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Would you date yourself?


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I would so date myself.

It'd be lots of fun. I'd do everything I've always wanted to do, but was scared to do alone. I'd have lots of fun in the bedroom. I wouldn't have to play any games or try to seduce myself. And I'd never be afraid of just being myself.


I think the only downside is that I'd probably be a little too hard on myself and get into a lot of arguments.

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I would. We'd have the craziest fights, and the best makeup sex ever. And we'd probably wind up in jail in europe, because when we travel we would tend to get into trouble, and neither of us would bother to realize exactly what we're doing.




Honestly this is new for me. I feel like I'm at the point again where I don't really need a relationship to live and be happy -- I'm now pretty much who and what I want to be, and I think thats attractive. Good thing too, I sense my already dwindling relationship is about to end...

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There seems to be two takes on the question.


1) Where you're effectivly the same person except you're the opposite gender and you meet yourself, and

2) Where you're someone completely different and you meet yourself.


So I'll respond to both.


For 1) I'd say yes, I'm pretty sure if I found a female that was exactly like me (assuming I was single at the time) I'd go for them. I like to think I have all the qualities of a decent bf. I think I'm reasonably attractive, a bit tubby but I've been working on that. I'm reasonably intelligent, very focused on setting goals and achieving them. I do complain a fair bit but usually when I am complaining about something I am also trying to find a way to fix whatever the problem is.

The one issue is I'm very shy and don't open up unless I trust people so the first step might be difficult unless I met myself on the net, because otherwise I'd be too shy to ever go up to me.


For 2) this is tough because if I was someone completely different my values, preferences, views etc would be somewhat different to my own. So it's really impossible to know.

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Ok, I'll bite, in a non love thyself too much way as much as possible.


If I had the exact same characteristics (except feminine ones on the female counterpart of course)


I would:


A challenge each other and definitely keep things aloof at first not knowing what the heck the other is gonna do to *top* me to embaress me(in a good way) to make me loosen up.

B End up discussing something for weeks at a time having a blast while doing it

c. Get pissed off at myself because they can bring as much to the conversation as I can having things have to be "agree to disagree"

D. Definitely both people would be putting 110% in the relationship or at least an equal 50/50.

E. Both sensitive to each others needs, taking theirs into account as needed.

F. Get bored in a sense because we're both rather home bodies that enjoy going out, but procrastinate.

G. Have help on insert project here.



So in a sense I would date myself, and I would "fall" for myself at least I think I would for the simple fact that *topping* me to try and make the best time possible would be a very interesting relationship (Topping in a fun non mean way aka always trying to improve the fun that is being had).

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I would date myself for sure... My friends like me and brag me up all the time, yet I am forced to wonder why I am not good enough at times since no one seeems to stick around, or they cheat. Yet I am told and see that I am goodlooking, smart, a nurse, hunt, fish, camp, 4x4, have a huge truck, 2 dogs, great family, sense of humour, and a girly girl when I want. Fun and outgoing and when I am with someone treat them with respect.


So I just dont get it. Have to find my clone I guess. HAHa sorry to sound conceited, been a rough go thats all.

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Would I date myself?


No way, provided I knew what I was really like.

Way to selfish & unstable, not for me.


If I did not know what I was really like, I would date myself and fall crazy in love. I am attractive, fun, affectionate, adventurous. I would be in heaven at first. I think I am still a pretty good catch for someone who is stable and secure in themselves. I am not judgamental or demanding at all.

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I've been thinking about this for a little while and my answer is that I'd like to think that I would. When I'm in a relationship I try to be relaxed, chilled out, not jealous, possessive or clingy and so on. But then I know that I have weird issues.....like a phobia of getting pregnant (a huge phobia), issues with my body/weight/self image, I'm crap at sex but pretty good at foreplay, I don't take compliments well, I don't talk about my feelings, I can't orgasm, I get moody sometimes, I'm bossy.......the list goes on.....so when I look at that list I'd probably run a mile.

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Someone having faults or short-comings is one thing, since everyone has them; that person attempting to fix them, or change for the better... is another.


Look into it!


I'd be more like: If I saw someone who had so many negative things about them, I'd give them a chance; if I saw they weren't willing to change for the better, then I'd think about leaving until they did some thinking about it.


If I can't accept that others have faults, and would not give them a chance in a relationship, then I am a hypocrite (last I checked, is not a good thing... lol), since I know I have faults of my own. And if I can't let myself accept the fact other people have their own faults, then why should I be selfish in thinking others should accept me for my faults?

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That might be what you just think, since most people don't let even their mates know their deepest, darkest secrets... let alone strangers. Don't think you're the worst person in the world; you'd be shocked to see just how bad most of us really are, when it comes down to it.


You've made the first step to change: admitting you have faults.


Now take it a little further; it'll not go away over night. Don't expect it to! Take one step at a time.


Picture a fault of yours to be a rock. You'd think a drop of water is insignificant in trying to reform that rock; the one drop in and of itself is insignificant! However, you'd be shocked to see what a difference one drop of water can make if it hits the rock over and over, every 2-3 seconds, within a 10 year timespan.


Slowly but surely, you'll change, and for the better.


The first step is acknowledging your faults - which you've done; the next step is wanting to change for the better.

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Someone having faults or short-comings is one thing, since everyone has them; that person attempting to fix them, or change for the better... is another.


Look into it!



I was thinking that too! I have to say I was surprised at how many negative responses this thread got. I.e. "I'd never data myself, I have this wrong with me and that wrong with me!"


First of all I'm certain you all have lots of qualities to you, why always focus on the bad points? When you look at potential BFs/GFs are you that critical of them as you are yourself?


Also if there is something about you that you REALLY don't like why not attempt to improve it? It's not easy I know but in most cases it's doable.


I have my faults too, lots of them! One was that I always felt that I was on the tubby side, so I've been working out a lot lately to try and improve that. In my second last year of high school I was too happy with how my grades were going so I started working harder. At work whenever someone tells me that I need to improve in a certain area I work on it (I do get very mad and offended if they don't tell me right away and either talk about me behind my back or wait till performance review time to tell me but that's another story).


Like I said I also feel I have some qualities, I'm pretty sure I'm a nice enough person who treats people properly. Also I'm always looking for ways to improve myself, which I think is a positive way to look at life.


I don't think I could say no to the question, would I date myself, because if I wouldn't then how could I expect anyone else to?

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I've thought about this topic a bit more and realized, to a certain extent, I sort of am dating myself. My SO lives in another state, and I get to visit him on avg. once a month, so for about three weeks out of every month, I more or less date myself. And I'll have you know that it's AWESOME dating myself, the sex is great, and the conversation (internal dialogue) is even better. If I could only tell you how often I make myself laugh and think (I ask myself a lot of thought-provoking questions). But of all things considered, I'd have to say that the best part of dating myself, is the level of intimacy that I'm able to achieve and obtain between me and myself, afterall, we no each other so well.

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I would definitely have me as at least a side order. I've searched a long time to find someone like me. Not necessarily because I hold myself up as The BEST type of human you can get, but because I have met few people who understand what the HECK I'm on about, and it'd make a nice change.


I'm punctual, I don't smell, I'm (proven) intelligent, (proven) insane, decidedly not boring, not (overly) fat and don't have any criminal convictions.


So I'd give it a go.

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