is, and it's hard. It's hard to get over a girl you really loved, and it's hard to hear her say these things about you. My ex did almost the same thing. I don't know if she has a bf now, I can't recognize her personallity anymore, she totally changed. I can tell you what I've done so far, it isn't much but it works slowly, slowly I recover from the loss of my love. I still think alot about her, I still cry over her, it still do, and we broke up 1½ month ago. To get over her, so far I've, worked like hell, 10 hours a day or something like that. I've talk to the most of my family about it, it didn't really help, but they all said the same thing, so they must be right. I actually got a new gf, she's very understanding and says "It's okay you still think alot about her, I understand and I can take it" but I don't love her, I have some feelings for her, not many, but some. And she knows that, I'm totally hournest about my feeling for her and my ex, but it's nice to have somebody that cares. It becomes better with time, but it takes time. But don't wish bad things for your ex, I don't for my ex. I bet you had a great time with your ex, and if you have to think about you ex, think of the good times you two had. The good things is all that matters. Don't try to contact her, just makes things worse, let her contact you, and if she doesn't it's just too bad for HER
  6. I'm sorry to say this: But you can't get her back if she doesn't what to And if she doesn't talk to you, it makes everything really hard. But you just have to accept that, it's very hard I know, I really do, but there nothing to do, you just have to get over her. You shouldn't try to contact her, that just make her very annoyed at you, and that makes everything worse, than it already is. Try to go out with your friends, party, work I don't care, just do something that makes you think about other things, it's not easy, but it's the only way
  7. It's a very difficult problem I see. She wants to talk and then she doesn't want to talk because you send her flowers. I really don't know what to do, sorry To me it sounds a little like she maybe are flirting or something with the other guy, but then again, just becuase she is talking to another guy, don't have to mean anything. They're girls, we arn't supposed to know what they think!!!!! Try to eat, go out with your friends, do something, anythiong at all, just something which helps you to think about other things. I know it's hard, but it's the only way, let time show what she wants and what she's thinking!!
  8. I know how your feel too, actually I'm in the same problem right now. It's very hard, and I don't know what to do myself. I consulted many of my friends and the most of my family, they all say the same: Get over her, let her contact you, don't tell how you feel if you know she doesn't want to hear it, it will only make things worse I try and try, and it's hard, but I'm better now, than yesterday and the day before, in time I know I will get over her, but it's hard, believe me I know the feeling.
  9. Well I'm both for it and against it! As LEOML87 says if he treats you fine and is mature enough there's no problem. But if he doesn't then get the hell away right now, I've just been in a relationship with a girl who's 3 years younger then me, and in the start she was probably more mature than I am, but in the end of our relationship she was the most childish person I know. And she still is. My advice: See what time brings and act accordingly!
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