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des... dont hurt the cat!... hes my ... lol...


we are a bunch arent we?... pain binds us together... each of us has a story that is truly heartbreaking...


another question...

im sure youve all heard the saying "when your dog dies, go buy another dog"... ive always equated that with lost love, strangely enough... i mean look at it this way... if your relationship ends, you just find another person... right?... it seems to have happened to most of our broken relationships... our prior partners all seem to have moved on to another person, thereby making them bounce back with the "new thought of love"... of course, we all know they are "under the ether" in the beginning of each relationship... when they come out of their twilight state, then the real fun begins... lol... ok... its early... ive only had 1/2 cup of coffee and my eyes are half open... but you do see what im saying dont you?... it may be a quick fix, but at least it stops you from all this pain... you just start focusing your energies elsewhere and it keeps you occupied and cushions the pain... no?... but we always have heard that to go on to another person too soon is destructive... why?... because you havent handled why the previous relationship failed?... i think thats bs... in my previous relationship, the goofball told me that he learned SOOOOOO much from being with me... he learned how to deal with women... how nice that he learned at my expense... apparently he didnt learn enough because hes having problems, but doesnt every relationship have its problems?... how do these people stay together for 30, 40, 50 years?... you see two older people walking, holding hands, and its lovely!... how much they must have put into their time together without "buying another dog"...

i have to go to work... i was on a roll here... im not making any sense, just my thoughts again... i drive home from work lately and i think, "why am i allowing this to happen to me?... why am i focusing on all this hurt and pain when life is so short?... i could be dieing inside of some terrible disease and boy, wouldnt that take my mind off of him?... why cant i just LIVE my life with content?"...

so many questions to be answered... i hope i find the answers some day... i just want some peace in my brain and to stop hurting...

love to you all and have a good day!...

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Hi y'all what a nite????@#$$%


I went to the local pub.... Jack and I used to hang at... with a male friend, (who by the way is really cute and good looking, my ex came in, I was holding hands with my guy pal, (really just a friend) Jack freaked............. OMG it was awful, he challenged him to a fight..... got thrown out..... oh lord how embarrasssing the whole thing was......

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Sandy, my goodness!What can we do about finding you another place to

hang out and have a few drinks that is not where your ex goes? Truly Sweetie, I don't think thats working out very well for you, do you? Trying to

heal and running into your ex fairly often in a social setting, especially when people are drinking. How could you begin to move on with him threatening every man you are in the company of?


Desert. How are you today? If you have survived and are merely stuck on the toilet (evil grin..lol) please ask the cat to check in for you.


DYT~Thanks! Okay so now I"m confused, your place or Deserts?

That sounds like a great time! Will there be rum??

What should I wear? I gotta look good too ~

Desert, whats the cat gonna wear?

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Hello lovers.


I've got myself on another downer today.


I can't for the life of me understand why I still want my ex back... It's been all I can think of today. It's ridiculous! She dumped me by email, brought a guy in a week later to the bar in our office for a drink (a guy I had suspicions she may be cheating on me with) acted so coldly toward me, didn't bother once asking me how I was after I was in a car accident... etc etc oh and she's told me in no uncertain terms that she doesn't feel the same way about me and can't see us ever reconciling.


3 months later I really think I should have moved on a lot more than I have you know?


I've gone through long spells of not wanting her anymore and feeling really positive about the future and then boom, another relapse.


Meh... just wanted to vent again!


Sandy, so sorry to read what happeneded to you at the weekend. That doesn't make any sense to me - he dumps YOU and then gets jealous when he sees you with another guy. Very weird.

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Lone: yep of course you'r right, but now I shouldn't have any problems with the ex since he got himself barred........ haha.


Hope you all had a nicer weekend than me.


Zomb: I know how you feel, my ex confuses the hell outta me too, and just like you.... I'm still not over my ex, and its been about the same amount of time you were dumped that I was as well...... BTW aren't you dating that girl still????


Desert: Get better, take it easy......



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Z~ I totally understand.

About 12 times a day I think I want my ex back too.

Thank God about 13 times a day I remember why I don't.

You lovedsomeone, it will take time to heal. You will miss them.

All of our ex'es had their good points. Concentrate on the bad points (like

the fact you think she may have been cheating) Be honest with yourself

about the bad aspects of your realtionship. Ask yourself if you could ever

trust her again, and if it would be worth it. These times are tough I know.

We have to accept and learn move on. It won't be easy, it will be worth it.

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Sandy ~at least he can't rain on your paradeanymore, I'm glad. Seeing him there was hard on you.

My weekend was okay, kinda quiet, I did go out with friends Friday and get slammed though. I had a good time, but come Saturday morning...Man I hate a hangover! My ex sent me a text Saturday night at 9, all it said was

"are you okay? I didn't respond, I figure, she has lost the right to know.

Nice of her to be conerned though, guess the new bf must have been in the bathroom of something...


Someone please tell me in 10 years I won't remember

going through all this crap.

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Thanks you guys, you're an awesome support group!


I am focussing on the bad points as much as possible, it's tough though, just trying to take control of my thoughts and focus them on the future but my brain and heart don't always want to play ball!


The ex has put on SO much weight since our split... does it make me a bad person to silently enjoy that a little??


Whereas I have lost about 30 lbs since the split (mostly by choice) and am looking the best I've looked in years, she seems to be on the Ben & Jerry's diet!


And Sandy, yeah I have another date with the new girl on Thursday which I'm really looking forward to. I don't think I'm rebounding... I hope I'm not rebounding. It's not something I've ever done before and it's not something I think I would do. I can't see the new girl being a long term partner as she plans to return to Canada in the middle of next year but plans like hearts change I guess.


Baby steps.

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Z~baby steps, you are doing great.


lol...the Ben and Jerry's diet! I love that, and h*ll no, not in my opinion,

I would be basking in the fact that she had gained weight! Mine didn't gain weight, but she is a physically beautiful woman, and the last two times I saw her rough, older, warn. I was glad somehow...maybe that evil, I don't care.

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Yeah feeling some serious depression myself these days. My ex well she doesnt look bad but I see the evil in her eyes now. scary..not a very nice person thats for sure.


I am like you LS I think about her and miss her sometimes but then I also think about all the horrible things she did to me this year and blamed me for her bad behavior.

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Sometimes I really "feel" the going through the motions part. I mean like I know I have to fake it till I make it, and sometimes I can do that pretty easy but other times, I'll just be going along and it will all hit be square in the face!

I hate that. Pisses me off. Which is better then making me sad I guess.

I guess i need to channel that anger better when it comes, it just hits me off guard I think. I am still amazed at how easliy it seemed her life just went on....I know it is not what it seems but what it seems still hurts.

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