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Everything posted by boltnrun

  1. There are no "rules" that you're obligated to stick to. But it's in your own best interest to delete and block so you're not waiting for them to contact you. Or anxiously worrying about what to do if they contact you because they can't if you block them. PS: Blocking is referenced on post #6 of this thread.
  2. As Wiseman said, you don't have that problem because you deleted her as a contact and blocked her...correct? Or...are you "hoping" she "changes"?
  3. Those are very specific criteria. Your situation is more than your ex just being "stubborn".
  4. Christmas themed commercials still on TV. Christmas was a week ago. Advising us what the perfect Christmas gift would be is either too late or way too early. Someone, please, make it stop!
  5. Companies that are still running their Christmas commercials. Christmas is OVER!!
  6. Couples who fight over Facebook. Why are they not embarrassed? Is this how they want to teach their kids to conduct relationships? How about just talking to each other? I presume they are attention, ahem, "prostitutes". Fortunately, there is that "unfollow" option!
  7. My ex used to contact me every time he and the woman he cheated on me with and dumped me for fought. At first I told my friends "I want to be the one he turns to when things go bad!!!111" Except, as soon as they made up he ignored me. Until the next fight. I'm a slow learner (apparently), but after a couple YEARS of this I figured it out. He told me things like "No one understands me the way you do!!" Except, he only said them when he wanted comfort or attention. If he didn't want anything from me he disappeared. The things he said were to benefit HIM, they weren't profound truths. Please keep this in mind. Does she even care that her contact causes you pain?
  8. People at work who seem to think I'm there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I get messages on Saturday night at 10:30 pm, Sunday morning at 6:30 am, weekdays any time including 2 am and 11 pm. They act shocked and offended that I don't answer. They don't live there, why do they think I do???
  9. Thank you! I can eat if I apply some numbing liquid. It only lasts about 10 minutes but I can usually throw down a quick meal in 10 minutes. Drinking anything hurts, so trying to stay hydrated has been difficult.
  10. How can a cold last a month???!!! I know it's because my immune system is compromised which is why I not only have a cold but horrible, painful mouth sores. My job requires me to speak and I can't right now, so I am home today missing work which is definitely NOT ok. Knowing it will take another week for the mouth sores to heal is depressing (literally). I'm in a funk.
  11. You should have seen the line for the Popeye's drive through last night. It was all the way down the block. Totally nuts.
  12. A big project that was just sprung on my department that will require the entire team to shift to working overnight and will take 10 days but we're being given 4 days to complete it. My manager went home today without telling anyone and he doesn't have a plan for how to make this project work. I'm being told to "come up with something". My "something " may be a new job lol. Not stressing because if they continue to ask for the impossible I'll simply resign. I've had enough of anxiety and job stress. I won't do it anymore.
  13. Those who MUST MUST MUST have the last word. Or who cannot stand to be disagreed with. How boring would the world be if we all had the same opinion s and beliefs???
  14. My dentist advised me to get some work done by a specialist. The "premier " dental insurance I pay for doesn't cover the office visit fee or either of the "new procedures " this specialist intends to do. Yep, cancelled that appointment. They expected several hundred dollars out of me! Well, tooth pain and I will continue our relationship. And yes, I get that dental work is expensive but that's why I pay for insurance. Didn't expect nothing would be covered.
  15. I once got a job assignment because the guy they originally offered it to refused the position. It was in the flight pattern for the nearby international airport and he feared an airplane would fall out of the sky and land on his head. I wanted to meet him to say thanks and also to point out that airplanes fly over our heads all the time regardless of whether or not we're aware of it. Not annoying but the previous post reminded me of ridiculous coworkers.
  16. One of my employees threw a superlative tantrum when I assigned her to do some work. She wants to sit in a chair and look at Facebook and YouTube all day. How DARE I make her WORK???!!!
  17. When someone posts "I'm being abused but I don't want to leave so please tell me how to stay in an abusive marriage" and I respond that it would be extremely remiss of me to give someone any encouragement to stay in an abusive relationship and get slammed for my reply and told I'm being "unkind" or "harsh"...well, that's their perspective but I disagree. I also don't agree that because the OP viewed my response as "unkind" it should be deleted. Also, my style is short and to the point. I've had people complain and I've had people thank me for giving it to them straight. Way too subjective to monitor. So, who gets to decide if a response is "unkind"?
  18. I love anchovies. I love them on pizza. I ask for extra anchovies on my Caesar salad. Yummy. No one else I know likes anchovies. They hate them. They say terrible things about them, calling them disgusting, gross, sickening, some even claim they made them sick. I continue to eat and love anchovies. I don't let the "negative reviews" stop me. And I'm sure some negative reviews will not shut down this site or cause it to make radical posting rules like removing posts that are arbitrarily deemed to be "unkind" or "harsh".
  19. Where I live the "only" electricity provider airs commercials advising consumers to be frugal with their usage. Then a few months later the company is requesting rate increases because revenues were down. What a racket!
  20. I'm getting my toys and going home! I mean it this time! This time, I REALLY mean it! No, THIS time I mean it!
  21. I love when companies come out with a "new" version of a product that says "FEWER CALORIES" then in tiny print "than 12 ounce size" when the "new" version is 8 ounces. Bonus points for charging more for the size with "fewer calories".
  22. I'm jealous. I live in a climate where it's next to impossible to grow anything. I keep trying because I'm an optimist, but the plants die every time. Good for you for keeping your boundaries.
  23. My company usually adopts change for one of two reasons; someone was injured or killed (sad) or someone threatened to sue or did sue and won. There are a lot of HR policies that are in place to "protect" the employees but really are there to protect the company from lawsuits. So he gets to continue to lie about his family members "dying" and the rest of the department either has no coverage or we are scrambling to find someone at the last second who can come in. For me, I wouldn't want the bad karma. I mean, lying about family members dying is just inviting the universe to have someone I care about actually die. How bad would he feel if Grandma really did die?
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