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  1. Whoah, France, back up a little! Now what's all this about an April Fool's joke? Did you tell her right away that it was a joke? Man, I would be so mad if a guy did that to me. That's a cold joke. Like, ICE COLD. If you really care about her, then why would you do something that mean to her? Why are you just now posting to ask for advice? April Fools Day was a good while ago. Somehow, I'm getting this strange feeling that this joke wasn't actually played on April Fools Day, and maybe it wasn't really a joke at the time. To sum it all up, I'd say that she has every right to be confused, and that you should maybe stop confusing her. If you have any questions, or want to just ignore my advice and squeeze some different suggestions out of my mind, then send me a message, and maybe I'll answer. Maybe.
  2. hey. i know what you are feeling right now. one of my best friends has just recently cut, and i am stuck. he first did it a couple weeks ago...he kept on telling me that it was just a one time thing, and it wasn't going to happen again. but i kept on bugging him about it, and telling him that he needed to stop, or get some professional help. he got all mad at me and cut again. adam is no longer one of my friends...i appoligized to him, but he wouldn't except it. so i said goodbye to him. i don't know if i should tell his parents...i think that would just hurt him more. i have had some experience in this area, because my mom used to cut, and she has been to the hospital for it twice. but adam just thinks that i don't know what im talking about. your friend may feel the same way. i suggest giving your friend some space. if they don't stop, then try making it your problem. you tell them that you are really upset or something, they ask why, and you spill. this may help, and i really hope it does!!!!!! pm me if ya want!!!!! truly, **Hannah**
  3. I think that you should just wait out the girl's relashionship, and then be there for her when it ends. You don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, and although you may not like her boyfriend, because he is her boyfriend, keep in mind that he is a human too. He could be a really nice guy. And let's face it...it's just mean to steal somebody's gf/bf from them!!! Hope you consider this!!!! Truly, **Hannah** P.S.--Next time I would suggest using the "Asking out for a date" board.
  4. yeah, i personaly have braces and don't mind at all.
  5. well, i can answer to the hands thing. I personaly like a guy to put his arms around my waist and hold me close enough for our bodies to be touching, and I will put my arms around his neck, kind of playing with his hair.
  6. Oh just go for it!!! If you think she is your soulmate, then what is there to loose? If you ask her out, at least there will be more of a chance of her saying yes then if you didn't!!!!! Good luck!!!!!! Sincerely, **Hannah**
  7. Hey! I have liked many guys before, who have not liked me back. I have also been liked by guys I didn't like. If both of you like each other, then I don't see any problem in you asking her out!!! It seems to me that she does like you. Just walk up to her sometime and start a casual conversation. When you are just starting to walk away, say "Oh, yeah, I forgot, do you wanna go out sometime?" I've seen that work like a charm. Good Luck!!!!!!! Truly, **Hannah**
  8. oh my gosh! that is horrible! I want to say that I understand, but I truly do not. It is impossible for somebody to understand how you feel until they have experienced it themself. Those girls are idiots! Seriously! Don't end it now. It would probably hurt your daughter more than it would hurt you. But also, you should not do it because, well...there might not be anything after death. you might just disappear forever. I am personaly athiest, and i am sorry if this offenses you because of your religion. But the truth is, nobody has any idea what comes after death because no living person has actually experienced death, so there is no knowing. Live as long as you can, feel as long as you can, hear, cry, smile, smell, hurt, need, hope as long as you can, and last of all, but most important, love as long as you can! Love, **Hannah**
  9. Dear Finchabald... I am very mad at you, and you probably know that...but i still feel like I need to give you advice. i have already told you to go to a hospital...and i know that you probably don't really want to, but that is your choice. I don't think that it is only depression that you have...it may be both depression and something else...don't pm me if you want to talk, cause you know i don't... Sincerely, Hannah
  10. hmm...well, it sounds to me like you care the most about phisical appearance. but that is off the subject. There isn't actually much you can do about your feelings. I know how she could get you to not like her anymore, but not how you could get your self not to. Try telling your friend that she likes him. If he likes her back, they can go out. It would be painful for you, i know. But when they broke up, they would be over, and she probably would not like him anymore. Then she would be more open about you, I am guessing. Of course, no human is perfectly predictable, but it is worth a try. Truly, **Hannah**
  11. My good friend adam, I would suggest going out with her to like a movie or something first. Then go on a hike to the eno river and have a picnic or maybe just sit in a romantic spot. Then just lean in to kiss her.lol Your Friend, Hannah (I hope Beni likes that)
  12. No offence, but your simple sadness is something I can envy. Oh, cry cry, your family pays more attention to your lil bro. The real problem is that you have a mental illness. You are not bypolar, and I don't think it is depression(because of the voices thing), maybe it is skitzafrenia. sorry bout the spelling. i am currently not thinking. go to a hospital. suicide may be worth it, maybe you are right, but it will really hurt those around you. You love your family. I can tell. If you didn't, then you wouldn't care that they pay more attention to your bros... Do you really want to make your family that sad? There may be no afterlife kid! And there is probably no second chance. But in the end, it is your choice. Nothing I will say can change the fact that it is your choice in the end. Choose wisely, my friend, and be true to your heart. If suicide is your choice, there is nothing anybody can do to change that. Goodbye, Hannah
  13. Hey. You really shouldn't commit suicide. Actually, i dout(sp?) you are really planning on it, because if you were, seems to me you would not be wasting your time on a relationship site. Maybe you should go see a doctor about your umm wanting to commit suicide. Keep in mind that commiting suicide would hurt those around you more than it would hurt you. Suicide is a act in vain, if you don't mind my saying so. Please send me a message if you would like to talk. I would appreciate it greatly. Hopefully, Hannah
  14. Ok, well, I would tell your friend to test herself and see if she is pregnant. There is a good chance that she is not. If she is, and she decides to have the baby, the baby will probably not have much of a chance at life, because she seems to be kind of underweight, and so she should make sure that she eats large amounts. She should make sure that she eats healthy too. Some people who have babies by accident try to kill the baby while it is still inside of them. HORRIBLE IDEA. Sometimes people try getting somebody to punch them in the stomach to kill the baby. They often end up dieing themselves. I would suggest keeping the baby. Babies can be lots of fun, and they kind of turn people into more adult-like figures. No, it wouldn't be all fun, and it does depend on the father. She doesn't have to marry him because of this. Love, Hannah
  15. I think that you should go see him befor you leave. You will probably regret it if you don't, because if you really like him, you are going to miss him. try sending him postcards or something.
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