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Ever get pissed over modern existance?

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Rant here, but I hope to find comiserators.


Okay, life is good, I have everything, minus a job, and should be past the hormonal tantrums of my 20s, but here I am, and old fart in good heath in full whaaaaa!!! stage.


Ever get sick of USB ports, virtual memory, the vagaries of complex billing statements, maintaining your stuff and seeing your life roll by as you fiddle about and the clock ticks off the hours?


Every wonder how you settled for living the proper way, when at one time you didn't give a fig about wrinkled shirts or being polite? All you wanted was beer, coffee and a sleeping bag, and sat on the curb chatting with dogs?


Ever want to chuck it all and hit the road, tell the world to kiss your sharries and disappear from the tax rolls, phone calls and the need to be responsible?


Ever feel like tiny social pirahna are nibbling at your corporeal self, while your brain swims in a soft pool of mediocrity.


I'm a calm guy and rumored to bring down the BP of my friends, but sometimes the pissant details of life give me tight jaws.


I am grateful for cheap Mexican beer and cigars.

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I think I started my life out trying to live the proper way. But the more it goes on the less I care about wrinkled shirts or being polite.


And I think tonite I will grab many a beer and spend an evening talking to a pet starfish.


But yes I had a thought a few months ago to buy a harley and ride off into the AZ. sunset and just forget about everything I leave behind. While giving the world the longest one finger salute ever.


I too am sick of mediocrity


Kiss my sharries world 8)

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I know how you feel, that's why I decided to take this semester off school, save up virtually everything I earn at work, and come May I'm taking it all out in cash, leaving my cell phone at home, hopping on my 'busa, and avoiding civilzation until I run out of cash and have to come home.

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Definitely man. I can't even keep up with what is considered 'proper' these days. I have pretty much given up trying to make everyone else happy by being all proper and responsible for every single little thing. It just takes too much energy. I'd rather just enjoy life for what it is and not get so wrapped up in the insignificant details. If I had to be labeled as a, well, you know what, by some people, oh well. Screw 'em.

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I believe the key is to be able to balance the harsh realities of day to day survival with the innate subliminal beauty that resides at the core of each of us and all the while not losing sight of the importance of either one.


No one said it was gonna be easy; but therein lies the challenge.

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Omigod....could it be that the planets, the stars, the spirits aligned me with DAKO's? Of course, I would not have put it so eloquently, but yeah, right now I am all up in the rage against the machine(S)! Part time job, part time bf with part time trust issues, low on time, money, patience (especially for just flat out mean people...) When I get like this I cannot leave my house for fear of crashing the car, looking at someone the wrong way, or being run over by a bus....Rant away my friend...very refreshing to hear/read such honest thoughts....Heres to all of us!

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Dako, I get pissed at everything. Seriously, we both know it's true.


I haven't lived as long as you, but I think I can see where you're coming from. You miss the way things used to be. I think we can all relate to that, to some extent. I guess pissed when I see life passing ME by. Me! I'm only 24 and it's passing me by! There's something very wrong with that picture.


Why the hell does time have to go by so damn quick?! I remember back when I was only 17 or 18. For God's sake, I haven't even aged a day since then! WHAT THE HELL???!!!


Sorry. lol

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What was that Daks????? *turns down music, turns off television*


I wasn't paying attention, I was too busy listening to my ipod, watching M.t.v, downloading songs, surfing the world wide web, alternating sips from my grande nonfat two-pump vanilla latte to my Dietcoke now sweetened with Splenda, brushing of crumbs from my nonfat sugar-free cookie, snorting a line of Ritalin. Wait, what was I saying?

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What was that Daks????? *turns down music, turns off television*


I wasn't paying attention, I was too busy listening to my ipod, watching M.t.v, downloading songs, surfing the world wide web, alternating sips from my grande nonfat two-pump vanilla latte to my Dietcoke now sweetened with Splenda, brushing of crumbs from my nonfat sugar-free cookie, snorting a line of Ritalin. Wait, what was I saying?


LOL....ritalin...the NEW drug of choice!

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Tonight I'm balancing my checkbook.

I'm as adroit with time and numbers as our favorite dyslexic is with spelling. It makes me anxious to see my online statement and checkbook register are wildly different, and I fear my bills don't get paid on time.


Sure it's easy for the rest of you, but unless there's a geometric component involved, 100 is the same as 10000 to me. I'd prefer to spell poorly instead.


Maybe I should toot a few lines of the Queen's blow.

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I'm feeling you Dako, pesky things the numbers.


but as for your original post, I will say this I have spent a lot of time thinking about this and talking to others about moden life and there lack of love for it.


Here's my take on moden life, we forget our selfs, we for get who we where only a few hundreds of years ago, becouse we live like kings, (and I mean kings not queens)


why you ask, well think about the life of a king in europe say 500 years ago, thay where at the top of the human food chain, they lived in a house made well, that had heating 365 days of the year if they needed it, they had acsses to foods from far-a-field africa, and americas, they had transport at there beck and call that could not only take them any where in there lands but also over seas. The had access to the best in moden medical practices, they had the lasted in larning aids a libiry, the had messageing aids like scribes and most of all they had freedom.


Now look at your life, you can get on a plain and be there other side of the world in 24 hours, at your table you can eat foods from all over the planet, if your ill you have your own doctor on 24 hour call, who hads behind him a huge team all wating to make you better, knowledge sits at your fingertips as the 1000000s of books and other written matter larks there on the web, just a google away,


you live a life better than any 15th centurie king and that's the same if your a woman today.


its so easy to forget that we live as kings, will this be as high as human civilization gos I wonder?


but then next time moden life gets you down remember this, "we live as kings"

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Yes. Yes. Yes. Today is one of those days.


It is sad that I now need to remind myself to "Go play outside!". Stop ruminating. Stop putting importance on things and people who will pass by in a flash.


2 years ago me would be disappointed. That I have gotten soft. Nothing kills worse than comfort.


Not that long ago folks had to figure out how to survive. Now we have a war of ideas and communication.

Give me the war of survival, sometimes I think.


Then I remember how much that sucks too. And cities are very beautiful, interesting, and dark. That is something.


But cell phones and bills and makeup can kiss my bum. Also these foolish clothes made of plastic suck.

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Have only read the OP. In answer to it, yes, I certainly do. Though find it much easier to ignore all that penned-in life rubbish over here in the UK than back in the US (where I'm from). Just buying toothpaste back home is enough to send me halfway to mental - far too many choices and not one of them necessary. And the paperwork avalanche caused by a single visit to the ER for an allergic reaction lasted over a year! So move to Britain, I say, use the cheapest toothpaste and enjoy the NHS. Not owning anything much and continuing to live like an slipshod student helps, too.

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Sometimes. But I feel it's best just to suck it up and deal with things as best as possible. I exist. Everyone exists. We do not get answers a choice, it is true, to when we would be born or how, or where. But it happens, regardless. I have wanted to disappear at times, and have even imagined what life would be like...but it would be a difficult choice and it feels like I would be leaving everything behind. I can't do that. I guess that is what I love most about life...it's struggle. It's not easy, nor is it hard. It is neither. You are always struggling at some point in life, and sometimes all the time. It makes you stronger, for the better.

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sometimes i just want to crawl into a hole and hang out with the bears. Hibernation can look really appealing. What stops me? Major curiosity & knowing that things can change like the wind.


And i still plan on meeting & marrying John Cusack in the near future. Sigh

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