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how much sex is enough? FOR YOU

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well, lots of topics about this, people frustrated about frequency. lets try and see if there are any number that most agree on (this is a very personal matter after all).


for me i would i have to say 3-4 times a week is the sweet spot, more is always nice, but if it gets lower then that it might trigger some issues in the long run (with me anyhow)

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I always seem to want it more than the guy I'm dating. I guess I just have a high sex drive. If I had it my way, it'd be about 5 times a week. With my last relationship it ranged between 1-3 times. He had a low sex drive.

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I always seem to want it more than the guy I'm dating. I guess I just have a high sex drive. If I had it my way, it'd be about 5 times a week. With my last relationship it ranged between 1-3 times. He had a low sex drive.


I agree...the more the better for me too...


If you think your sex drive is high now,

just wait till youre may age

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I'm a guy, so I'd never say no to more, but 3-4 per week is a pretty good spot.


Less and I start to get bothered by it unless I'm really busy.


Unfortuneatly, ebtween Full Time work and Half Time college, I cound my blessings when I get it 3 times a week, usually happens 1-2 time atm.

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Well in my past relationships I was always ready for action if you get my drift. I would want it twice a day but, as I have aged I would say that once a day is good for me. Although I have to admit that I would be happy with 3 or 4 times a week.

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I am on antidepressants so my libido is down for a bit. We can only see each other in the weekends, mostly we have sex 3 times then. When we are together for longer periods of time and if I am not on these meds.. I think around 4-5 times a week. In busy times I think 3 times is good



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How often you have it is not important. It's how often you want it, and if you're a guy, then how often your girl wants it is a sign of how into you she is. Sex is very much emotionally triggered for women and tied into how much she's into you. Guys on the other hand are very physical beings. Our sex drive is only partly controlled by how we emotionally feel about our partner, but also how physically attracted we are, how we physically feel (energy wise).

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How often you have it is not important.


Since you often speak for all guys, let me say I disagree with you on this point.


Women are also physical beings.

You may have physically been manufactured and expelled from one.

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I think that 3 - 4 times a weeks is about enough for me. We do it about that much. Sometimes I'd like it more, maybe do it twice in the same night. But 3 - 4 is about good. Right now we haven't had sex in a week and a half because I was on my period ( sorry, tmi ) and he;s been super tired and stressed out. But I think we'll get back on track soon.

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Three times a week is enough, more is better


And heloladies, I've seen you say so many times that how often a girl wants sex is directly related to how we feel about the guy we're with. I have to disagree.


While yes, for both men and women, if you don't like or feel attracted to someone physically or emotionally (anymore) you're unlikely to want sex with them. However, shockingly, women do actually have sex drives determined independently of how we feel about the men we're with. Why do you think we masturbate? We also just have built-in sex drives that have nothing to do with our partner, and everything with hormones, age, upbringing, emotional wellbeing, stress, and basically everything that also affects men's sex drives.

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